32. What, they've adopted.

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We finish the first scene for my spring look book including a game of basket ball. Me and Casper against the Suggs. Just to be clear I'm a Deyes. Sorry Zoe. Me and Casper obviously won so we decided to go to a little café close to the park. I got a hot chocolate and a croissant. Casper and Joe got cold and sausage fool and Zoe got a peppermint tea with beans on toast, with grated cheese. We finished and headed to Zoe's car. We drove back to the apartment and just played around for a little while. When the clock hit four, we said our goodbyes and headed off.
(A/n. Does anyone else know let it go by Indiana Menzel fully without looking at the words. I do)We arrived home and Alfie was cooking couscous with salmon. I headed upstairs and cleaned my room. While I was up I removed my makeup and changed into some black leggings and a grey Tshirt saying. 'Never give up". I cleaned my office studio thing and my bathroom. I put the dirty towels in the wash basket and I made my bed. When I was finished I could smell the mouthwatering, deliciously smelling scent. I raced down the stairs and sat at the dining table. Alfie placed down the dish of salmon and the bowl of couscous. I digged in and sighed when I finished my lot.
"You were hungry" Zoe smiles. I grin back.
(OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHGSJEJEJJDJDNDJFJFMGMVLDKDMSJDJKDKDLDLFKFKGMGKBM I just found out I was accepted to the secondary school I wanted to go to😄)
I do school and that takes three hours so it's seven. I grab a mug and a tea bag. I heat water and get the most ok out of the fridge. I get some sugar and put that in too. I walk into the cosy room and see Zoe and Alfie cuddled up together. Ahh, if I was me a year ago I probably would've squealed and fangirled, but now they're my parents. My phone was on the couch so I grabbed it and went on Instagram. I scrolled through until I seen Tanya's picture.
Welcome Elixes into our little but loving family. Guys no hate please.
"Zoe, Janya adopted." I squealed.
"Whaaaat" she said.
She opens Instagram and types Tanya's name in the search bar. She opens her mouth and shows Alfie. I quickly call up Tanya.
"Heeeyyyyy Tan" I say.
"Heeeyyyyy Eve" she copies.
"So how are you, have any plans coming up?" I ask.
"Wellllllllllllllll, We adopted a child" she shouts through the phone.
"Geez, Your lucky your on speaker. If not I would've been deaf." I joke.
"Well we were wondering if you would want to come around tomorrow?" Zoe asks.
"Definitely, see you tomorrow." She cheers hanging up.
"And we could invite the Sacconejolys around too?" Alfie asks.
"Yeeesssssssss" me and Zoe agree while Alfie calls Jonathan. We jump into action and tidy around the house. It's going to be Saturday tomorrow so no school and Alfie doesn't need to be in the office. We went on a late shopping trip to a 24 hour tesco and got some finger foods and a small bit of junk food aswell. We came home and put the stuff away. After that it was mine so I went to bed.
Guys, I was playing football. And I got winded. I had just finished my dinner and the girl who was against me kicked the ball into my stomach.
I'm sorry for the short chapter buh bye
593 words

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