25 part 2 of Tree houses

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. I decide to get my phone and laptop and walk downstairs. "Mum what's the wifi password?" I ask as I get on her bed. "It's 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i" she replies. I enter it in and go on Twitter. Alfie comes in with 3 cups of Hot chocolate.
(Random authors note, is anyone excited for girl online going solo.?)
"Thanks Alfie."I say. She wraps one arm around me and gives me a side hug. I open Instagram and we all pose for a picture. I take one where Zoe, Alfie & I are kinda side hugging. I caption it
One relatively small but happy family 👨‍👩‍👧😃🦄👑 #makeupfreefridays #unicornbabies @.zoella @.pointlesblog
After ten minutes on Instagram I go on Twitter. I reply to fans tweets and see one about James.
I honestly liked James and I shipped jevie but ever since that tweet I have hated James with all my guts. And he wrote this tweet.
Don't let the hate get to you Evie. #wehaveyourbackeviedeyes
I press on the link and read the tweet
(A/n I'm writing this while I'm meant to be sleeping but there is this small intimidating fly that makes a small bzz sound and it's annoying the crap out of me. I am really hyper tonight.)
Phh happy family. Reason why she wears glasses is because she blinded herself while she was looking in the mirror.
I write a reply
1. You still look at my Instagram?😂
2. That was a pretty good joke about the glasses thing. I'll give you credit for that.
3. Actually you cracked all the mirrors with your ugliness
4. What have I done to you?You can't start a sentence with and.
I kinda wanna laugh out loud right now. See ya
I post it and lay back. I take a sup from my hot chocolate and a marshmallow comes aswell so I nearly choke myself.
(A/n. Do you know what I just realised? I have a pretty interesting life when I'm inside. Also I do a lot more author notes now. Do you guys like that? Comment if you think I should stop doing so many)
Zoe puts on Netflix and we Watch fuller house. We finish our hot chocolate and order dinner. Half an hour later the hamper comes through. I got a margarita pizza and it looks and smells amazing. I also get a sugary glazed covered donut for desert and I get a salad. I get a glass of water and we sit on the couch . We watch Jim chap and vlogs while we eat. I finish and I feel soooo full. "Thank you" I say. "For what" the both say. "Everything" I grin. We all start grinning but Alfie has broccoli stuck in his teeth so it looks funny. "Alf" Zoe giggles whilst pointing his mouth. (A/n. This one is very serious. 1st the fly has gone and 2nd is whilst a word?)
"Oh" he says while taking the broccoli out. "Darling can you go change into your Jammies and brush your teeth." Zoeasks. I nod and make my way to the staircase up to my room. I get out

I brush my teeth and wash my face

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I brush my teeth and wash my face. I found out off Lia that everyone else hates me except Jack I have FaceTimed Jack and Lia a lot. They are like ma bestos . I come back down and the Sacconejolys are on FaceTime. I sit down and wave to Emilia Emily &
Eduardo. I get into a deep conversation about elves with Emilia. We end the Skype call and sit around talking to each other about this past month. "I seen your tweet on Twitter"dad laughs. "What tweet?" Zoe asks. Alfie unlocks his phone and opens up my tweet. Zoe's eyes scan over the tweet and she lets out a chuckle. "Nice one Evie" she says. Alfie takes his phone back and opens up Snapchat and uses the old man filter. I open up snapchat on my phone and use the puppy filter. Zoe gets in it too. We all tell jokes till we are tired. Zoe and Alfie tuck me in and kiss me on the head. I fall asleep two minutes later
Hello fellow wattpaders. I hope you enjoyed thus chapter. Comment your favourite part. I'd love to hear your feedback. Also comment what you want to happen in the story because I might run out of ideas. I am totally not making this an really long to get more words. Like noooooo
Okay word count is exactly
863 words
I think😂

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