56. Official

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"Evie, Gia time to get up" Zoë says as she closes our suitcases."Evie your outfit is laid out in the bathroom, Gia here is your outfit"
"Thanks Zoë" I smile hugging her.
"No problemo, can you wait in the hall please?" She says kissing me on the head.
I nod and wait in the hall. She comes out a few seconds later.
"Am I being a bad mum? I'm sorry for being so moody last night. I was just anxious" She blurts out tears filling her eyes every word.
"Oh Zoë. We all have bad days. It's okay. Your the best mum ever. Don't doubt yourself" I say giving her a hug.
"Thanks" She smiles resting her head on mine. "Okay get dressed. We are officially moving in!" She squeals.
I run into the bathroom and see the outfit Zoë has chosen for me.
(A/n legit just found a post on Pinterest that literally explains Evie and Gia and I edited it a little

(A/n legit just found a post on Pinterest that literally explains Evie and Gia and I edited it a little

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Okay finished!!)
I am wearing ⏬

Gia is wearing⏫I stepped out of the bathroom and brought my suitcase out to the car

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Gia is wearing⏫
I stepped out of the bathroom and brought my suitcase out to the car. I placed it in the boot. I could see Zoe's and Alfie's were in there too.
"Gia please bring your suitcase down" I say.
"No you do it" She responds.
"It's yours you can bring it down" I say grabbing a water bottle.
"I SAID YOU DO IT" She shouts slapping the water bottle of out my hand. It explodes when it lands and shoots all over the kitchen.
"Seriously" I roll my eyes grabbing a tea towel and tissue.
I manage to clean it up before Zoë and Alfie come back from upstairs
"Come in Girls" Alfie says.
I skip over to him and he puts an arms on my head.
"I hate being small" I giggle.
"I love you being small." He smiles and we walk out to the car.
Gia must have felt jealous so she pushes me on the back so my head jerked back causing me to let out a cry of pain holding me neck.
"What happened" Zoë and Alfie chorus wrapping there arms around me.
I keep sobbing because it hurts so much.
"Is it your neck?" Zoë asks.
"Yeah" I manage to get out.
"It's not broken" Alfie says." But you must have pulled something.
"Can we like go or something?" Gia asks.
She needs all the attention.
"Yes one second" Zoë replies.
She runs her hands through my hair and Alfie soothes me.
"You okay?" Zoë asks wiping my tears away.
"I'll be okay" I smile weakly.
"There's my strong girl" Alfie chuckles.
We get into the car and drive off. One of Amanda and Nicks friends are looking after the dogs while we continue to unpack. It still seems so unreal that we have moved. I love the new house though. It's gorgeous and soo big. Nala is going to love the big garden. We arrive and my neck is going back to normal. I can move it a small bit but not majorly. I get out and bring my suitcase up to my room. My room is huge. I love it. I make my bed with these covers and pillows.

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