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Evie's POV
"Evie Darling. It's time to get up" Zoë whispers.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Half six" She whispers.
I open my eyes and she has her makeup AND hair done. She is also fully dressed.
"Why are you waking me?" I ask raising my head.
"Because your photo shoots today" She grins.
"I thought it was tomorrow" I groan sitting fully up.
"I changed it and I also changed your audition to today so you could spend the day with Alabama tomorrow" She smiles.
"Okay" I say.
"I have your outfit lying on your dresser." She smiles leaving my room. I go over to my dresser and pick it up. I change and pack my zoella bag. I walk downstairs and sit at the breakfast table. Alfie is serving Gia breakfast.
This is what we are all wearing

(Don't mind Gia's shoes)"Morning Alf, morning Gia" I smile

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(Don't mind Gia's shoes)
"Morning Alf, morning Gia" I smile.
Neither reply. Gia I expected, but Alfie? He must still believe her.I get up add I grab the bread from the press.
"Alfie do you want toast." I ask.
"Sure" he replies bluntly.
"Zoë do you want toast?" I ask.
"Yeah" She chirps sitting down at the table.
I put two slices of toast on. I go to grab the crunchy nut box. It's not there? Gia's having it then.
"What would you like on it?" I ask Zoë and Alfie.
"I'll have banana" Zoë smiles tying her shoe lace.
"Jam please" Alfie says.
"Alfie can I have a word with you outside" Zoë asks after she finishes tying her shoelaces.
"Yeah" Alfie says getting up and following Zoë out.
"It's your fault" Gia speaks.
"My fault for what?" I ask weighing out Nala's food.
"It's your fault that they are fighting" She says grabbing her bowl and spoon. She places it in the sink.
I waitfor the toast. I grab some napkins and go to walk over to places them on the table. Gia places her foot in front of me and I jump over it. I just smirk and place them on the table. I hear the toast pop and I walk over to get it. I butter both slices and go to get plates when Gia drops a glass on my foot and it shattered. I wince in pain and a few tears slipped out. I limp over to a place without glass and try to get some kitchen roll. I end up falling.
"Are you okay?" Zoë and Alfie ask.
I'm holding my foot and I can see blood seeping through my fingers.
"Gia are you okay?" They both ask as I'm hidden in the corner.
I manage to pull myself up a little bit before they both rush to my aid.
"Zoë grab some tissue" Alfie orders as he lifts me up onto the counter.
Zoë grabs some tissue and a wet cloth. Alfie wipes the excess blood that has spread around my foot. Zoë then presses the cold cloth to the cut to make it stop. I can see Gia sulking by the kitchen table. Alfie has got some wrap for my foot.
"All better" Alfie smiles after finishing.
"So what happened?" Zoë asks.
"G-" I start.
"So basically I was getting a glass and Evie pushed m-" Gia starts.
"That is not even close to what happened." I roll my eyes.
"Let me finish" She glares at me.
"As I was saying Evie pushed me causing me to drop the glass on the floor." She finishes.
I just roll my eyes.
"Now Evie what's your side of the story?"Alfie asks.
"I was buttering the toast and Gia was getting a glass. I go over to grab two plates and Gia dropped a glass on my foot" I say.
Gia looks appalled at what I just said.
"Your story's have one thing In common, the glass was dropped on Evie's foot however the rest of the story is completely different. I will have a think about it in the car. Go get your sock and shoes on and feet in the car" Zoë orders.
The cut is not on the sole of my foot so I can walk. I put my socks on carefully and tie up my superstarts. I grab my backpack with everything in it and grab the car keys. I unlock the car and Gia gets in I place my stuff in my side of the car and grab Gia's backpack and hand it to her. I put my sunglasses on top of my head and hand the car keys to Zoë.
"I heard about your audition today" Gia says playing with her hair. "Hope you will be okay" She smirks.
"As long as it's not in the sole of my foot I'll be fine" I glare at her.
I can't believe I have to spend a whole fricken month with her. Basically just two weeks ago there was a new law set down for adoption. You have to keep a child for a month to see all their behaviours. Also it's to make sure young adults don't adopt a child for one day and give it back. The Janya situation really started it off. They had to make a video to say why Alexus wasn't in the vlogs.
"Got everything?" Zoë asks before we set off.
All of us nod and I start on school. There is no reason not to. I don't forget about music so I play faded, Conor Maynards cover though. It brings back really good memories from May.
"Do you like my shoes?" Gia asks.
She shows me white yeezys.
"Cool" I comment getting back to school.
"Alfie I need help with this question" I say.
"What's the question?" He asks.
"If billy had 24 pounds and Molly had 36 pounds what would be the ratio in its lowest terms" I read out the question.
"Well" Alfie starts " you would first have to write out 24 is to 36, then you find a number that goes into both. Have you got one?"
"Yep both numbers a dividable by six..
After school.
I miss you
I miss you too. Even though I just seen you less then 24 hours ago.
Why you up?
Could ask you the same thing😂
Asked you first
Photo shoot
I'm up because Landon wanted to go sightseeing and decided to get us all up at seven🙄
Lucky!! I was up at half six!!
Where is your photoshoot anyway?
Understandable. Anyway gtg we have to leave now byeeeeeeeee boo
Byeeeeeeeee boo
Gia is currently on her phone. I decide to Snapchat.
"Heyyyyy Snapchat!" I smile holding my phone." Haven't fallen to you in a while"
I put a filter on it then post it.
"We are here!" Zoë squeals getting excited.
She doesn't really drive into London and today she did. We get out of the car. Gia is still grumpy.
"Well done Zoë" Alfie and I say.
She curtesys and Alfie and I laugh.
"How's the foot?" Alfie asks.
"Doesn't hurt. But it wasn't on my sole so I'm okay to dance." I smile. We go into this big building and we have to go to the fifth floor. There is a lift and stairs. Alfie and I op for the stairs because it'll wake us up more. We make it up and suddenly Gia is really awake. Maybe it's because of the set up.
"Hi, I'm James I'm the photographer for today" the man introduces himself.
"I'm Sara, in the makeup artist" the woman introduces herself.
"In Jordyn and I'm going to make your hair look AMAZING!" another woman introduces herself.
"And lastly I'm Jacob and I'm your costume designer" A man says.
"Okay lets get you into hair and makeup" Sara smile pulling me along.
"En I have my foundation and concealer on here just in case you did t have my shades.
"Ahh girl your a life saver in Sara's eyes" Jordyn laughs taming the hair the out of my hair.
"We are also going to do some shots outside. Is that okay?" He asks.
"It's fine with me but you might want to ask Zoë or Alfie. " I say while Sara puts concealer on.
I'm not getting much makeup done. I'm wearing concealer because I have a bit of under eye circles and foundation because concealer would look weird on its own. Sara also is filling in my eye brows. She puts some powder on as well. Sara finishes my makeup and Jordyn is doing my hair.
"Zoë could I have my phone please?" I ask.
"Yeah here" She says handing it to me."I'm so excited for you!" She squeals.
"I'm so excited too!" I squeal.
"And finito" Jordyn grins.
I have my hair in two space buns with a braid coming from the front of my head into either space bun.
"Thank you" I say as I bounce up and down.
I get off the chair and Jacob hands me an outfit. It's a while lace cold shoulder playsuit. With gladiator sandals. I change and walk out.
"Okay love. Could you sit on the green stool" James asks.
I walk to the stool to find Gia sitting there.
"Okay Gia. Up now please" I Ask.
She gets up and I sit down.
"Okay serious face" James says.
I make a semi-serious face but then Alfie ruins it by making weird faces.
I throw my head back and laugh. I hear a camera click and see Gia sulking in a corner and James is smiling and laughing while Zoë and Alfie laugh.
"Oh my, Evie that's a great one" Sara comments looking at the computer that all the pictures have been uploaded.
I get up from my position and run over to the computer. I manage to get past everyone to take a look.
"I'm definitely sending that to The Zara head.
"No need. I'm here" A woman says walking in.
"Hello darling. Im Cheryl. I'm the one who contacted your mother" She says side hugging me.
She's down to earth!
"That shot is amazing!" She exclaims.
"Now back to work. I know it's early. So that is why I had my team bring in this"
Suddenly two men bring in a huge table. Then two woman brought in two bid canisters each off hummus and tangfastics. One man and woman also bring in twenty bottles of water and chicken salad wraps and egg mayonnaise sandwiches. They bring in sweet and salty popcorn and CRUNCY NUT. With bowls and spoons.
I instantly run over and hug the box. Everyone laughs.
"Thank you!" I squeal.
"Since you were here so early I thought you might need breakfast.
"Okay two more pictures then you can change and dig in." James orders "Get her in pyjamas next"
I run back over and while doing that I jump into a Ninja position.
Zoë puts in some music and she puts on Middle by DJ Snake ft Bipolar Sunshine.
"Do you do any like hand stands because kids are really flexible." James asks thinking of ideas.
"I can" Gia jumps to her feet and attempts a handstand.
She ends up not even being able to get in one. In my mind I smirk.
"Like this?" I ask going into one.
"Yes but it doesn't look right" he says tapping his chin.
"I could bend my legs to look like a Z for Zara. It would have to be look sidewards." I explain.
"Yes let's look at that" Cheryl says going behind the camera. I move towards the wall behind me so you can get in into the shot. I see Zoë has set up my vlogging camera.
"Do you know the size of the shot?" James asks because I moved back.
"Yeah." I smile.
"She's a YouTuber/budding photographer" Cheryl winks at me. "I don't think her fans would be happy if half her head was cut off"
"Fair" He shrugs.
"I go into it and position my legs. Everyone looks sidewards to see it kind of looks like a Z.
"Yes!" James smiles taking the shot.
"I think that will be enough. You can change into the pyjamas and you can dig in. I skip off and Jacob hands me a pair of light bottoms and a tshirt. . The bottoms have a blue plaid and the t-shirt is grey. I put it on and instantly run over to my cruchy nut. To find Gia eating the whole FREAKIN packet in a bowl.
"Seriously" I glare at her.
"What I was hungry" She reply innocently. I walk off and find another healthy alternative. I'm not going to have something unhealthy so I go for a chicken and salad wrap. I sit in the hair and makeup chair while Jordyn does my hair in messy beach waves. To give it the look that I have just woken up. I can hear James talking to Alfie about something.
"Well I did have an idea of Evie sitting on the window seat and eating a bowl of cereal." He speaks quietly.
"Well we could get maybe a bowl of chopped up fruit and I do have some Greek yogurt with me. Just in case for the two if they get hungry. Didn't realised Cheryl would bring all this" He says.
"And Yes that would be great. Because I'm going out to take a shot of above so you could see the bottoms. That would be amazing" James grins.
I finish my wrap and get a little bit of powder in because I have sweated some of it off due to the lights.
"Where to next?" I ask James.
"Over to the window seat." He says grabbing his camera off the tripod.
"Will I look out to the outside?" I ask. You can see London beginning to fill up.
"Yep" He says messing with the camera settings. I place my phone down beside me and look out. I can see shops opening. Sheep keepers putting out fresh fruit and veg. Then I see Caspar walking through the streets. I pick up my phone and take a picture zoomed in so you could see.
Found a roam Caspar IMG_4627.PNG
Your're in London!
"Can I have this when your finished this outfit" Zoë asks handing me a bowl of fruit with Greek yogurt.
"Yeah i'm full up" I smile.
"Okay first can you open that window so the air will kind of push your hair back?" James asks.
I manage to get it open and I could feel the cool morning air.
"Can we go somewhere?" Gia asks.
"Who?" Alfie asks.
"The three of us" Gia grins.
"Emm. Evie you don't mind. We just need some fresh air" Zoë asks.
"No it's fine" I shrug. "But remember if you don't comeback quick enough this food will be in my stomach"
Everyone laughs except Gia and they throw on a jacket and go outside.
"Finally she's gone" Jordyn rolls her eyes.
"Other ones still here" Sara laughs awkwardly.
"It's okay. Not many people like her" I say "including me."
"You don't look related?" Cheryl enquirys.
"We are both adopted" I shrug as James gets a shot.
"Oh sorry" Cheryl says shyly.
"It's okay" I chuckle lightly.
"How long have you been related for?" Jacob asks.
"Less then twenty four hours and I'm already fed up with her" I say while Jordyn back combs my hair a little.
"Is she that bad?" James asks.
"Frames me for absolutely everything." I say. "Feels good to rant to somebody. Or a lot of people in my case"
They all laugh and then I go to change

 Or a lot of people in my case" They all laugh and then I go to change

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Splitten this day into two. Because I don't want this chapter too long like the 51st one. That took me two days for most of it.
Anyway if you have any suggestions in the comments. And I will se you next Sunday for another Sugg Sundeyes special!
2681 words

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