Chapter 1~Burning Recognition

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Trigger Warning: Homophobic names, name calling, swearing, bullying.
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗



Dan only had to survive one more day and then he had his entire summer to lock himself in his room and ignore the world. He adjusted the pastel pink flowers atop his head as he opened front door preparing himself mentally for the hell he was about to endure.

His white converse sounded softly against the sidewalk as he made his way to school, as he turned the corner to exit the small development he lived in he saw his only friends having a conversation waiting for him to arrive like they did every other day.

Caitlin, or Catt was wearing a pastel pink bomber jacket with a white dress along with pastel pink sneakers, topped off with a white flower crown atop her straight long dark hair.

Lilith wore a pastel pink skirt, a white sweater and her only pair of converse, which were dirty and white, she was the only one of them who curled their hair where she settled a pink a white flower crown.

"Hey Dan!" Caitlin called causing him to wave slightly with a small smile.
"Morning," Lilith replied once Dan was closer. "You remember that summer camp I told you my family was going to?" She questioned once they all began walking towards the school.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, my brother can't go so I have an extra ticket for a guy, you want to go?" She glanced up at his slightly surprised look.
"Wait, aren't you leaving tomorrow?"
"Er...yes...I'm sorry it's such a late notice but my brother broke his leg yesterday and he can't I thought I'd ask you,"
"Well I don't know...."
"Aww come on Dan! You won't have to deal with Phil and his goons, especially since both me and Lilith are going, so neither of us will be here," Caitlin pointed out earning a nod of approval from Dan.
"Lilith and I," Lilith corrected causing an eye roll from the slightly older of the two.
"Oh shut up."
"Make me."
"I know who can make you," Caitlin replied with a smirk causing Lilith to blush and her eyes to go wide. Dan rose a puzzled eye brow not sure what the two were going on about.

Sure he wanted to go to camp with the two, but would his mother allow him on such short notice? He wasn't prepared or packed. It was only a half day so he could pack right after school, but it would take him until midnight, especially with his procrastination.

The question, "Please Dan?" From Lilith tore him from his thoughts as he left out a sigh.
"I'll ask my mom..."
"Yay! Thank you!" She wrapped her arms around him in a hug for only a second knowing how he was with human contact.

Once they were all at the school the three split going their separate ways for their respected classes for their last finals of the school year. The trio ended up passing with good grades and they left the school together after the dreadful four hours.

"Dan do you want us to walk you to your house or are you good?" Catt asked ask the pair of females stopped at their neighboring houses.
"It's alright, you guys can stay, you probably have to finish packing. I'll text you both when I get home," with a skeptical gaze they both obliged and went into their houses leaving Dan to wonder up the hill towards his house. The soft echo of birds chirping caused Dan to let out a content sigh and his hands found their way to his pockets.

"Yo fag!" Dan froze in his spot as he suddenly wished someone was with him, Catt, Lilith, heck even his mother.
"Hey look at me when I'm talking to you," a harsh hand grabbed his shoulder pulling him back causing his feet to misplace and him to go down, his butt hit the hard cement and his crown tilted to the side as he looked up.

Philip Michael Lester, in all his glory with his straightened yet slightly messy black and blue fringe, his bright blue eyes staring down into Dans brown ones, his tattoo covered arms were crossed over his black shirt as he stood along with one of his buddies, Austin? He honestly didn't care at this point.
"Not so tough without those two little bitches with you huh?"
"If anyone's a bitch it's you," Dan retorted glaring.
"So you can stand up for them but not yourself?"
"Well they're not here to stand up for themselves now are they?"

Phil stood behind Dan not saying a word, which was strange, he normally said way more homophobic names. He bent down causing Dan to flinch but the only thing he did was take the light colored flower crown from atop his brown fringe.
"What if I burned this?" He questioned reaching into his pocket to take out a lighter.
"Please don't!" Dan jumped to his feet and reached for the floral headpiece causing Phil to chuckle, his tongue sticking out between his teeth slightly as he put the crown out of Dans reach.

Phils buddy grabbed Dan around the waist pulling him back as Dan struggled yelling words of hatred trying to break free.
"Why shouldn't I?" Phil asked as the other guy with a light brown quiff squeezed causing his air supply to dwindle.
"Because it was a gift! Okay?! Please just don't!" The sadness in his voice almost caused Phil to break and tell his friend to release Dan, to hand him the crown and give him a hug and tell him he was sorry for everything, almost.

"Don't what? Do this?" Phils finger spun the little wheel and he pressed the button causing a small orange flame to come to life.
"Yes! Please don't!" Phil moved the crown just atop the flame so the flower slowly melted and shriveled but didn't catch the flame. Dan let out a horrified little squeak as he struggled against the grip holding him in place.

"Stop....moving..." Austin muttered and resolved to a punch on Dans ribs knocking the air out of him, just as he did this the flame touched the flower and it erupted in a bright orange ball of heat and it went around the entire crown, Dan watched, his brown eyes wide in horror as the gift burning in Phils hand until he dropped it on the cement and looked at Austin who took that cue to shove Dan to the ground. It was already too late, the crown was ruined.

Longest Summer::Pastel!Dan X Punk!PhilWhere stories live. Discover now