19~ Burn

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Trigger Warning: Mild swearing, there's mentions of a fire
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗



He and Phil walked side by side, hands interlocked since he was no longer in a cast. No one seemed to care, they were just two kids who loved each other. It was so different from home, there were no threats, no burnt flower crowns. Phil glanced at the crown that was on Dan's head.
"Where'd you get that?" Phil asked with a smirk.
"Get what?" Dan asked before Phil pointed to the crown. "Oh, it was on my doorknob the day after you burned my other one."
"It suits you. I did a good job picking it out." Dan stopped dead in his tracks.

"Hm?" Phil asked smiling at the boy.
"You got this?" Dan asked releasing Phil's hand.
"Yeah..." Phil stated, with a weird feeling in his gut, the one that happens right before a presentation. Maybe he should've kept it a secret?
"But why?" Dan asked, groups of people walked past him giving him strange looks, they were after all just standing in the middle of the sidewalk.
"Well I felt bad for burning the one, plus I couldn't just give it to you, you'd probably punch me. I mean, that's understandable I was an ass." Phil admitted, face turning red and gaze on the ground.
"Well I love it. And yes. You were indeed an ass." Dan smiled before taking hold of his hand again.

"Hello!" A girl stated standing right in front of them, he didn't even know she was there. Her bleach blonde hair was tied up and her smile was huge, almost fake.
"Are you two willing to partake in a trail activity that we are debating for next year?"
"What is it?" Phil asked. The girls smile turned into a smirk.
"Can't say." Phil and Dan exchanged questioning looks.
"Why not." Dan shrugged and the girls obnoxious smile returned. How can someone be that happy?

"Great! Follow me!" The pair followed her, fingers still interlocked. They walked on the trail going through the forest, the same one they used to get to the lake.
"This is like a horror movie rule, never go into the forest." Phil whispered to Dan who let out a short laugh. They took a left turn instead of going straight like you would to go to the lake. After going down a hill, Dan falling and Phil laughing before helping him up, the reached a break in the trees where a wooden barn looking building was with a large fence attached.

"Have either of you two ridden a horse before?"
"Horses are terrifying." Dan stated causing the girl to laugh.
"Well, you two are going to race, while on a horse." Phil looked at Dan with the "what the hell did you get us into" look.
"This is your fault."

The pair awkwardly walked toward the barn to enter at the side where 5 or so horses were.
"Isn't there already horse back riding?"
"Yes, but not racing." After the girl gave them each a quick rundown of how to ride a horse, safety precautions and the like, Dan was assigned to a black and white horse named Oreo and Phil had a tan one named Georgia.

Uncomfortably, Dan touched the horse before cringing, why was he doing this. It was a terrible idea, he's going to break his leg again, he didn't even like horses. With the help of one of the guys in the barn, a stable as he was no informed, he was on his horses back.
"Phil! I'm taller than you!" Dan exclaimed to his boyfriend who was still on the ground.
"Lookin cute Howell." Phil answered with a wink causing the boy to blush and look at the horses mane. "You're cute, but also going down." Ah, so it begins.
"You wish Lester."

Once the horse started walking Dan realized how much of a mistake it actually was, he could deal with this...this was okay. It was a nice slow walk, it would be better if he wasn't paranoid of falling off. Both of the horses took a few laps, allowing the boys to become comfortable with their movements.
"Can we not race this is terrifying already." Dan admitted once he was close enough to Phil he'd hear.
"Of course love."
They were walking back to their rooms, soaking wet. Once they were heading back from the horses they took a detour and went to the lake, Phil fell in somehow. Dan wasn't watching but he turned around and his boyfriend was in the water, face bright red.
"Want a hug?" Phil asked with a devilish smirk.
"Don't even-" Dan started before he took off running, Phil of course was faster and caught up rather quickly giving him a huge hug. The two broke out into laughter before Dan felt strong arms lift him off the ground.
"Phil..." The footsteps were heading toward the water. "Phil no!" Dan wiggled trying to escape Phil's grasp. He was released, just above the water and he felt the cold everywhere, his clothing immediately cling to his skin and he glared at the boy.

Which lead them to where they were now, walking, freezing cold and soaking to their room. When they got there each took a shower and changed into warm clothing where Phil wrapped his arm around Dan who leaned into him. The door swung open soon after and the two girls walked in.
"What's going on in here?" Caitlin asked smirking.
"The gay agenda obviously." Lilith replied.

"What's the gay agenda?" Phil asked, he had heard of it, but was it a real thing? Was there a secret answer only the gays knew of?
"Haley." Lilith answered not hesitating a second before taking a bite from her pizza. Everyone looked at her confused.
"Who's Haley?" Dan questioned. He has known this girl for what felt like forever and had never heard of this Haley.
"Oh...she went used to go to our school for a while, she always said she was the gay agenda." Dan nodded slowly not pressing the question any further.

A beeping sound echoed slightly before a woman's voice came over the intercom.
"Attention all campers, I am sorry to announce but we will be cutting camp short. A fire has caught onto some trees a bit north of here and the local fire company says we must evacuate. Seeing as it is late, a bus will arrive in the morning for all those who did not drive themselves. Please checkout at the main gate before exiting. Thank you."

Everyone was silent for a moment. They were really leaving. Leaving this tree filled paradise for a boring old town. What was going to happen with Phil? He left a straight bully with nothing to lose and was going back a straight as the rainbow sweetheart with a boyfriend. Things sure have taken a turn. Dan's life was looking like Rainbow Road on Mario Kart. Filled with turns, not a bit straight, frustrating and well, a rainbow.

It was strange, his punk "I only wear black" boyfriend made a light in his life, maybe even a rainbow.

Longest Summer::Pastel!Dan X Punk!PhilWhere stories live. Discover now