8~ The Beginning of...Something..?

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Trigger Warning: Homophobic names, a little bit of swearing,
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗



"Dan, I guess I owe you and explanation..."
"Uhh...just a little bit," Dan retorted putting his index and thumb out to show a small amount.
"I didn't ask for your sass," Phil stated.
"No one ever does."

Phil changed the subject, but not before rolling his sparkling blue eyes.
"I guess you realized Tyler's-"
"Gay? Like me?" Phils face flushed slightly turning a light pink color as Dan started to get slightly pissed off, Phil knew he would, he made his life a living hell, and Phil knew why, but he regretted it.
"Yes, but-"
"But you're friends with Tyler and hate me?" Dan interrupted again, his constant interrupting was starting to irritate the other man.
"Daniel, just shut up for a moment."
"Don't call me Daniel." Phil shot a glare shutting Dan up, he crossed his arms over his pastel shirt waiting for the explanation.

"I became friends with Tyler in a kind of ironic way, this asshole was beating up Tyler for being gay, hey don't give me that look." Dan rose an eyebrow in the verge of laughter, did he really expect Dan to believe this?
"Anyway, I stepped in, I stood up for him, Tyler and I became friends. But...his bullies became my bullies, they called me all sort of names, said I was gay and all sorts of names.  So when I switched schools, I did anything to prevent that from happening..."
"Which so happened to be bullying me?" Dan asked raising an eyebrow his arms still crossed.
"Unfortunately, I didn't want to, trust me, but they got to me first, they befriended me and acted like normal people. Something happened where you were outed, I'm not really sure what exactly happened but they started to snicker and make fun of you, behind your back. I should've stopped to while I had the chance, but then I accidentally ran into you and that when they started the name calling. I was so awkward, I had no idea what to do, I'm so sorry Dan, but I acted way to late and I wish I could go back and erase what I did, but I can't..."

Dan stood silent, not making a sarcastic comment or anything, the silence caused Phils mind to flash what happened 3 years ago, the thing that changed his life forever.

Phil was walking with his one friend, Austin from biology to English when a small figure who was hunched over staring at the ground with a small crown of flowers sat atop a head of brown locks walked directly into Phil.
"I'msosorry..." He rushed out in a slur of words that the other man could barely understand.
"Don't worry about it, you're good."

Phil wasn't sure what confused him the most, why the kid in front of him looked at him with an expression of pure shock, or why Austin had to step in and place his two sense in.

"Hey fag," Austin announced causing the pastel boy to flinch and Phil to turn confused.
"Aust-" Phil was cut off by Austin continuing.
"Phil doesn't need some Gaylord like yourself to bump into him,"
"Austin, what the hell?" Phil questioned but he was ignored by the other kid.
"I said I was sorry..." The pastel boy squeaked out, his grip on his school books tightened so much so that Phil was almost positive his hands were left with the indent.
"Sorry's not gonna cut it kid."

Dan was saved by the bell, literally, it rang out in the hall causing Phil to physically drag Austin away so the pastel boy could scurry away into the biology classroom.

"Why were you trying to stand up for him Phil? Aww are you a fag too?"
"No. I'm just not a douche, it's not that hard of a concept."
"Listen here Philip, there are three types of people at this school, the gays, us, and then the bystanders, find out which one you're in." Austin patted his shoulder and walked off leaving Phil to stand in the empty school hallway.


"Phil. Phil. PHIL." Dan yelled while snapping in front of his face whipping him out of his flash back. Phil blinked a few times and stared at the shorter boy in front of him.
"Oh sorry..."
"I don't say I forgive you...but I'll give you another shot, since well, we'll be with each other if we like it or not."
"Yes! Thank you!" Phil wrapped his arms around the boy in front of him as Tyler came back his phone in his hand.

"You two..." He laughed without elaborating as he guided the two teenagers towards the cafe for breakfast.

Hey guys! So I have an announcement, it doesn't really involve this story but it involves my writing, in January my work will be published, in an actual book. It's not like a novel or anything, it's just a book where me and 17 other high school students have our own little section where we have a total of 6 pieces. I'll have 2 poems, and the beginning of some of the novels I've working on.

Also, I started submitting my writing into contests to get my name out there (I want to be a writer if you can't tell) and I got an email from Bennington College saying they want to talk to me about my writing.

So that's why I haven't been able to update lately, I've been editing and working on my writing for the published book.

Ps. I really suck at writing insults....😁
See ya later guys.

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