16~ Accidents Happen

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Trigger Warning: There's a car accident
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗



Nothing ever stays perfect for too long. Trees loose their leaves, flowers are killed by the winter cold, and teenagers, well, they're a mess. Learning to drive, living life, school, work, everything's a mess.

After the second week on Wednesdays those who drove to camp were allowed to leave, not many did and those who did often went to a nearby restaurant or the mall to hang out. Tyler went in his own car, having to meet his boyfriend leaving the other four on their own to head to a nearby restaurant.

They all were laughing and having a good time as they arrived. Everything was fine, except the churn Dan felt in his stomach. He glanced around the small restaurant for anything bad that could happen, maybe something happened to Tyler? Pulling out his phone he sent a quick text, knowing he was driving and most likely wouldn't reply. The three dots popped up signaling he was typing before they went away hit as fast as they arrived (Disclaimer: don't text and drive kids, that's bad.)

"Dan, come on," Phil stated pulling Dan from his phone, slipping it away he smiled and followed the group to their booth in the corner.
"What if I wanted to sit next to Dan?" Caitlin asked with a smirk.
"Then that sucks now doesn't it?" Phil replied sticking out his tongue. Dan and Phil sat beside each other holding hands under the table causing both of them to flush a light pink.

After ordering their lunch the four continued joking.
"Who wants to hear a joke?" Lilith asked taking a sip of her apple juice.
"Oh jeez..." Caitlin sighed.
"Why did Russia take so long to attack Germany during World War II?"
"Why...?" Phil asked.
"They were Stalin."

Phil face palmed at the pun and laughed slightly. Dan stared at the punk boy, he was never this happy back at home, Dan was still captivated by his laugh, as if it was the last time he would hear it. The feeling got worse at those thoughts, everything would be fine, this wasn't the last time he'd hear Phil laugh, right?

Dan was the last one to finish, loosing his appetite at the unsettled nerves in the pit of his stomach.
"You okay love?" Phil questioned with concern. Dan nodded determining that was all he'd be able to make himself eat. Still gripping at Phil's hand he glanced at his phone to see no new notifications. Was Tyler okay?

Leaving the restaurant the four got in the car, Lilith driving, Caitlin in the passenger seat, Phil behind Caitlin and Dan behind Lilith. Caitlin put in a My Chemical Romance CD, all four were singing and laughing as Lilith put on the gas leaving the restaurant.

Heading towards camp they hit a red light as Fake Your Death started playing.
"Guys, do you ever get that feeling like something bad happened?" Dan asked.
"Yeah why?" Phil replied looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I feel that now."
"Don't worry love, Liliths a great driver."
"Aw thanks Phil."
"I know she is, but there a lot of terrible drivers out there..."
"That's true, would you feel better if you held my hand?" Dan smiled and took the punks hand, interlocking their fingers with a smile he looked out the window seeing a black minivan drive towards the now red light.

The light turned green, Lilith put on the gas to go straight, the camp was right around the next turn.
"Lilith!" Was the last thing anyone in the car heard before the loud crash came. The crunch of the metal as a black minivan flew into the drivers side of Liliths car.

Lilith and Dan got the brute of the impact, Lilith banging her head on the dashboard and her left arm was shattered against the force of the second car.

Caitlin was thrown against the window, her head hitting the glass and the windshield glass scratched up her arms and torso as her shoulder became dislocated from impact. But she and Phil were the only two remain conscious.

Phil's shoulder got the brute of the inlay once he was thrown against the wall. Opening his eyes he looked around at the other three, glancing to his left and seeing Dan.

"Dan? Daniel? Please be okay!" Phil yelled once he saw Dan because well, Dan, Dan got the worst of it.

Longest Summer::Pastel!Dan X Punk!PhilWhere stories live. Discover now