15~ Night

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Trigger Warning: slight mention of anxiety and depression in the beginning
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗

(A/N: I sensed you guys wanted an update so WHO'S READY FOR SOME SHIP)



Dan always preferred the night over day, he didn't really have to deal with people. He could just sit in his room in peace. Sure sometimes he craved to just hug someone and cry and not have anyone question why he was sad, or why his heart rate quickened while faced with the idea of public speaking. He just wanted someone who could love the real him, not the fake face he plastered on each morning, was Phil that person?

It all started with a broken foot, Lilith's brothers broken foot. If he hadn't had broken it where would he be? He sure wouldn't be where he was in this moment. Laying under a soft comforter, his head resting on Phil's chest while Phil was still sound asleep his arms wrapped around Dan. During the night was when most of Dan's most favorable moments happened, sweet kisses, watching movies and falling asleep in each other's arms. He never wanted these moments to end, but alas, the sun always rose and morning came crashing in.

The body beneath him shifted slightly causing the pastel boy to glance up at the punk with the faded blue fringe. Blue met brown for a moment before Phil's eyebrows furrowed confused for a moment before he sat up taking Dan with him.
"What..." Dan asked worried before Phil smiled softly and reached a hand up to Dan's hair.
"Your hairs curly?" Phil asked still smiling and playing a few of the soft curls. Dans face heated up as he realized, normally he managed to sneak away and borrow Phil's straightener or put a hat on before Phil woke up.
"How'd you make it curly...?" Phil questioned now meeting the boys eyes.
"It's always curly, I straighten it." Phil's face straightened as he now realized what Caitlin had meant when she said he was as straight as Dan's natural hair.
"Why?" Phil questioned moving his hand from Dan's hair.
"I look like a hobbit with curly hair."
"Not really, I like it." Phil's stated with a smile before rolling out of bed. Dan groaned and got up as well, giving Phil a quick kiss before leaving the room into his own to get ready for the day.

The day carried on like it usually did, an activity, the boys vs the girls and Tyler's sass to round everything out. They never did show any signs of affection outside of their rooms and the little cave by the lake that was deemed their spot. Dan didn't really mind, Phil was new to this entire, 'oh wait, I'm not straight' thing and Dan was more than willing to go slow. Even though Phil wanted to go slow in public, he was more than willing to move at a quick pace behind closed doors. They never did go very far, fleeting touches, warm bodies huddled together as they slept, soft yet passionate kisses. One time Dan changed his clothing in front of Phil and Phil's face turned bright red, Dan had never seen the man so flustered, stumbling on words, eyes darting anywhere but at the pastel boy. Dan would never admit it but he was sort of proud that he was the only one to see the punk in this light, he was never very proud of the way he looked yet just removing a pastel jumper to expose his tanned chest made Phil too flustered to form a proper sentence.

"Dan?" The soft voice to his side asked tearing him from him thoughts. He looked over to the punk that has so often entered his thoughts.
"Yes love?" Dan questioned bringing a blush to the latter.
"I have a surprise for you," Phil muttered and took the pastels hand guiding him from the other three.
"Keep it PG!" Caitlin yelled after them with a laugh.
"Aw you can't do a lot with just PG, keep it PG-13!" Tyler yelled in response causing both boys to blush furiously.
"Come on guys, I'm hungry." Lilith stated heading off towards the cafeteria with the other two following.

"So where are we heading?" Dan questioned now walking beside Phil hand in hand.
"Our spot." Was all he said, after a few moments of walking the sun began to set leaving the sky in a mix of colors, they still had a bit to walk, did Phil realize it would be dark soon? As the sky darkened Dan's face lit up at the sight before him.

A blanket was spread out on the soft grass, a lantern sat by a basket in the center, the trees around the clearing were wrapped in fairy lights making the area appear romantic and beautiful.
"How'd you get the lights to work without an outlet?"
"Magic." Phil stated as he watched Dan stare in wonder at the setup.
"Don't worry about all that, shall we?" Phil gestured for Dan to walk ahead, sitting on the blanket with a warm smile,Phil sat in front of him. Taking the basket Phil opened it and removed some of the contents, two sandwiches, maltesers and two juice boxes making Dan chuckle.
"Juice boxes, very romantic."
"Hey, the cafe only has so much." Phil stated still smiling and handing Dan his dinner..

As they ate they talked about stupid things, Dan's hair, school. Life in general. Camp was a surreal experience, they didn't have work, or family troubles. They could escape and he wished he could stay forever. Once they finished Phil lay on the blanket and looked at Dan.
"Care to join me?" Laying beside the punk Dan looked up at the sky, stars sparkled above them. There were more than he had ever seen back home, whilst Dan stared in awe, Phil took his hand as they lay.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Phil questioned causing Dan to look at him. Their faces were in a close proximity, noses nearly touching. Dan could feel Phil's breath as they stared at each other. Carefully Dan leaned in placing a soft kiss upon Phil's lips. They moved together as if they were puzzle fitting together perfectly, Phil's hand reached up to Dan's face carefully caressing his cheek before moving up to run through his curls. Phil's hands trailed down to Dan's waist guiding him to straddle the punk. Nipping at Dan's bottom lip, Dan allowed Phil to deepen the kiss, his hands trailed under Phil's black T-shirt, tracing over the slight muscle. Phil broke away from the kiss startled at that action.
"You okay?" Dan asked in a whisper, not daring to speak any louder.
"Yes." Phil answered in the same quiet tone.

"Dan..?" Phil asked one more avoiding to look at the pastel boy that was sitting on him.
"Yes dear?" Dan replied slightly worried.
"I...I think I love you."

Longest Summer::Pastel!Dan X Punk!PhilWhere stories live. Discover now