12~ Phil (and Tyler) Explain Some Stuff

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Trigger Warning: mild swearing
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗



The walk to the rooms should've made Dans anxiety go crazy, the feeling of deep seated panic never occurred, the nausea never arose, and his breathing remained normal did he subconsciously know what Phil wanted to say was good?

The entire camp was quiet as they walked, they were the only ones in the darkness, the only light being the street lamps that stood straight every few feet or so. The sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence that lingered between the pair.
"Quick this way," Phil whispered grabbing Dans wrist and pulling him to the side behind a rather large bases oak tree. Dan yelped at the sudden action as his face reddened due to the contact. Phil pushed Dans back against the tree and pinned himself against Dan to hide from the security who would be patrolling.

Dans face heated up even more and thanked his lucky stars that it was dark and Phil couldn't see. Glancing up, brown eyes met blue, their faces were inches apart, widening his eyes Dan bit his bottom lip as Phil smirked knowingly. Phil inched a little closer till their noses touched.
"Have you ever had your first kiss Daniel?" Phil whispered, his breath fanning over Dans face, the scent of mint evident in the close proximity.
"Um....n-no..." Dan whispered.

Phil smirked and stood up fully.
"Well we got to get to the room before security comes around again." He shot Dan a smile and walked back toward the sidewalk.

Dan followed with a glare and settled to walk beside him. They fell into a comfortable silence one more, the only sound to be heard was the soft tap off the pastel converse and black combat boots on the concrete.

"Sorry about that..." Phil stated out of the blue startling Dan. He looked over with a confused look, Phil glanced over for a second to see his expression before continuing. "At the tree? I was a giant tease and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"It's alright," Dan scratched the back of his neck nervously, "what happened to the Phil back at home? The bully? Don't get me wrong I prefer this one, I can't actually tolerate him." Dan flashed Phil a genuine smile, showing off his dimples. Unknown to him, the simple action set Phil's heart fluttering and it took every ounce of self control not to blush at the shorter boy.

"That Phil's mainly an act, I don't like being that type of person. That's why I love coming here, I can be myself free of judgement cause I only see these people here. But now you, Lilith and Caitlin are here, I wasn't worried about Caitlin, she knew this me first. I already told you how back at our old school with Tyler, I was this Phil. And how that led to me being bullied, so when I moved I didn't want that to happen again, and I did some things I regret like becoming the bully. Sorry about that too..." Phil's voice trailed off as his gaze turned to the ground.
"I'll forgive you on one occasion." Dan proposed holding up his index finger for emphasis. Phil's head shot over to him so fast Dan was sure he got whiplash.
"What is it?"
"You stay this Phil, the nice one, even when we get home." Phil nodded slowly, he could do that.

The pair smiled as they shook on it, right in front of the door to enter their building.
"Lets go, I still have something to tell you," Phil shouted racing up the stairs.
"Hey no fair! You had a head start!" Dan rushed after him, both laughing as they did.


"You alright there?" Tyler questioned walking in from the kitchen seeing Dan lying facedown on the sofa.
"I hate him," was the muffled reply.
"Who...? And why...?" Dan pushed himself on his elbows to look at Tyler with the "are you really asking me this?" look. "What did Phil do? Did he tell you yet?"
"Yeah...wait he told you?" Tyler nodded in response and sat on the coffee table in front of Dan.
"Please tell me you didn't act like an ass..."
"I didn't, wait how long have you known?"
"Caitlin and I have known for a looong time. Caitlin knew from when they went out, I knew when he started texting me about it. Our old school was very homophobic, so he had that mindset that it was bad, which contributed to his past treatment of you and him being in denial.

"I didn't think he'd ever come to terms with it until I got a message about this cute kid who always wears flower crowns and is in his math class-"
"Wait isn't that me...?" Dan interrupted.
"Hey I'm not finished yet, texts at 4 am about the boy who drew a flower on a piece of paper they shared for the project. Honestly it was adorable and annoying, he kept going on about how he felt different about this person but he didn't understand the feeling and would deny it when I tried to tell him." Tyler let out a sigh at the end of the story and Dan was sitting up at this point, his face bright red at the realization.

Phil talked about me? Phil liked me?

"So that's why it's a big deal you are not an asshole to him. He just came to terms with his sexuality, you don't have to out and make out under the stars or whatever, just don't ignore him." Tyler explained the unasked question.
"Is that why you've shipped us since the beginning..?" Dan questioned readjusting his seated position.
"Oh yeah," Tyler let out a laugh, "I don't just see two people and out of the blue start shipping. Philly got mad when I started hinting at it."

Tyler rose from the table and let out a yawn.
"Now, you better hit the hay," Dan nodded rising from the sofa and making his way toward his room, "And do not tell anyone I told you that!"

*throws crappy update at you cause y'all keep pestering me about it*
If anyone's curious I posted the link to my poetry nation profile on my profile, only one poem is there so far. (((TRIGGER WARNING: THE POEM IS ABOUT SELF HARM)))

Anyway: I love reading your comments and messages, (someone posted on my message board and I was so happy). PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT, DM ME (sorry for triggering you again Caitlin 😉), POST ON MY BOARD I LOVE IT. IT MAKES ME SMILE. Disclaimer though: if you do DM me I might not get it right away.

Anyway, love you guys 💗

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