Chapter 4~ The Past is a Story Itself

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Trigger Warning: Bullying, small amount of swearing, homophobic names
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗


A/N- Look there's been a POV switch...

The dark fringe blew out of Phils face as he speed down the back roads. He sat atop the motorcycle he fixed last summer with his father. Philip Lester, was exactly like his father, tattoos, piercings, motorcycles and leather jackets. His mother didn't approve of Phils sense of style which confused Phil seeing as she married a man with same look, but he didn't realize it wasn't to look that she didn't like, it was his attitude. He acted like what he looked like, a punk. At his old school, it wasn't nearly as bad, he managed to get As and Bs, he didn't sass adults, and he only ever punched one kid, okay two but the first one was an accident and the second deserved it.

The reason he was expelled was because he punched the second kid, his name was Felix...


Phil walked down the small corridor in the school towards his final class of the day. It was the end of Freshman year and he survived without any flukes.
"I told you not to look at Marzia and what did you do?" If Phil never walked down that hallway, if he just went to class and never let his curiosity take over and make him walk down the hall. His entire life would've turned out differently, but alas, he turned left towards the voices.
"I told you I don't like Marzia like that." The other boy who had a light brown quiff and black hipster type glasses was pushed against the blue lockers by the taller boy with light brown hair that was on the longer side, and he had bright blue eyes. He glared at the shorter boy, Phil knew neither of the two so it was a safe bet they were upperclassmen.

"Oh yeah that's cause you're a fag," the taller boy snickered causing the shorter one to glare daggers at him.
"Felix-" The shorter boy began only to be interrupted by a harsh slap from the one who he guessed was Felix.

Phil flinched, shocked at what just happened, the right thing to do was to stop it before it got worse right?
"Hey!" Phil yelled surprising all three boys, Phil included. "What are you doing?" Phil asked the guy named Felix who was probably still shocked that this weirdo with a black fringe was talking to him. He hadn't received his first tattoo yet but he had a few piercings so he probably looked at intimidating as a nerd with their lunch money visible.

"Who are you?" Felix snapped no longer paying attention to the brunette near the lockers.
"Phil." He replied, "You never answered my question Felix."
"I'm teaching Tyler here," he shoved Tyler into the locker once more, "Not to mess with my girl." Tyler rolled his eyes.
"For the last time, I don't like Marzia!"
"That's just cause you're a useless fag." He responded sending a punch to Tyler's rib causing his to double over and Phil to snap. He swung his right arm, his fist making contact with Felixs nose. All three stood in shock as Felix put his hand to his nose, did Philip Michael Lester just punch someone?

----End Of Flashback----

Phil was expelled after that and sent to the school he was at now, it was kinda screwed up, he was expelled for standing up for the homosexual kid and when he switched schools he was the one bullying the homosexual. In this case, Dan. Daniel Howell.

Dan was the quiet kid, who had no friends when Phil first met him, it was actually thanks to Phil he met Lilith and Caitlin.

Phil rolled his eyes at the thought of the trio, sometimes he wished he could return to his normal self, happy, positive and nice. But he befriended the wrong group for that, and he was stuck on bullying the small helpless pastel boy who wore cute sweaters and flower crowns that matched.

Phil felt a sickness in his stomach as he thought of flower crowns, why'd he burn it? It was a shitty move, on his part. Dan didn't deserve it, Dan didn't deserve any of the hell he endured at school from Phils friends. Phil never did anything mean when he wasn't around his friends.

With a sigh Phil pulled into the small parking lot that held a few cars, he looked forward seeing the familiar car and he froze, they were here...

• • • • • • • • • •

A/N: Sorry this chapters short, wattpad deleted what I originally wrote for chapter 4 so I'll rewrite and make it chapter 5, but I wanted to update so my friend wouldn't yell at me again...

Longest Summer::Pastel!Dan X Punk!PhilWhere stories live. Discover now