13~ Leaps and Bounds

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Trigger Warning: Slight self harm mention (they talk about how long they've been clean for like a paragraph) -Separated from the rest by *****
Please don't read if you will be triggered, I will add a new list in the beginning of each chapter. Stay Safe friends, DM me if you need to talk. 💗



The next morning, Dan woke to a rather unpleasant surprise. If it were any other summer day, it wouldn't have been that bad, sure he would've freaked out but at least he could get another. The panic arose when it wouldn't turn on, he looked in the mirror, his expression put panic, his hair was full of curls and his hair straightener just broke. Reaching for his phone he dialed Lilith getting a sleepy "hello" from the other side.

"Lilith, did you bring a hair straightener by any chance?" Dan asked praying to any god that would answer.
"Uh no...only my curling iron...why? Did yours break?" She asked with slight amusement in her voice.
"Yes. I can let Phil see me like this!" He sighed exasperated.
"We can try the curling iron...you'll have to let me in though," Lilith replied, he heard her shuffling in the background.
"I'll send Tyler down."
"Okay." The line went dead with that.

"Hey Tyler..." Dan yelled to his roommate.
"Whaaat?" He heard called back.
"Can you please let Lilith in? She's bringing something for me..." An exaggerated sigh followed from Tyler before he called back.
"Do it yourself." He yelled and then muttered, "Lazy bum."
"I heard that!"

Five minutes had passed before there was a knock on his bedroom door.
"Come in..."
"Ya fav bi is here," Lilith stated entering through the door and pausing to pose dramatically. Tyler gave her a confused look from the living room which neither saw. She shut the door and held out the curling iron.
"I'm not sure how well this will work cause of how your hair is, but we can try."

Lilith had a younger sister who she tried out all sorts of hair things on, hopefully she could figure this out. Lilith sat Dan down on his bed as she plugged in the iron, once it heated up she set to work on his hair. He could feel her hands softly grabbing locks of his hair before the heated object came near his head.
"This isn't working...it keeps curling at the end." She bit her lip as she crossed her arms trying to figure out how to straighten his hair.
"You hairs just trying to match your sexuality." She concluded with a smirk leading to a glare from the male who was sitting on the bed.

"Can you not do anything to it?" Dan questioned sadly, she placed the heated metal on his desk.
"Nothing I try is working, does Phil have a straightener? Or is his hair naturally straight?"

Dan peered into the mirror in his room, seeing the hair Lilith straightened beginning to curl once again.
"I have no idea, but he is not seeing me like this. I'll wear a hat or something..."
"And what's your plan for the next 2 months and 2 weeks? You got two weeks in and broke your straightener..."

Lilith unplugged the curling iron and turned to leave before Dan called out, she turned slightly with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm really happy for you."
"Why..?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"Tomorrow's your one month mark." She cocked her head to the side before it clicked. Her smile widened.
"Thank you, I'm surprised I made it this far, my three month would've been a last week if I didn't suck at everything."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, you're trying to do something really hard. You probably had the temptation at some point, yet you fought through it. I've been there, trust me. It'll get better,"
"Thank you Dan, you're almost at a year right?"
"Yep, two weeks from now."
"I'll throw a party or something, but I really need to go cause Caitlin thinks I'll skip breakfast. I'll see you down there." Lilith waved and left the room waving at Tyler on her way out.

Longest Summer::Pastel!Dan X Punk!PhilWhere stories live. Discover now