Chapter Five

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Katie's POV:
I woke up with a huge hangover.
"Ugh." I groaned as I sat up. I was in clean clothes and didn't smell like alcohol. Annie must have helped me I thought to myself. I slowly waddled to the kitchen to get some food. Brennan and Annie were snuggling on the couch asleep, and Caleb was drinking some coffee.
"What did he do to get her?" I asked Caleb. We have both know Brennan has like Annie for a few years.
"Apparently some guy was trying to hook up with her and touched her, Brennan punched the dude and stayed with her all night." He said, eyeing the two.
"I remember her having a red face or something... Last night was a blur." I said, rubbing my face."
"Yeah, you were climbing on counter tops. It was pretty funny." Caleb chuckled. Suddenly I noticed the house didn't even look as if there was a party.
"It's just like before in here. How long did it take you guys to clean up?" I asked.
"Not long, an hour maybe. But there's a shitload of beer cans." He laughed, kicking the garbage bags full of them. We didn't swear often, so it felt weird when we did. There was a silence until Brennan woke up. He squinted his eyes open and looked at Annie. He slowly pulled his arms away and covered Annie with a blanket. He rubbed his eyes and walked over to Caleb, who handed him a coffee. They chatted about my behaviour last night and how I had my arm around this one guy. I checked my phone and noticed there were several new phone numbers, but only one has texted me. I tapped our conversation.
(K= Katie Z= Zach)
Z- Hey. This is Zach from the party last night, is this Katie?
K- Yes this is Katie. I don't remember much from last night😝
Z- I don't really either, but drunk Katie was nice. How bad could sober Katie be😂
K- I think I'm pretty nice😂 want to meet for coffee at 12?
Z- sure, at City Dock?
K- meet you there. Interested to see how crazy I was last night😂
Z- See you then 😊

Annie's POV:
I woke up and everyone was staring at me. I had a bit of a sore back from the couch, but other than that I was ready for the day. I reached for my phone to check the time. 11:31.
"You guys let me sleep in? What happened- oh right, no school." I said, plopping down on the couch again. Today would have been Friday, our last day of school until Monday, but the storms last night canceled it. It wasn't snowing anymore, but everything was covered in a thick layer of snow. Good thing we had the truck.
Katie helped me up and we both got ready, her being particularly fancy.
I was wearing jeans and a flannel, but she was wearing leggings, combat boots and a gold necklace over a baby blue sweater she reserves for winter occasions.
"Going somewhere?" I giggled.
"Coffee with a guy from last night at 12. Could you take me?" She pleaded. I had to get rid of beer cans and shop for my own date tonight, so I agreed.
"Thanks bæ." She laughed, giving me a side hug before continuing her makeup.
After we were ready we said goodbye to the boys and entered the truck. She turned on some music and we sang and chatted on the way to City Dock Coffee.
"Thanks for driving Ans. I'll see you later!" She said, hopping out of the truck. I drove away and towards the dump. After I disposed of the cans, I headed towards the mall to get an outfit for tonight. Brennan had told me before I left to dress casual but nice.
After fifteen minutes of searching, I found the outfit I want. I settled on a white tee with a black coat, leggings, and combat boots. (Outfit at top) I bought the clothes and headed back to the truck. It was 12:30, and I was hungry. I decided to stop at the coffee shop for lunch, because I have to get Katie again later.
Once I got there I sat at a table far from Katie's, so it didn't seem like I was spying on her. But even several tables away, I could hear her contagious laugh. I smiled.
I ordered a soup, to warm me up.

Katie's POV:
Zach is turning out to be super nice. I think I am even crushing on him a bit.
Last night he wasn't half as crazy drunk I was, in fact, he only had one beer. I had several.
"And then you tripped her. It was hilarious." He laughed as I chuckled. I gulped my last bit of coffee.
"Well, it was great meeting you sober." I laughed, giving the waitress my empty cup.
"You too." He grinned and we both stood up. We almost ran into eachother, and we were very close. I looked at him, he looked at me. And we kissed!
Sparks flew. Fires roared. I've never felt like this when kissing someone.
The kiss was over too soon and I blushed.
"Bye." He grinned one last time, and walked outside. I was left in awe, blushing madly. Annie walked over.
"Eeeeek!" She squealed happily.
"Wait, you were here?" I said, confused.
"I was waiting and got some coffee." She mumbled, looking at her toes.
"Oh, it's fine. But he's so nice! Drunk Katie has good ideas!" I chuckled as we walked out.
Zach is a great guy.

Another shorter chapter. Next chapter is all about Annie and Brennan's first date!! Hope you enjoyed💚

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