Chapter Twenty

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Katie's POV:
I sighed as my brother drive away quickly. Annie drove off for a reason. She has been under so much stress that she just needs some time alone.
Dad handed me the last box. We only needed to pack up their bedroom.
"Okay Katie-Kate, if you want you can go take a break. We can get our room done." My dad said as I shivered from the snow. Christmas was pretty soon.
I nodded and hopped into our own car.
"Please be careful Katie. Actually, maybe we should come wi-"
"I'm fine." I said as I started the car. My mom nodded and drove to the hospital to see Caleb.
I slowly walked inside the hospital and towards the front desk.
"Are you okay Miss Donelley? Feeling any pain?" The woman asked me.
"I'm feeling okay. I'm here to see Caleb Leblanc." I said, watching my toes. She nodded and opened her arm to motion me towards his room. It was dark, just like last time.
"Not too long."
I nodded again and she shut the door.
I sat next to Caleb, who was staring into space.
"You okay?" I asked him.
"Just thinking." He said blankly.
I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted me.
"I broke Sydney's heart. Luke said she's crying in her room staring at her door waiting for me to come in and apologized. I broke her." He said, emotion entering his body again.
"I hurt her. But I would be hurt if I stayed with her. I just... Katie. I like you Katie. A lot. And I don't know how long it took me to realize that." He finished. His dark eyes stared in to mine and he gripped his hand on mine. We both leaned in to share yet another kiss but Mia and Arden barged in.
"Caleb, Syds here to talk..." He jaw dropped as I jumped to the other side of the room.
"Out. Now." Mia growled. We were so close. And now I just lost her to Sydney and Caleb's broken relationship.
I ran out of the room in tears. Arden looked like she was going to come after me, but Syd stopped her. Tears were in her own eyes as the three entered the room. I ran though the cold and into the car and sat down inside. I started bawling.
I just lost four friends.

Annie's POV:
I watched the sun shining in through the stain glass windows slowly fade away. I shivered as the frosty cold creeped in. I walked towards the front door of the church when I saw car lights. I jumped behind a bench and prayed it wasn't police. I could get charged for trespassing.
The door opened and footsteps came inside. The lights flickered and shut off.
"Hello?" A familiar voice said.
"Annie?" It repeated. I almost punched the floor as I realized it was Brennan.
He found me. I whispered.
A flashlight shined on me and a hand reached out.
"Annie." He said, dropping the flashlight and picking me up. He sat me down on the bench and handed me a sweater. I slipped it on and was surrounded by the smell of my boyfriend.
"Annie, I'm sorry about earlier. I know you're dealing with a lot. But I was right. You're not fine." I nodded, tears entering my eyes. I sat up. I was not crying again.
"But you're going to be. Caleb gets his surgery tomorrow and I made Mia plan to talk to you tonight. I called a counsellor." He finished, wrapping his arms around me.
"Brennan, I don't need a counsellor." I muttered.
"I know. But you are going through a hard time and need someone to talk to. You're going to okay Annie." He tightened his grip around me.
"I... I just don't know. The last time I came here was because of Liv." I mumbled.
"Liv isn't here. You're just having a hard time with all the stress. It's going to be over soon. You want to go home now?" He said, kissing my forehead. I shivered from his touch. I just nodded and he helped me up. I went into my car and he went in his. I tried to start mine, but it wouldn't budge. I walked out and Brennan ran up to me.
"Not starting?" He asked, looking inside. I nodded and he pulled open the door.
"We can't get it towed that far. It's late. We can stay in a hotel for tonight and bring gas here tomorrow." He said as I noticed the 'E' on the dashboard. We grabbed the few things from my car that I had and went inside their car. He drove to a hotel a few miles away and payed for a room. Once we were there he turned on his cell phone.
"I'll call my parents so they don't worry." He said and I just nodded again.

Brennan's POV:
"Brennan, where are you?!" I heard my moms voice shout from the end of the
"I went to find Annie. I found her but her cars out of gas, so I rented a hotel room. We will be back tomorrow." I said, sighing as Annie walked into the bathroom.
"Brennan, we never agreed to this. Come home now." She growled.
"I said we will be back tomorrow. We will get her car gas and drive back first thing in the morning." I said.
"Fine Brennan. But you are helping us tomorrow." She hissed as I hung up. Annie came out of the washroom and sat on the bed next to me.
I slipped under the covers and cuddled her petite body.
"I love you Brennan." She mumbled, and I knew she was about to fall asleep. I kissed her cheek and fell asleep, entangled with my girlfriend.
Everything is going to be just fine.

Noticed earlier that I accidentally skipped chapter Sixteen. Oops!
I still have so much to write for this book. But I've decided to write another Brannie fanfic after this one, I just don't know if I want it to have younger brannie or college brannie. Comment what you think.
Hope you enjoyed💓

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