Chapter Twelve

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Caleb's POV: Annie and Brennan and back into the room, and Annie's face was red. Like she was crying.
"Annie, I'm sorry. I should have stayed out of it." I confessed.
"No, I'm glad you did. It's better her knowing from you than Instagram." She said in a sloppy smile.
I pulled her in for a hug.
Suddenly, our parents called us upstairs.
"So kids. We've been talking, and after all the repairs are finished we would like to move."
Katie's face darkened.
"How far away? Will we still go to the same gym and school? Mom I-"
She was cut off by her dad.
"Sweetie, we want to move closer to the Leblanc's. It would give us a bigger house and you would be close to friends, and we are still next to a river." Her Dad grinned. Katie hopper up and down and shook Annie from her shoulders. I laughed and high-fived
Brennan. I was glad they were moving closer.

Katie's POV:
"Annie we can have sleepovers like every day!! This is amazing!" I shrieked. Annie laughed and hugged me back. I ran around and hugged my parents.
"We have a couple options. And we want you to see." Ms Jill said, opening her laptop. She showed us three houses. The first one was a block away from the Leblanc's house, and it needed some work. We didn't like it.
The second one was three houses down.
"This is my personal favorite." Dad said. It had five bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, it was gorgeous.
The third one was just bleh. It was seven houses away across the street, and it needed a lot of renovations. It also wasn't on the river, and we needed the river for our boat.
We all liked the second house. My parents put an offer on it and we squealed. I was so excited.

Brennan's POV:
It's been a long day full of excitement. After Ryan and Hayley came back, we were exhausted. But they weren't, so they taunted us into watching a movie. We got popcorn and all snuggled up on the couches.
Hayley decided on Pete's Dragon, and old favorite of hers.
Annie shivered.
"Here." I smiled, wrapping the blanket I was in over her shoulders. She smiled and pecked my lips.
"Ew!" Ryan and Hayley giggled. Katie and Caleb tackled them playfully.
Not long after the movie started, Annie was already asleep, of course. I pulled her sleeping body close to mine, and carried her upstairs. After I sat her down on the bed her hand shot up and grabbed my shirt collar. She pulled me in for a kiss. Wrapping her shoulders around my neck, we pulled away.
"I thought you were asleep?" I said grinning.
"I was. But I woke up and wanted to kiss you, so I did." She smirked playfully. We kissed even more.
Katie opened the door and we pulled away quickly.
"Sorry lovebirds, but I'm tired." She said, yawning. I have Annie one last kiss and walked to my bedroom.

Annie's POV:
"Little does he know he's sleeping on the couch." She giggled and I punched her shoulder laughing.
"What? My parents need a bed." She chuckled. Hayley opened the door and our laughing was silenced.
"Can I sleep with you guys? Mom and Dad are already asleep." She mumbled. I motioned for her to come in the large bed and snuggled her.
"Love you sis." She murmured and U heard her light snore already. Katie looked in awe at us cuddling sisters. She smiled and pulled at her blankets.
We slept soundly.

Katie's POV:
I woke up because my phone was going off repeatedly. Annie and Hayley were gone, and it smelled like maple syrup. I turned in my phone and squinted at the brightness.

Zach- Hey, kinda lost contact. Wanna talk? :)
I smiled and replied.
Katie- Sorry. My basement flooded and I have a lot going on. I'm also moving.
Z- Aw. Where to?
K- by my best friends house in -name of neighborhood-, so it's not that much farther :)
Z- you'll have to invite me by once you move in. Would love to see you again❤️
K- me too❤️ I have to go eat, but I'll call you later?
Z- Can't wait. Bye💖

I shut off my phone and held it to my chest. God he was adorable.
I hopped out of the covers and ran downstairs to eat. I was greeted by my friends and parents.
"Good new Katie-Kate! We are allowed to go see the house, and they want to talk about the offer we out in. They want to bring it up 10,000, but other than that we basically own the house!" My mom said, vlogging camera at hand. I always forget we had it. I looked on the couch behind me and noticed Annie and Brennan cuddling.
I smiled, completely forgetting about the camera.
"Who wants breakfast!" Hayley yelled happily. She made the best pancakes. I grabbed a plate and we all sat down to discuss the new house.
"Brennan would have this room." She said, pointing to the computer screen basement. "Me and Daddio would have this one, and Ryan would have this one." She said between bites.
"What about me?" I pouted sarcastically.
"You would have the top floor bedroom." She grinned. I put my dish I'm the sink.
"Well, we should get to school." Caleb said, slinging his bag over his shoulder. I groaned and grabbed my two bags with Annie and said goodbye to our parents.
We hopped in the car today, since we were taking six kids to school. Caleb sat in front of the wheel and I went in the passenger seat, so I could control music. Caleb laughed with another coffee at hand.
"And we're off!" He said, like he does every morning. I laughed and plugged in the Christmas music. We all sang like a huge family.
Hayley and Ryan were practically screaming and Annie and Brennan were in eachothers arms and singing along. I looked over at Caleb and laughed as he made funny faces. He laughed as well and we were too soon at the elementary school.
"Bye kids!" We yelled, laughing. We were hyper on maple syrup and coffee. I giggled as the laughing started to die down and we turned the music down.
"I love you guys." I grinned. Caleb looked at me with his brown eyes, his hair slightly covering them. I blushed a little. Wait. But I like Zach.
I'm confused now. Who did I like?
Caleb must have been looking at me too long, because before knew I was sitting in a hospital bed crying.

A lot of Katie's POV, but I don't write about her or Caleb too much so it was a nice change for this chapter.
Hope you enjoyed!!❤️

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