Chapter 7

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"Well we should be safe for tonight, the IHOP is about an hour and a half from here." Grayson reassures me. I take a deep breath and nod. "I'm gonna go get some pants on now." He laughs making me laugh.

Grayson walks back into the bathroom while I lay back on the bed. And just look up at the ceiling. Grayson comes out of the bathroom, this time with clothes, unfortunately.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Grayson says laughing distracting me from my thoughts. "Are you ready?" I nod as he starts walking out the room. I follow him when he stops real quick and turns around.

He looks me deep in the eyes. I look him in the eyes, kind of confused. He reaches his hands behind my neck. I just stand there not knowing what to do. He puts on my hood and smiles. Still not leaving my eyes. "Now let's go." He says as he walk away. Well that was weird.

We get in the car and make our way downtown.  "So how does it feel to be 18 and free." Grayson asked while focusing on the road. "I'm not really free, I'm tied down by the government." I mumble to myself and look out the window. "You know what I mean." He says with a slight chuckle. "Being 18 and living in your own is hard, but you gotta do what ya gotta do." Grayson grabs my hand. I turn to look at him to see him already looking at me. "You're not alone, and you won't ever be alone again. We are going to get through this together, no matter how hard it's going to get." I smile as he interlocks our fingers and continues to drive.

I feel a cold breeze on my shoulder, like the one from the other night. I look behind me to see Ethan smiling. "He's right. You're not going to be alone. I will always be here to watch over you, I promise." I look out the window again with a little smile on my face.

"Well, we're here." Grayson said parking the car. I look at the big yellow M outside my window. "McDonalds?" I ask Grayson. "What? I got hungry." I laugh at how innocent he looks.

We walk inside. The place is empty. Only Grayson, a couple workers and myself. "Go grab us a seat, I'll order for you." Grayson says while pointing at the empty chairs. I nod and my my way to the back.

Grayson comes back shortly with food on a red tray. "Eat up." Grayson says handing me a cheese burger. We begin eating when someone else walks in. It's a group of guys. They look familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I continue to look at them. There's three of them. They look about the same age as Grayson and I. They have tattoos and piercings, one has dread locks.

Flashbacks of the day the terrible accident happened. Realization hit me. "Grayson we have to go.!" I whisper yell in panic. "What? Why? We just got here." Grayson complains looking at his food. "Do you trust me?" I look him dead in the eyes with a straight face. He looks at me with a scared look on his face. He nods slowly. "Then we have to leave, now!" Grayson doesn't say a word but just nods.

We grab our food and make our way to the door. "Leaving so soon?" The one with dreads asked us. His group steps in closer to Grayson and I. "Go." Grayson whispers to me. I slowly back away to the door. Grayson then punches the guy in the face as we both make our way out of the McDonalds.

"GET BACK HERE BITCHES WE AINT DONE TALKIN TO YA." One of the guys yells. Grayson quickly puts the keys in the car and steps on the gas. The tires screech as we quickly turn out of the parking lot.

"Who the hell was that?" Grayson asked. "Those are the guys." I say, not able to say anymore. "What guys?!" Grayson yells. I sit there, not saying a word. My head is facing forward and my hands are gripped onto the seat. Flashbacks of the accident pop into my mind. The chasing, no gas, the flipping, the loss. It all comes flooding back.

"Anna answer me!" Grayson yells. "Those are the guys that killed Ethan." Grayson slams on his brakes. I jolt in my seat. I look at him confused. He puts the car in reverse and slams on the gas. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yell at him.

At this moment I'm frantically looking around as Grayson speeds off back to the McDonalds. "Grayson stop!" I yell.

Grayson pulls up into the parking lot and quickly gets out of the car. The group of guys are outside by the fence. I get out of the car trying to go after Grayson.

"Look who decided to come back." The guy with dreads says to Grayson. Grayson didn't say anything but just started beating him up. The other two from the group stand there watching, cheering in their friend. Grayson had the guy pinned up to the fence. I run up behind Grayson trying to pull him off. Grayson goes to punch the guy but ends up elbowing me in the face. He elbowed me so hard it knocked me down.

I grab my nose. I'm in extreme pain. The guy with dreads slid down the fence in defeat as Grayson looks at me. He picks me up and takes me to the car. Putting me in my seat. I buckle as he gets in on the drivers side.

We sit in complete silence the whole car ride. We finally make it to the motel. I sit with my arms crossed as Grayson turns off the car. He opens his car door and looks at me.

"Aren't you going to get out?" He asks. "I want to go home." I say with my arms still crossed not looking a him. "What do you mean you want to go home?" Grayson shuts his door, now looking at me. "Take me home!" Still not looking at him my arms still crossed. "Anna you don't have a home! How am I suppose to take you home when you don't have one,huh?" Grayson semi yells at me.

I open my car door and get out. I slam it shut and make my way up the steps to our room.

Authors note
Here's a little longer chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Comment your thoughts on this chapter I wanna see what you have to say!

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