Chapter 17

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For this chapter you will need to look up the song "Who We Are" by Imagine Dragons. Play the song when the chapter tells you to. Enjoy the last chapter!

I wake up to the sound of my cell opening. "Wake up princess, breakfast is waiting." A cop says. I lazily get out of bed and walk over to him. We do the daily routine where I wake up, get hand cuffed, go to the private room, eat, then come back to the lame ass cell.

The same as everyday. It gets boring after a while. It's been a month or so since I got arrested and I'm not leaving jail any time soon. They push me into the room as I see food on the table. They trust me enough now to just leave me in there by myself. I don't know why they didn't trust me until now. It's not like there are any Windows or doors. I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

I sit down and being eating this shit we call food. I swear it's not even edible but I have to eat it or I'll starve. I pick up the food on my plate and begin eating.

I gag slightly at the taste. I eat it anyway not thinking about what I put in my mouth.

The door opens as a cop walks in. "Annabelle there's someone here to see you." He says. I nod as he handcuffs me. I can't believe j have a visitor. My parents haven't spoken to me since I met Ethan. And I have no friends. I wonder who it could be.

I get set down in a booth thing with a telephone and a piece of glass separating the two sides. I'm nervous To see who it is. The officer unlocks my handcuffs so I can reach for the telephone. I look down in my lap, nervous. I hear someone sit down on the their side of the glass. The officer decides to step aside so I can have a private conversation with whoever wanted to visit me.

"Anna?" That voice is familiar. I look up to see Grayson sitting across from me. He has bruises and cuts on his face. "Grayson!" I say in excitement. I'm overwhelmed at the thought of Grayson being in front of me. I start to tear up.

"I thought you were dead!" I say. Grayson just chuckles. "I'm alive but barley breathing." My smile grows wide hearing his laugh. "Wow." Grayson whispers. "What?" I ask. "You look absolutely beautiful, more beautiful than I remember." I feel my cheeks heat up as I look down. Another tear drops from my eye. "I want to get out of here." I tell him. My voice scratch from crying. "Don't worry, we will."

Turn on the song now!
Close your eyes and put in headphones and just listen to the song. Take a minute to soak in what you just read. I know it's a lot to take in but the book is officially over. I hope you guys enjoyed reading!!! Stay true, stay dangerous, stay Wreckless 💙

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