Virginia Beach High

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A/N - I'm really excited, this is the point where the story is actually starting.
It will be longer, I promise
All rights to Bracken

Ruby's POV

I enter Virginia Beach high. It's pretty big, and has a semi-modern design made of brick. I go to the office and talk to the receptionist.
"Hi, I'm new and hoped you could give me my schedule...My name's Ruby Daly."
"Sure, hon", she says, then hands it to me from the printer. "Have a nice day".
"You too", I say as I walk away. I try to navigate myself throughout the halls, and find my locker out of pure luck.
The bell rings, and I run through the halls, pushing past everyone while looking at every classroom door, trying to find my first period class. Right before the late bell rings, I catch a glimpse of the numbers 427 and quickly slip into the room, and head into the farthest seat from the front. I drop off my books and jog to the front of the room in an attempt to avoid weird glares.
It doesn't work, my cover has been compromised.
I quickly explain my situation to the English teacher, and he just fills me in on what they're learning now. Apparently there is an essay due in a week on the novel A Tale of Two cities, and since I told him I read it already, I'm expected to write it.
Going back to my desk is just as uncomfortable as before, except someone catches my eye. His ruffled golden hair is the only other thing I notice besides his startling blue eyes that seem to be fixated on me.
I turn my head quickly and just slouch at my desk the rest of class, drowning out all sound except the bell that signals my departure.

P.E's my next class, and I just can't wait to sweat my guts out for an average grade. And just my luck, we are running the mile today.
It actually wasn't that bad. I'm relatively fast for my age, and beating all the other girls was a piece of cake since they all walked. When I finished, there still was like half an hour left until class was over, so you could say I had a bit of time on my hands.
If only I was smart enough to bring a book like that guy over their
He's a slim, dark skinned guy with thick glasses on the bridge of his nose. I walk over to him and try to glance at the cover, but he's not allowing it.
"Hey, what are you reading?" I ask.
"Not really your business", he says with a hint of venom I didn't really expect. His eyes are glued to the pages and he seems to be deliberately avoiding my eyes.
"Ohhhhkaaay, is it good?" I ask
"No! Of course not" he snaps, his voice filled with sarcasm. He then walks away and plants himself a good ten feet away from me.
Wow, dramatic much?
Why was everyone and everything so different!? The people seem on edge and the school is way too big for my taste. I know it's only 2nd period, but I hate how unsettling it feels to be in this unfamiliar place. It's a little early to say this, but I miss home.

A/N - sooooooo...... Feedback plz? Good or bad
(I'm not sure if this makes sense, but I'm gonna sign off after every chapter.)
Panda out😜🐼

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