You and me? Inevitable

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A/N - I feel that any darkest minds fanfiction writer writes about this beach scene at least once in their life.This is my take on it, but it still connects with the AU.
All rights to Bracken. Adding those last pages to the first book was a curse yet a blessing.
Thanks for all the reads!! I only publish chapters after I've made sure at least someone read the one before, so thanks for even bothering to scroll down this page😄😄😄😄
So sorry it took so long, school just started and stuff, but that's not really a good excuse. I ALWAYS make time for reading, and now I just have to learn to fit writing into that very unorganized schedule😜

Ruby's POV

The next two months of school wasn't... Torture I guess.
To be honest, it was kind of nice. I've gotten to know Liam better, Chubs is less cold to me, and Vida is my girliest friend. Truth be told she's my only girl friend at school, but it's still surprising how different she is on the inside than what she shows on the outside. I'm never one to want to go shopping, and I thought Vida and I had that in common, but I could not have been more wrong. Last weekend, right after school ended, she dragged me to the mall, and we spent 6 hours trying on clothes.
6 hours!!!
That's more than the amount I have spent at the mall in 16 years of my life!!!
It wasn't all horrible. I was able to get a bathing suit. Despite Vida's protests, it's a one piece that's emerald green with spaghetti straps. It's really lovely, and matches perfectly with my green sundress.
Today actually looks like a great beach day. The air is humid and the sky is a bright blue, with few clouds in the sky.
Nearing the beginning of summer, I got a part time job at the ice cream parlor in the middle of town. It was a place where I could pass time during the summer, earn money, and sneak out tons of "free" ice cream.
"Hey, Olivia?" I called my boss."Would it be okay if I clocked out an hour early today?"
"Sure, just come back tomorrow."
"Ok" and I was outta there.
I'm really looking forward to hanging out at the beach. I haven't had much time to relax lately, and walking on the sand with music from the doors blasting in my ears is just what I needed.

Liam's POV

It's a nice day, so my step-dad Harry, Cole, and I wanted to play beach volleyball.
I love the game.
I stink at it big time, but I still love it.
It was me, against Cole and Harry. You would think that since I have a disadvantage, I would have another person on my team, but no. This way, when I hit the ball at the pole and it rebounds on my side, I am the only one who can get hurt. But even that's an accomplishment since it meant that I actually hit the ball.
We were in the middle of a... Um.. Rally, I think it's called, when I saw green. It was Ruby, in her flowing green dress, with big dark shades covering her eyes. She was swaying around to the music in her ears, and I wanted more than anything to be able to enjoy it with her.
Her and I are just friends. And honestly, times like this, when she looks so content and beautiful, I kinda hate it. It reminds me that we aren't together and probably won't ever be.
It reminds me that I'm living in a fantasy.
The ball heading towards me broke me out of my thoughts, and I smacked it, hard, in surprise. It went over the net, a good sign, then went right, and hit Ruby right on the head.
A bad sign.

Ruby's POV

I saw Liam while he was playing beach volleyball. Of course he was losing, badly, since he missed the ball by at least a foot every time. But he looked so happy just playing the game, like he didn't mind at all that he sucks.
I have to say though, Liam in just a bathing suit is... Perfect.
He looks, I don't wanna say it, but hot...basically. I don't even know any other word to describe it.
But it's okay, because we have gotten closer over these months. Not close like that, but good friends. We love the same music, his jokes and nick names always make me laugh, and the way he faces every situation with his passion filled heart makes him soooo sweet... And maybe even more attractive to me.
But hey! I'm allowed to have my own thoughts, as long as I don't act on anything...
I stop shortly to look down at my phone, to change the song. When I look forward again, I'm faced with a volleyball.

Ruby and Liam AUWhere stories live. Discover now