Chapter 18

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A/N - thanks for reading so fast☺️☺️.
You guys are awesome!
By the way, I don't own anything, Bracken is behind all the awesomeness.

Ruby's POV

"Love makes us do crazy things"
"What!" Liam screams a little too loudly and I can't help but try to shush him.
"Relax, it's probably not love" I reassure him.
But his jaw is still unhinged.
I close it and make sure his mouth stays closed.
"Well, this has been "really fun". But I'm still kinda tired. Want to finish up the lesson tomorrow Zu?"
She nods, gives me a hug, then heads out.
"Drinking too much water has gotten to your head huh?" Liam says while taking steps closer.
I stick out my tongue at him.
"Ha ha ha, soo funny. But no, I didn't sleep enough." I say and take a step into his arms.
The warmth from him and the softness of his shirt is extremely comforting.
There is a good chance I might fall asleep here.
"Not to be rude, but I'm seriously crazy tired. Just stand still for about 2-5 hours, and then we could leave."
I can feel his chuckling against my cheek, but I wasn't Joking.
"Okay ok, I'll take you home" and he's dragging me towards the door.
I'm groaning and yawning all the way outside until I notice that his bike's not here.
"Wait! Where's your bike?"
"I left it at home. I only came for ice cream and my house is close by."
Then he starts to smirk.
"Don't tell me you actually want to ride on the "death trap from hell"?"
"Pff, pish posh." I say very convincingly.
"But ok! I would really like to take a ride, with wheels... or legs..." an idea forming in my head 💡
"Could you give me a piggyback ride?" I say excitedly.
Anything to get me out of walking the 5 blocks home.
I'm not lazy, I'm tired...
Ok, I'm a little lazy, but that's besides the point!
"You're being serious right now?" Liam asks, his mouth slightly open.
I nod hopefully, then he sighs to my great surprise.
"Hop on."
And that was how I got the guy I'm crazy about to give me a piggyback ride.

In front of my house

I hopped off his back, seriously groggy from the amazing nap I just took.
Who knew leather was so comfortable?!
I stretched my arms, yawning, and said "Thanks".
I made my way up the pathway to my door, and noticed that Liam was slightly trailing behind me.
"Are you waiting for a 'thank you' kiss?" I teased.
"I wouldn't mind" he said coolly, but his ears were tinged pink as he walked towards me.
He pulled my face close, and our lips met.
It was soft at first but became more insistent, making me forget that we are on my front doorstep.
In public, open for anyone to see...
like Grams or my parents...
Eh, who cares
I never would've made such a rash decision if I wasn't currently making out with Liam.
This was the danger of him. He could lift all my worries with a single look/passionate kiss.
I was the one to pull back, but regretted it the second I did.
"I kinda should go home. I'll get you some "free" ice cream tomorrow since you missed out today because of me" I say looking at his chest.
"I'll see you around darlin'." He says in my ear, and kisses me softly on the neck.
Then I'm standing on my doorstep. Planning on probably going in sometime.
After my ridiculous smile fades.

I decided to take a nap, that turned into a full on slumber for the night.
Tomorrow would be Monday, so I guess it's alright for me to get over twelve hours of sleep.
Especially since I'll be up all night for the rest of the week.
Thanks homework
But right in the middle of my very vivid dream containing several glow in the dark unicorns 🦄 (don't ask), I heard knocking on my window.
And the knocking sounds exactly like what I heard last night, when this same person disturbed me from my beauty sleep yet before!
I groaned, and groggily got out of bed, briefly checking the clock.
Half past midnight.
I opened the window.
"What is with you coming to my room after midnight" I whisper-sighed.
"Just let me in quickly! This damn fall breeze will be the death of me" Vida hissed.
I didn't even have the energy to tell her that fall doesn't start for another few weeks, seeing that it's only early September.
Too bad, it would have been the perfect time for me to show off all the stuff I learned in 8th grade science.
She jumped in the basement, and lounged herself on my bed.
I noticed that she was still wearing the same ripped jeans and black hoodie from last night/this afternoon.
"I'm gonna ask a really obvious question: why are you here!?" I whisper-screamed.
Don't want to wake up my family two stories up.
"Sooo, since I didn't come home until early this morning, my parents are really pissed at me. They locked me out of the house, and my bitch of a sister locked our room's only window. I don't have anywhere to crash, so could I stay here for the night? I'll be gone before you wake up, I promise" she hastily added.
But her short story just woke.Me.UP.
"Vi, that's horrible! It's not right of your parents to do that!" I exclaim.
She just snorts in response.
"Does this happen...often?" I hesitate.
"From time to time, but I usually have backup places scattered around town. But it's late, and your house was close, so I came here."
She shrugs, and her tiredness almost hides her sadness.
"So, can I stay? just for tonight?"
I nod. "Sure, just.. don't snore okay?"
She agrees, then curls herself up on my bed.
I take a blanket and place it over her, then make a makeshift sleeping bag on my floor.
It's a weird feeling, getting kicked out of your own bed.

A/N - hi!!! Thanks for reading!!!
This chapter is a tad shorter than my others, but I felt this was a good place to leave off...😅😅
Panda out!

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