Chapter 14

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A/N - Hi!!!!!

Thanks for still reading!!! you're just too nice!


Ruby's POV

I'm in the passenger seat of Cole's car. It's black and looks like it's at least a couple of years old. But nonetheless, it would have been a comfortable ride if Cole wasn't silently fuming, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

I break the silence. "Ok, if you hate me so much, then why are you driveing me home?"

He huffs out a breath he's been holding, "'Cause i needed to get you out of there. Liam gets annoying when you're around."

"Don't older brothers usually think there younger sibling is annoying? like at any time...' I point out.

He lets out another long sigh. "It's more complicated than that Gem...."

"How so?"

"Don't make me pull over" he says with gritted teeth.

sheesh, what did I ever do to him?

I want to continue questioning him. I really really do...

But then he pulls up into my driveway, and is stretching over my lap to open the door on my side.


"...thanks..." I mumble, trying not to sound too disappointed that he's not facing my parents with me. I mean, it's not his problem and he'll probably just make my case seem worse, but i kinda don't want to go alone.

I get out, and he speeds away instantly.

So much for the 5 second span on his kindness

I get in my house, and not-so-surprisingly, both my parents and Grams are seated on the couch, facing me.

"Take a seat" they say in Unison, motioning towards the chair across from them.

"The thing is-"

"There are no excuses for this behavior!" my mother quickly explodes. "We've been worried sick since we didn't see you in your bed! Then we get this call from a nice lady, saying that you stayed over at her place for the WHOLE night! When were you gong to mention this to us?!"

How did Liam's mom know Grams's phone number...?

Not my top priority right now!

"Umm, well, is it too late to mention it now, or..." I reply, aiming for humor.

Don't try that at home. Every time, literally every TIME, a smart alack response gains me zero points.

It's insane how I keep making the same mistakes.

"Being a smart ass helps nothing right now! NOTHING!" now my Dad's riled up too, and he's a saint. "What the hell were you guys doing?"

"You see, we were watching a movie, and I meant to take a small nap, like up till midnight, but then i fell asleep on his bed-"

"On HIS bed?!"

Okay, I admit, bad word choice on my part.

"No! no no, never! it was nothing like that!' and then I go on to explain the whole situation, leaving out parts where Liam kissed my cheek and how we spent all night sleeping next to each other. Obviously that would just get me in more quicksand than I already am in, and trust me, I'm sinking fast.
   They grounded me for a month, and changed my curfew, again.
I feel like my parents don't know any other ways to punish me.
I spent almost my whole life at a boarding school, aka Thurmound, so now with me around the house, they seem to not know how to discipline me.
But I'm not complaining.
It's not like I have much of a life that would keep me out of the house on normal days, sadly.
   I spent the rest of the day doing chores, being my parents' personal slave, and all that other crap.
I gotta be honest with you, not one of my best days.
I went down to the basement, exhausted, at around 10, and fell asleep instantly.
knock knock knock
That stupid insistent knocking was disturbing my beauty sleep!!!
I groggily got up, to try and find the source of the noise, and potentially kill the person/thing.
It was coming from the back of the house, outside the window.
Yeah, that's right, I have one of those basements that is like one sixth above ground.
With a stupid window that I can only reach with a small step stool.
I pushed it open, and came face to face with... Vida.
"Why the hell are you here?!" I hissed.
"Whoa, feisty after midnight. You should show this side of you more often", she smirked.
Then I grudgingly moved over to let here in, but I'm still cranky.
"Seriously! Why are you here at-" I looked at the clock," 1:15!!!"
"Relax, I'm here to take you to a party" she replied, a little too proudly.
And despite my sour mood, I chuckled a little.
"You're out of your mind. Why on earth would I go to a party? And especially when I'm grounded! I got to say Vida, you are losing your touch."
She looked at me with mock offense.
"How rude of you to say! Don't worry, I'll have you confident in my abilities by the end of the night."
I scoffed to that, and then she continued.
"Mike is having another party tonight, that started an hour ago, and since you live right by him, this is the perfect opportunity for you to do all that normal high school shit", She says, like it's obvious.
Wow, very convincing
"What a beautiful speech. Did you rehearse it?" I say in a flat voice.
"Seriously Ruby! You lucked out tonight! Mike usually only has parties once a month, but his parents are away this weekend," she fills me in on useless information.
"None of this concerns me." I say. "I prefer to sleep than drink my entire night away."
"But that is so damn boring!" Vida exclaims, getting frustrated.
But I am too.
I motion for her to climb out my window, and go home, but she's not backing down.
I let out an exasperated sigh.
"Give me one good reason, a REAL reason, for why I should go to this stupid party."
She waits a moment, then responds.
"Because Boo, this is your time to start living."

A/N - I know, I KNOW, this chapter is just filled with a million and one cheesy lines and cliche moments, and I'm sorry😬.
But I had to make Ruby go to this party, maybe you'll understand later, and I had to add that last cheesy line, just because.
I never understood why so many people wrote party moments when they write romance based fiction, but these party scenes are kind of necessary during high school. Bear with me, that must of sounded like a bunch of mush, but you must read between the lines...
Also, Sorry for taking longer than usual to update, and for this being such a short chapter. Hope you liked it anyways, though it mainly is a filler for the upcoming chapters 😅
Panda out🐼

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