Chapter 17

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A/N - thanks for all the support guys!!!
Writing these kissing scenes are very cringe worthy for me, but there will be many more in the future, seeing that Rubiam is official, so I must find a way to survive😜

Ruby's POV

I deserve an applause.
I managed to sneak out to a party, right after I got a semi-brutal yelling, and snuck back into Grams's house without anyone finding out.
I can't get away with coming home an hour after curfew, but somehow I manage to disappear for half the night, with a very noisy accomplice too, and no one notices.
Guess everyone else was too busy getting there beauty sleep to notice me.
Whereas I did not have such luck.
Coming home around 4 a.m, then waking up at 7 a.m to work at the ice cream parlor is hell for my head.
You'd have to create a whole new word to describe how I'm feeling.
And it will have to be of the four lettered variety.
I went to the ice cream shop, looking like someone put a leaf blower to my hair, and instantly worked for four hours straight.
And since it's Sunday, our busiest day, I didn't get a break until Zu came in through the door.
I mumbled an excuse to my boss, then rushed quickly to a booth, collapsing into it.
"You are my savior, Zu. Olivia was going to make me clean out the refrigerator!" I manage to croak out, before my head falls into my arms.
I feel Zu picking at my hair, and manage a small laugh.
"I'm sorry I look like a bird was born on my head" I lift my head up. "I didn't have time to brush it, or go out and buy a brush."
She smiles, then comes around the table and sits next to me.
She starts untangling pieces of my hair with her fingers, and braids them together.
When she's done, I actually look semi-presentable, well, with me in an ice cream stained T-shirt and all.
Is it possible to get a hangover from smelling too much alchohol??
I lift my hand up, and Zu high fives it giddily.
"You miracle worker! Now let's try out memorizing your social studies facts with a song."
She gives I me an are-you-serious kind of face, and I just laugh knowingly.
"I don't mean you have to sing the song, just say it over in your head a couple of times."
But it's true, sometimes I do forget that Zu doesn't talk. And I don't even know why...
"Zu, is there, specific reason you don't talk?" I try to ask casually, but I see her stiffen, her shoulders tightening.
Then she exhales a breathe, then relaxes.
She writes: I have laryngitis, an infection of the vocal cords.
I sigh in relief.
I didn't even realize how scared I was that she has a traumatizing past.
She's like a younger sister to me, and anyone who bothers her is like my enemy.
But she doesn't have any...
I got the infection from yelling too much, She scribbles down quickly. Then erases it the second I finish reading it.
Or maybe she does
"Wait, what do you mean?" I ask.
"You kind of left me at a cliffhanger here", I aim for humor.
But she just vigorously shakes her head, turning her attention directly to homework...
But her back is tense now, and she won't meet my eyes.
She's hurting on the inside, and I don't know why.
But it was my stupid idea to bring it up...
"Hey, what's in the past is in the past. Don't be too upset about whatever happened" I try to say soothingly.
I'm not really good at comforting people most of the time, but Zu understands my intentions...thankfully, and brings a small smile to her face.
"Now back to social studies", and I make a face. "Bleh, disgusting."
She copies me, her nose scrunched up in disgust, and writes:
disgusting like boys.
I can't help but laugh immensely at this.
I totally forgot that she's at this age where the genders are like rivals.
"Yeah, sure. Just like-"
I was rudely interrupted by some random screaming that forced me to turn around in my chair.
"May I help you?"
"Cut the crap, and move OVER!" Vida screams, pushing me to the side of the booth.
We are gaining many questionable stares from around us, including Zu.
We did not catch Vida on her best day.
"I made a horrible mistake. I fu-"
"Language!" I interrupt, pointing to Zu,
who just shrugs in response, allowing Vida to continue on.
"-cked up real bad. That stupid party made me drunk as hell, and I couldn't find you, so I just... danced a little, I think. The thing is I DON'T fucking know what the hell happened!!! My head is spinning right now, and I woke up next to-"
"Oh my, I think I know" I say quickly, my eyes widening like crazy.
She starts shaking my shoulders rapidly.
"I slept with Chubs!!! I slept with a freakin' grannie!" She cries out loud.
Her face is contorted with panic, anger, disappointment, maybe even... relaxation...?
But it's probably the after effects of the alchohol.
I stop the shaking and try to shush her.
"Please scream louder. Just let the whole town know that you slept with-"
I was not able to finish my sentence due to the fact that my mouth was being covered with a hand.
"Don't you dare say his name" she said with gritted teeth. The sentence was meant to be a threat but came out more as a plead. "I don't even want to have the liberty of saying his dumb-ass name in that sentence!" She whispers.
I look over at Zu, and see that she seems to be quite amused by this sight of a pleading yet threatening Vida.
I, however, am far from amused.
I peel her hand off my face, and say, kinda calmly, "if only you stayed at home and slept in your own bed, alone. Instead, you went to that stupid party, and now your in a complicated situation!"
I am trying to stay calm, but I didn't even want to go in the first place, and now I'm supposed to listen to her complain about the damn party??
I know, I know, I'm being an inconsiderate friend...
Just let my brief anger subside, and I'll be as kind as ever... kinda.
"You can't say I didn't warn you!" I breathe out, settling down a little.
"Next time listen to me, please" I end.
"Now, are you going to talk to Chubs again?" I ask out of the blue.
Her eyes widen like she just realized that she has to talk to him.
It's kinda the polite thing to do after you sleep with someone...
Her initial panic leaves her face immediately, and is replaced with her usual scowl.
"Why the hell would I want to talk to that dumb-ass again?! He was the one who came on to me!...or was it the other way around..." she whispers the last part to herself.
I put my head in my arms and groan.
"What is my place in this... oddity?"
She punches me in the arm, and all of a sudden, my head is no longer on the table.
"Boo! I need your advice! I'm not sure what exactly happened, but I woke up with only-"
"Whoa, no need to go into any details..." I laugh nervously.
What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.
"For advice, I'd say... uh..." my mind's blanking.
I mean, what do you say when your highly sarcastic friend somehow gets herself involved with some brainiac that seems to hate your guts.
But in Chubs's defense, this whole "excluding" thing he does with me seems to be just a coping method he does when he's not used to someone.
Well too bad for him, since I'm gonna be here all year.
"You should..."
Boys are disgusting, Zu writes for me, and in return I mouths 'thank you'.
Vida actually smiles a little, a slight twitch of her mouth.
"You got that right girl! Especially drunk boys-"
I elbow her in the ribs.
"I mean who drink too much-"
I elbow her in the ribs
"Water! I was gonna say water-"
I elbow her in the ribs.
"What the hell!"
" became a habit" I mumble shyly.
It's true.
I'm never the violent friend, but I don't do well in this specifically girlish problematic situation.
But she looks pissed.
I mean this whole conversation was based off of her terrible mood, but now her expression is just plain pissed off.
Perfect timing!!!
"Hey!" I say, running towards Liam and jumping in his arms.
I was more relieved to see him than anything else, but I can't say this wasn't a nice surprise.
The impact of the hug made him topple back a few steps, causing me to let go and laugh a little.
"You saved me" I said, looking up at him in exaggerated awe.
He scrunched his nose and his eyebrows drew together.
I snickered. "And that is the response of a knight in shining armor."
Then I drag him over to our table, and gesture for him to sit near vida.
"Hey, Vida! Sooo, you and Chubs, huh?" He says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
A weird look on him, but Vida gets his mockery.
She groans and stomps out the ice cream parlor.
He points to the door, asking a silent question about Vida'a mood.
I just shake my head and say, "love makes you do crazy things."

A/N - the ending quote is true, but the context sarcasm btw☺️
Hope you liked it😅
Panda out🐼

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