Chapter 3

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A/N - all characters are owned by Bracken, sadly

Ruby's POV

I did not have to wander the halls aimlessly to get to my science class.
Thank you Vida
Instead I got their early, so I was able to talk to Ms. Connor.
"Hello, ruby is it?" She said. "You came in at just the right time. We are starting a new unit today, and a project between you and your lab partner will be due in two days. There is a free seat right over there and... I think that's it" she said with a smile. "Oh wait! Also, I allow all my students to call me Cate, meaning you can to".
I nodded then headed to my seat and started doodling in my notebook.
Right as I was in the middle of drawing a crescent moon, someone took the seat besides me.
It's pencil head.
Weird how his head did kinda look like a pencil, but it didn't make him look unattractive. I shake my head to erase these thoughts and settle on continuing my drawing of a very important moon.
It did not work, he said "Hi"
How do I respond to that?!?!
I took a breath in, and replied with the same greeting.
"So... What's your name?" He asked
"Um, Ruby" I say a bit nervously.
He smirks a little, "like Ruby Tuesday?"
I laugh.
"Yes, exactly correct" I start out slowly. "My father is in LOVE with their burgers and named his only child after the restaurant that makes him so very happy" I say, smiling.
He laughs whole heartedly, with a smile that lights up his whole face. I blush a little bit at how much I enjoy the sight, but I don't even know his name.
"So, what's your name?" I counter.
"Liam. Sorry it's not as interesting as yours, being named after a restaurant and all" he says oh so seriously. "But I can tell you I was born on the back of a bus, which I think is pretty interesting too ".
My eyes widen."Do you tell everyone you just meet about where you were birthed?" I question, only half joking.
"Not really Ruby Tuesday, consider yourself lucky. Stick around any longer and you'll learn tons of weird things" he says with a mischievous grin, spreading his hands apart to form emphasis on "tons".
"I'm not sure that's something I should look forward too", I say, laughing till the bell rings, signaling the start to class.


So basically the project was for Liam and I to group ourselves with the lab table ahead of us, and assign each other parts of the brain that we must research, and write about, and draw, and blah blah blah.
It turns out that Vida and so called "Grannie" were gonna be our partners.
"Ok, so I suggest Vida and I take the more challenging lobes of the brain, say occipital and temporal? And you will take frontal and parietal." Grannie says, while only looking at Liam.
What? He's scared I'll turn him into stone or something?!
"Ok, sure, and Ruby and I can figure out a place to meet" Liam says while looking at me. "Say, my place, tomorrow?"
He sounds a bit flirtatious, but it could just be my imagination...
I cock an eyebrow, but still say "ok".
We trade numbers, and I'm off to conquer the day/finish my classes.

A/N - if you haven't noticed yet, I use little sayings/references from the book in this story. If you have noticed, then I can proudly say you are a Darkest Minds Geek.
Welcome to the club😄
Panda out

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