I am NOT sick

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A/N- ☺️I'm sorry for the really late update. I could say life got in the way, but the main reason was because of my "little" encounter with Mr.Writer .S. Block. He sucks and having no idea what to write sucks. But I'm back and appreciate the over ONE THOUSAND reads more than ever😮😮😮😮😮😮!!! This is the first idea I've had in months so it'll be a little underdeveloped, but it's just a filler to wake my creative juices up from hibernation😅😅.
I've missed Rubiam soooooo much, so Enjoy!!!

Ruby's POV

I'll state this once and for all for you guys, nice and simple: I, you know, Ruby, am NOT sick!!!

And I'm being dead serious ok?

So despite Vida literally scrambling out my window as if a pack of wolves were hunting her down when I sneezed, or when Grams said I looked like a mutilated zombie (whatever that is), I am still not sick.

   They are all just big fat delusional drama queens, hopelessly confuzzled in the mind, while I am here in a perfectly fit and sane state.
And because of my perfect logic and reasoning skills, I have decided to ditch school today because I am a total badass, Not because of Gram's request and my undying need for sleep.

So to sum everything up, I am staying in my bed all day to watch terrible movies under the covers because I am making a terrible life choice that will hinder my academic performance , not because I am feeling ill.

A few hours later

Around 4, right in the middle of this film with supremely bad acting, I hear a few knocks on my window.
Despite the truly awful so-called "actors" performance and anticlimactic plot, I have trouble tearing my eyes away from the screen.
This must be what people feel when they watch reality tv shows...

I drag my blanket along with me to the window, and "welcome" the freezing gust of air. I shiver, and Liam's head pops through the window.
"You do have a window" he exclaims(see chapter 8), and climbs in.
Along with his presence comes an overwhelming scent of chicken noodle soup, which I guess is what he has in his bag.
"Romeo, O Romeo, why thou you here?" I fail miserably at Shakespearean language.
"Only to see my beautiful maiden," he replies, and I take some time to look down at myself.
For one, I am wearing one of my dad's old shirts and leggings as Pjs. My hair is literally a catastrophe I managed to somewhat stuff in a scrunchie, plus my nose is red from the sudden cold.

I give him a deadpan look and he raises his arms in defense.
"Hey, blatantly insulting a princess while she's sick is a sin" he says, and I instantly defend myself.
"I am not sick! Capital 'NOT'! I am just being a complete badass who ditched school while their perfectly fine," I say, followed by a spontaneous sneeze.
I instantly grab onto Liam's flannel shirt to prevent falling from a rush of vertigo, and can feel him laughing while he holds me up.
"Whoa there Green, wanna repeat what you just said?"
He's still laughing hysterically while he swoops me up in his arms, exactly like a cliche princess story, except I look like a hobo, and Liam is at least ten times hotter than any Prince Charming I've ever seen.

He places me on my bed, and sits right by me with the soup he brought. I first thank him, then punch his arm.
"You know it's really stupid for you to come all the way over here right? I mean, you can catch all this-",I wave my hand around my face, "badassery."

That is most likely a word right?

He scoffs in response, and wraps his arm around my shoulders. He's lucky he caught me on a weak day, otherwise I would have hesitated more before sinking into his chest and entangling my legs with his for warmth.

   "It's worth the risk" he softly whispers in my ear and I bury my face deeper in his chest to hide my blush.
He's obviously an idiot to hold me so closely while I am possibly sick, but curse him for being the sweetest idiot I've ever known.
   The awful movie, with the too fake "Lizard" monster and too high pitched screams, was still playing in the background as my eyes started to get droopy. The chicken soup was amazing,    and being tucked in comfortably beside Liam is heaven.

   "You seriously should go before you catch my probable cold" I say one last time, trying to convince him to leave but really not wanting him to. His flannel shirt is so soft, and I just know that I'll be cold under these layers of blankets if he leaves.
"Love makes you do crazy things" he says as I finally drift off.

Maybe I am actually sick.
At least I know that I'm definitely delusional.

A/N- soooo.... this is kinda really short😥I'm sorry. But I really don't think it came out that bad... so let me know what you think😄... only if you want to of course 😅. Major apologies for such a long wait, but I'm going to try and come with ideas faster now with midterms OVER (par-tay time!!!🎉🎉🎊🎈🎈)
Hope you liked it and have a wonderful life!

Panda out🐼😜

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