Sneaking out for a party, how cliche

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A/N - I'm so glad you guys weren't mad about the normality of a party scene😅
But it won't be some ordinary party...
*suspenseful music in the background*

Ruby's POV

"Because Boo, this is your time to start living."
Curse her words for echoing in my ears!
I live!
The truth is, back when I was in Thurmound for 3 years, those were the most... hectic years of my life.
I rebeled against the deans and security forces with Sam, we stayed out past curfew and made our own secret organization against the school, and stole ice cream from the kitchens.
It's true, the disciplines were harsh, and I've had more than my fair share of them. But there, every day was an adventure. Not necessarily a fun one, but still an adventure.
And here, being in a gated community, I haven't been on edge as often.
And I'm scared I might've forgot how to take risks.
Trust me when I say that if I didn't have these stupid doubts, then I wouldn't even think about saying yes to Vida.
But I do...
"I live" I reply weakly.
Vida scoffs harshly, and is probably about to respond with something vulgar, but I cut her off.
"Ok! I get it... You win" I give in.
Her eyes brighten, and she instantly runs to my closet.
She pulls out a sparkly dress that I didn't even know I owned.
"No way!" I say, emphasizing the "No".
"If I'm going, then I get to wear what I want", I motion towards my jeans and t-shirt.
"Come on boo, wear something nice" and she makes a face toward my preferred outfit.
I roll my eyes and shake my head.
Vida sighs loudly, "Fine, but Liam's going to be there."
I try to keep my face impassive, but Vida's already smirking.
She knows the effect that name has on me.
"Well, t-that's news to... me" I say, then sprint to my bathroom, dragging my clothes along with me.
I just don't want to reveal too much of my thoughts with my facial expressions.
Though I have nothing to hide...
I put on my normal outfit, like a guy could even get me to dress up, but keep my hair down since I'm too lazy to put it up.
Yes... Laziness is the reason
Soon, Vida and I are climbing out my window, and heading towards the flashing lights signaling Mike's house.
Since it's after midnight, the path is nearly pitch black, and I vaguely think about how easily someone could kidnap us out here.
At least I have some pepper spray in my bag...
We near his house, and already, people are either drinking vigorously, or vomiting like crazy in his grass.
Some job that'll be for the landscapers tomorrow...
And yes, this is my only thought right now.
See how party crazy I am!
Vida drags me into the house, the music pounding in my ears, and leads me right to the table filled with drinks.
She instantly fills up two red cups, and hands me an empty one.
"I don't want-"
"I won't fill it up. Just carry it around so no one offers you anything sketchy" she interrupts.
I don't get how me carrying around a useless cup helps anything, but I don't disagree.
I want to ask her more questions, but she dashes off to the dance floor without a word, blending in with the crowd of people.
"Oh, yea. Don't wait up for me...I'm fine right here", I sarcastically yell in her direction.
Like someone without supersonic hearing even heard what I said.
I decide that blending in with the crowd is still my best option.
I stay in the middle, veering away from the corners.
I read stuff on wattpad, and I know that girls in corners are like beakens to drunk guys who want sex.

I'm doing alright, but it gets boring wandering around aimlessly.
I finally meet up with Vida again, and her eyes are a little too bright. Plus her words are slurred.
"Did you bring any condoms?"
My eyes widen.
"I didn't know I had to" I hiss, punching her once.
She just laughs while hiccuping and says, "Don't worry, you can borrow some of mine".
Then she leaves me, again.
I gotta say, drunk Vida is not my favorite person right now.
So far, no sign of Liam.
NOT like I'm looking for him!
But knowing someone other than Vida would be nice...
Then I see a flash of dark hair.
But why, out of all the people, do I just notice this person's hair
I'm creeped out by this sudden feeling of deja vu, and try to shrug it off.
But the hair is coming towards me until I see his face.

A/N - ok, so I really wanted to end the chapter here, but then it's just too short. Don't be mad.
So, surprise!!
Continue reading😅

I breathe out.
My heart is beating fast and the same thought keeps cycling through me head.
Why the hell is he here?
Why the hell is he here?!
"Ruby!" He says, all delighted.
I wish I could say the same for how I feel right now.
"What are you doing here!" I shout over the music. "We aren't that close to Salem."
Clancy, here, is my dear friend from Thurmound. He made my life hell for a couple of months, then suddenly stopped the madness when all his hair was mysteriously shaved off while he was sleeping. That happened about three years ago, so obviously, his hair is all grown out now.
"It's great to see you too" he says. "And I used to work with Mike in a food storing warehouse, so we are good friends."
His smile looks forced and his eyes are cold.
But to any outsider, he is charming. Like a prince.
I don't know how to respond, but he continues talking.
"I was surprised when you left Thurmound so quickly, but you haven't changed a bit", his eyes rake my body, but I kick him in the shins to refocus his eyes on my own.
"How's Sam?" My voice softens slightly.
I hate how my only source of conversation is with Clancy.
"She's alright. But you should tell her to back off. Her annoying little pranks are getting on my nerves."
Despite my mood, I smile. It's always good to know that Sam is still her quiet yet fierce self.
"But enough about her. How are you" Clancy takes a sudden step closer to me.
I can feel his breath on me and I want to gag.
I take a step back, and try to keep up less creepy dialogue.
"I'm good. You?"
"I'm fine" he drawls on, stepping near me yet again.
All he needs to do is get me in a corner and it's like every pervertish party movie ever made.
"Could you just, back up" I say, pushing my hands on his chest.
My mistake.
He holds onto my hands and pulls me closer instead. His eyes impassive, but his mouth forming a smirk.
My breathing is quickening slightly, definatly out of slight panic, but I'm trying to keep my face cool.
This is dangerously like the scene from 3 years ago.
"Oh, Ruby. Don't you want-"
"Ruby! There you are!" Another voice interjects, and I can't help letting out a breathe of relief.
"I finally was able to get some answers out of Vida. She is soo drun-" Liam stops suddenly once he sees my position with Clancy.
"Who's this?"
"Who's this?" Clancy retorts, but is aiming the question at me.
"Uh, Clancy, Liam. Liam, that's Clancy" I mumble, finally freeing my hands from his grasp.
"Is he.. bothering you?" Liam asks, reading my face so well.
"Nothing is wrong here. We were just enjoying a moment before you interrupted",Clancy answers for me.
"I'm not sure that's true. Is it Ruby?" Liam asks.
"Of course it is. Just look at her saddened face once you came along" Clancy responds for me, again.
"Let her talk!" Liam retorts, his face suddenly flaring with anger.
"I will! Stop interrupting her!"
"You won't let her speak her damn mind!" Liam rants.
You can't say I'm not trying here.
"Who gave you the right to come in and be an ass!"
"Not now!" They say in Unison, and I bring my hands up in exasperation.
Just like the movies
"I don't know who's the ass here seeing that you were freakin' assaulting-"
Then Clancy punched Liam in the jaw mid sentence.
I was so shocked that I only managed a deformed scream before Liam was back on his feet, bringing his arm back for revenge.
After he got one good punch in, 'cause I had to let him do at least that much damage, I pushed Liam back.
Trying to put myself between the two raging guys.
Men, am I right?
Though...I am a supporter of Clancy getting beaten up...just a little bit
"Seriously, let's just go home" I sternly say, looking Liam right in his darkened eyes.
"You can't go home with him" Clancy shouts, and pulls on to one of my arms.
This one act really pisses me off.
I'm not a rope in tug of war!
I grope around in my bag for something with my free hand, and say, "Sorry... But not sorry."
Then I spray pepper liquid stuff in his eyes, and run away with Liam hot on my heels.
I can hear his screams in the background.

A/N - ok, that sounds kinda evil, but... Yeah that happened😅
I just want to put out there that Clancy wasn't really in my good books during the first book, or really the second either. But the third book changes my perspective on the whole situation, and he doesn't seem like a crazy BAD guy. He may be one in this story, but that doesn't mean that's MY opinion of him. Same with Cole. He kinda seems like a jerk these few chapters before, and he kinda is, but he's also sweet and loyal and I'm going to try and show that later on😅.
Just needed to "type" that☺️
Thanks for reading, over 300 is amazing!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄
Panda out☺️🐼

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