A movie night? Seriously

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A/N - the chapter title gives away a lot, but it's okay. Still read, pleeeeeez.
Anyway, thanks really for reading my updated chapters so fast. It's so sweet of you guys to do that, plus it encourages me to write more.
Last chapter, I put up a pic of what I think Ruby would look like, and I wanted to do something similar with Liam. However, I couldn't find any pics that I liked, so if you are extremely awesome and are able to find a good actor to play him, then plz leave a link in the comments or message me about it.

Ruby's POV

To say that I'm nervous is an understatement.
I have no idea what Liam is going to say or do when he sees me. I couldn't figure out much about his emotions from our "talk" after math.
Is he mad? Sad? Happy? Other...
I don't even know if I'm mad, sad, happy, or other?!
Maybe I should try to figure that out.
However, the sight of one of Mike's followers running through the halls with one shoe on, with Vida right on his heels was enough to erase most of my thoughts.
And these guys are jocks. Seriously.
They are big, burley, and they look... okay I guess. Super muscular people were never really my type.
And then you see this guy at least 6 foot 4 frantically running away from a much smaller blue haired girl with a mustache scrawled on her face, holding a shoe in a very menacing way.
Let me tell you, this kind of stuff only happens in high school.
I finally trudged along to the parking lot, where I saw what seems to be a floating leather jacket in the distance, next to a motorcycle. When I got closer, the jacket indeed was not floating, but was on a certain blue eyed, light haired, guy.
Unintentionally, I kinda-sorta-maybe sighed with longing just a little bit at the sight.
Just a little bit.
"Hey" I greeted.
"Hey Ruby Tuesday. Need a ride?"
"Uh, not really. I'd rather walk then die" I say, pointing to his "bike".
He chuckles. "Come on, I didn't kill you last time, right?"
"True, but now your jinxing it. Therefore, the next time I ride on that, it will be my last ride, ever" I say bluntly.
I'm only partly joking. It's true, that bike of his scares me to death. My parents seeing me on it scares me to death.
Holding on to Liam for dear life scares me to death...
"Don't worry, just trust me okay" he said, staring at me intensely with his stupid gorgeous eyes.
I groaned. "Don't do that. Just tell me what you wanted to talk about."
"I wanted to invite you over to my place to watch a movie or something" he says with a sly smile.
My eyes popped out of my head.
Probably not literally, or nearly as much as Chubs, but you get the point.
Before I could stop myself, I said "Seriously!? That's it! You just want to watch a movie? Nothing else! Like nothing about what happened-" but I cut myself off abruptly.
I've already said so much that I regret.
But Liam knew what I was going to say. His bright red face and pink ears told the whole story.
"Well, I mean we can be all serious, and stuff... But a movie seems like a lot more fun" he says in a lame attempt to make me laugh.
But he succeeds. I hate when tension is in the air, and always take the first opportunity to get rid of it.
Maybe we didn't have to talk about anything.
At least nothing serious, right now anyways.
He's still my really good friend, maybe more after what happened. And maybe I want it to be more....
I did not just say that!
But that doesn't prove anything.
I sigh in defeat and say "Fine, but you have to take me home before midnight."
That's right. As a senior, my parents have given me the utmost responsibility to arrive home anytime near midnight, on Fridays and weekends. Luckily for me, school started at the end of the week, so I'm a little excited to exercise my new "rights".
He smiled, "That's more than enough time darlin'."
I got on the back of his bike, and we were off.


The next thing you knew, we were at Liam's house. For most of the ride, I shut my eyes tightly, and buried my face in Liam's jacket. It at least helped a little, or a lot.
Same difference.
"Ha! I'm two for two! You welcome" Liam exclaims, doing the worst happy dance ever.
I just punch him in the shoulder, and stick out my tongue at him.
I'm very mature for my age.
"You got lucky. Third times the charm. That's when I'm going to die on that death trap from hell" I say over exaggerating.
Then he leans in close and whispers in my ear, "Then I'll just have to take you along for another ride, to see if that's true."
His voice is echoing in my ears, and my ear feels all tingly.
I don't even notice that he's at his door until he calls my name.
When I'm in, I instantly remember when I was here, only a few months ago. When we had that science project, and almost kissed...
"Don't worry, we'll be in my room. I have a nice enough tv, and my bed's huge. Plus, Cole won't be able to interrupt the movie" he laughs a little.
But my heart is beating rapidly. I'm not sure if it's about being in a boy's bedroom, or being in an enclosed area with only Liam.
Either way, I need to calm down.
I find his room upstairs while Liam gets popcorn.
He wasn't wrong, his bed is huge. So there can be a good distance between us, while I can still see the movie.
Yes, I am still focused on seeing a movie. I was promised a movie, and whether Liam has ulterior motives or not, I plan on seeing at least 3 movies today (I have like 6 hours to stay here).
He returns quickly, hops on his bed, and begins channel surfing. I want to sit too, but it's his bed. He has the right to have it all to himself.
So I stuff my face with popcorn instead. Much better than sitting on a bed I must say so myself.
"Hey, the movie's gonna start soon. Hop on" he says, his eyes never leaving the screen.
It actually makes lying down near him easier.
Bleh, I sound like a normal teenager...
"What're we watching?"
"Star wars, IV, V, and VI" he says with happiness in his eyes.
"Hmm, I've never seen them."
He feigns an act of being stabbed in the heart. "Have you been living under the world's largest rock your whole life! That Thurmound has done you more bad than good, I'm telling you Ruby. Giving irrational punishments is one thing, but depriving you guys of Star Wars should be illegal!"
I couldn't help but smile at all the passion in his voice.
"Then, shall we watch" I say in an English accent.
"We shall."
And there starts our journey to a galaxy far far away.

A/N - This chapter feels kinda Iffy. The next one will be smoother ☺️😅

Panda out😜

Ruby and Liam AUWhere stories live. Discover now