Training Day

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Marth's POV

After walking a while we arrived back at Smash mountain, I'm glad to be back. Though Roy isn't even mad that I tricked him, best for me. To be honest I still couldn't stop thinking about Ike helping me get to my room, I though it would have been Roy. He still cant know about it though, not even Roy. I just don't know how I'm going to keep this secret from them for any longer. Even staying with Ike at the meadow was hard to not just get lost in his looks. But I'm glad he found me at the meadow, only him and Roy know about it. Usually no one knows about it because its covered by the tall trees that seem endless, its even to far for someone to see it from the height of the mountain. My thoughts were interrupted.

"Marth, hey Marth, anyone in there!?" Roy was waving his hand in front of my face getting my attention. I had apparently stopped walking making everyone look at me. I looked up seeing all of them looking at me.

"..Y-Yea I'm alright!" Roy looked at me with a confused look, he turned around looking at the girls, Ike, then at me.

"You sure you're alright, you've been like this for a while now." I turned to look at Ike.

"Yes I'm sure, just thinking a lot lately..." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Good, we're here so you're fighting me!" Roy started pulling me from my arm entering the training arena. The rest followed behind me.

"I cant believe you're still wet from falling in the lake." I could feel Roy's clothes still being wet.

"Well I jumped back in there and this wasn't a long walk here so its not gonna dry any faster." We walked inside seeing only a few people, Snake, Captain Falcon, Sonic, Link, Lucario, Mewtwo, Pit, and Mario. Some where talk while others were training, none of them were fighting each other.

"Alright lets get this over with, don't get upset when I beat you!"

"Like it would ever happen!" We walked over to a platform where no one was. We both drew out swords at the same time and waited a few seconds. Roy ran towards me and swung, I dodged left making him fall close to the edge having to grip on the ledge.

"Roy, you're so predictable." I laughed as he pulled himself up.

"Well that's the third time I've done that, how could you know?" I shrugged. I swung my sword without him knowing as he blocked quickly. We began doing some light swings and blocks as if we were fencing. As our swords clinked together I looked at Roy who was making some what of a serious face, I began laughing trying to focus.

"What's so funny?" Roy stopped to look at me. I tried holding in my laugh.

"You're face, I cant take it seriously!" He tried swinging at me while I was distracted laughing. I ducked and moved to the sides as he swung still laughing.

"Come' on stay still!" I took a good grip on my sword swinging it upward sending Roy further back than he was almost falling off the edge again.

"Not a chance, come' on give me your best shot!" Roy came running again swing as quickly as he could only hitting me once on my arm. I kept blocking tiring him out a bit.

"Ouch, you finally got me.." Roy's eyes lit up, its not easy for him to hit me, but he tires me out and gets me. I grabbed my right arm making sure no blood would start to flood out. I looked up at Ike who was watching us from below, soon a little bit of people began to gather around to watch us. I swung  trying to get Roy's feet, he kept jumping until he swung upward causing me to move back. A few items fell giving us an advantage, I was given the bunny ears while Roy got a metal box. I quickly picked up my item as Roy already pick up his and swung multiple times at me. I jumped sending me high up, I was close enough to the ground and kicked Roy slightly knocking him off balance. I swung hard knocking him off the platform, we weren't high up.

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