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Marth's POV

I gave myself a bit of a scare.

I had felt like I had lost a good grip onto something. Falling through something and hitting everything beside it on the way down. Once I was able to process it, I found myself in some strange room. That's when everything came to me so suddenly.

"Ike!" I called out, "Ike, can you hear me?!"

No response. I kept calling his name a bit more until I realized I was too far or some place my voice wouldnt be able to reach him. I examined the room I was in, finding my stuff and recognizing what room I was in. I quickly looked through my book and found an identical object. Within the book I found an illustration of a chip, like a hair clip.

For the one who holds beauty. The one who has compassion is sharing that beauty may hold the clip of sanctuary.

The object had something to it. Like every other object, it had something to it. I looked around the object not finding anything peculiar about it's setting and took the item in my satchel, looking for a way out of here. There wasn't a single door anywhere. I took my sword and tried to break through the walls but every swing I took didn't seem to do much than chip it only a little. I kept looking around until I found the vent on the top that was open. If I remember properly then I must have came through there to get into this room. I moved around a bit of furniture that was in the room and tried to stack them together to get as close to the vent as possible. I was able to get into it but the only problem I had was being able to find my way back.

I crawled through the vents trying to navigate my way back only to fall through it again. Another room but this time it had doors instead of being locked out. I called out his name again but I couldn't hear anything. I ran through any of the doors that would open, running through the rooms continuing to call his name until I had something.


I heard my name and quickly tried to follow it before I couldn't hear it again. Again I ran, calling his name to hear something to get closer. I ran and I ran until I heard his voice so close it me, it scared me. I looked around and saw so many doors in once room that I didn't know which one I should open.

"Marth, I'm right here, you know you can find me!"

I opened a door. Then another one. I kept opening one after another but it seemed like there were an endless amount of doors. Every door that I opened just leads to another and another room with more doors. Instead of taking the time to open every single I just took my sword and started slashing every single door that I could. Each of them, breaking a part of the doors to see through them. Once I broke all of the doors, I was able to see through one of them, a familiar room that I was in before I was confused in these rooms. Breaking through it I fell once again so suddenly but it stopped quickly.

"You were finally able to find me, thank goodness."

I looked up in the realization, "Ike! Thank you for catching me!"

"I don't know what's down there, it's pitch black so you'll have to figure out a way out of here."

"You're strong enough if you held on for that long, so we could get back through the door we entered in this room with my sword and yours," I explained, handing him my own sword.

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