What I've Done

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Ike's POV

After staying in the meadow for a while I realized I have started to become impatient, or already have. All I've been thinking about is getting closer to Marth and be able to touch him. I cant think about that now, or at all, what if he sees through me and finds out. I've been to impatient lately, but I have to take it at a pace.

"Ike, you seem a little spaced out, anything on your mind..?" Of course there is! I didn't even bother to look at him.

"Just thinking about the tournament." I lied, I have to, not until I tell him which I cant.

"Excited about it, I am to, to be honest, I'm a little scared about it."

"Why's that, you looked forward to it a lot.."

"Well... there's a lot actually..! The problems I could get in to, the pain after it, maybe I will fail and just wont reach my goal."

"I know how that feels, but like you always do, you find a way around it. I'm not trying to get cheesy again!"

"Haha, still... maybe we should get back to the map, I already know a place we could go at from here."

"Already, from here in the meadow?"

"Yep, I had looked over it a few times. We just need to go down by the river following it south."

"Alright lets go.." We both got up looking at the river in the distance before heading in that direction. It was a long walk of silence like always, we occasionally looked at each other. He really loves looking for these things, well he does love adventure. In the river were a few fish, and a few rabbits around us, nothing else close by.

"South that way for a bit before we find a path to a building." A building, in this forest? We walked in the direction for another while. After a bit we see a path leaving the direction we were going, we followed it seeing some kind of small building. Running towards it we stopped to take a look at it.

"Doors busted, someone must have been here already. Seems like we need to enter.." He nodded, we entered walking down the hallway finding an empty room. I walked a bit further trying to see if there's anything else.

"Whoaa...!!!" I ended up falling through the floor onto what seemed another room.

"Ike! You alright!!" I could hear his voice not to far. I got up shaking the dirt off my clothes.

"Yea, but it seems like this is the way to go. There's a passage way here!" Marth jumped down almost falling like I did. We walked down the hallway for another bit before stopping to take a look at what was in the distance, another room. We entered the room shortly after seeing a must bigger lit room.

"What does it look like, and where is it?" Marth looked around the room a bit.

"It should look like a sword covered in gold with a blue jewel on it. Should be somewhere here." We began to look in some of the chest in the room finding only books, paper, and what seemed to be matches. Was there a person stuck here? After finding nothing I looked over to the middle, a ledge with a few bricks missing. I walked over to it seeing what was inside it, I slipped my arm in moving it around feeling something, I grabbed it pulling it out. It was the sword, the blade was gold and the handle of it was a shade of sliver and red with a jewel on the handle.

"You found it!" Marth walked over to me looking at the sword.

"We should leave then, this place makes me feel off.." Marth nodded. I handed the sword to him as we walked back in the direction we came from.

Marth's POV

As we looked and found nothing I was glad Ike found the sword. We began leaving until I felt something above us. Something had sprayed all over us.

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