My Remedy

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Ike's POV

Marth had fallen asleep after arriving back in his room from the exhaustion of running to much. Not trying to worry the other guys I reassured them about it and they stopped worrying. Right now I'm carrying him to Palutena's for the remedy now that its done. As I entered with him in my arms I put his down on the bed in there letting him soon wake up.

"Alright remove the cloth so we can put it in your eyes." I pushed it upward letting it rest on my forehead once again as I tried opening my eyes.

"Sorry if it stings a bit but it should wear off in a few minutes at the most with this kind." Palutena held the bottom of my skin close to my eye holding it down a bit as she put in some eye drops into my eyes, it did burn but I didn't over react.

"Tell me the first thing you see when your vision clears up." After a few minutes I could see my vision clear up a bit, seeing something blue, gold, and pale.

"Marth..." She looked at me in confusion. I didn't take my gaze of Marth just yet I wanted to see him when he woke up.

"The first thing I see is Marth." She chuckled softly. She looked at me for a moment before reaching over to grab something.

"When Marth wakes up we'll give him this, it should help him talk within the same time." Conveniently Marth started moving a bit, slowly waking up and opening his eyes.

"Morning sleepy head, guess what, your remedy is ready." I smiled at him, he looked at me in surprise before sitting up and rubbing his eyes a bit. He looked around a bit before looking at Palutena looking at us.

"Don't worry you didn't sleep that long, now here are two choices for your remedy. We can spray it on you and let the mist get to you or you can breath it in normally." I could tell he was confused but I guess that was the simplest way to explain it. He pointed to the machine next to him which looked like a gas pumper.

"Alright just breath it in like normal." She put a container into it and turned it on. He breathed it in as normal taking as much as he can in between breaths. He took it off after a few minutes and took one last deep breath.

"Ike..." Its all he said, it was great that he could talk again, and the first word he said in a while was my name. I smiled at him.

"I can finally talk again, but my voice is a little raspy." I didn't care anyway, his vocal cords need to get used to talking again since its been a while.

"That fixes your problem now, its been a while since someone has actually had this case." She chuckled a bit, she smiled at us.

"Thanks for your help, we would have stayed like this if we didn't come here." We excused ourselves walking to Marth's room again. It did seem weird we would mostly be together in his room, other than being outside or the training room.

"Are we able to start looking again or do we just rest for a bit?"
"Depends on what you want to do, I'm good with what ever.""Then we can do something else... training's in mind for right now.."
"I'm good with that, we might as well start early it starts in a few days."
"Lets head there then, maybe not many people will be there right now."

We headed in a different direction in the halls. We ended up stopping at the doors, Marth looked at the doors with a look on his face.

"You know, I'm still nervous about the tournament... I feel like its going to go badly."
"You always say that, I don't think so, just get it out of your head. That's why we're here, to at least prepare you for something like that."
"Well it still doesn't feel right..... Maybe I'm just saying some stupid things and I'm just worried for nothing at all.."
"Doesn't seem like it, but you have a point for saying that."
"Your right. This also seems off topic but I'm glad your talking more that usual to me, it makes me happy that you don't hid anything from me anymore."
"Well for you, anything to keep you happy."

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