| Chapter Seven |

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A dream will always triumph over reality, once it's given a chance.

~ N i a l l ' s P o v~

I had sex with Zayn Malik.

Zayn Malik's cock was up my ass.

He touched me, sexually.

And I have no regrets.

I'm just a little confused.

I'm guess we are more then friends? I hope so.

Zayn walks into my bedroom and over to where I'm sitting next to the window, looking over the wooded forest landscape.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked softly, planting a little kiss on my temple.

"What are we Zayn?" I ask.

"Humans." he answers, and I laugh lightly.

"Like, are we considered something more then friends because we got sexual?" I ask, feeling my face heat up.

"Well, Niall James Horan, would you like to be my boyfriend?" he asked softly, and I pretended to think about it.

"Yes you idiot." I said, and he tackles me into a hug, kissing my face all over.

I giggle slightly, and hug him back, knowing he's mine and I don't have to share him with anyone.

"Lets not tell anyone, expect the boys." Zayn says, and I nod.

He gets off of me, and he helps me up. I jump up, and Zayn presses his lips to mine softly, then pulled away, but grabbed my hand and lead me out of my room, and downstairs into the common room, where the boys where playing FIFA.

"Pause the game, we have news." Zayn said softly, his husky voice giving me chills.

Louis, who was losing, paused the game and turned towards us. Liam put his book down, and Harry was the last one to turn around.

"Niall and I are dating." He said, and Louis let out a noise.

"Liam James Payne! Pay up." He said, holding his hand out in Liam's direction.

Liam scoffs, "How do you win?" He says, but pulls out a ten pound note, and handed it to Louis, who took it happily.

"Because I listen to the fans, you dumbass." Louis says proudly, looking over at Harry, who wore a small smile.

Louis mimicked Harry's smile, before his phone went off.

"Ugh Modest." He mumbled angrily, the smile dropping off his face, as he hit answer and stepped outside of the room.

"No! what the fuck?" We heard Louis scream, and Harry looked concerned.

Louis reappears in the room a few minutes later, with angry tears streaming down his face.

"Modest are fucking arseholes." Louis said plopping himself next to Harry, who wrapped his arms around him, and pulled the older boy into his lap.

"What's wrong boo?" he asked.

Louis just shook his head, and crossed his arms over his chest. Zayn sent me a look, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"What's for dinner?" I asked, knowing I was getting hungry.

"I'll make pasta. Come help me boo." Harry said, and Louis relaxed.

"Sure I'll help."

The pair got up, and went into the kitchen, eager to get to work. Zayn and I went back upstairs, leaving Liam to his book. We went into my bedroom, and laid on the bed, snuggling.

"I'm really happy with the way things are going right now." Zayn said, and I smiled.

"So I am Z, so I am."

A/N; Filler, more drama to come :)

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