| Chapter Twenty-Seven |

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A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head, When I think of all the years I wanna be with you


I slowly grew a baby bum, and I was turning into a lil bitch. I was trying hard not to be so rude, and so bitch-like, but it's hard when it goes against the laws of nature that I'm a male, a MALE, having a CHILD. Next time I know someone that's with child, I'm running for the hills, because it sucks. It got out to the fans, and they are tweeting in names but Zayn and I are having trouble with it. I brought up, lil craic bring a smile to Zayn's face, and he shook his head at me.

I would get really horny, it scared me. Zayn was always there to assist me with my problem, but he would have to do it sometimes three-four times a-day.

I told you, it fucking scared me.

Modest! was telling me to abort the baby, and when they told me that, I started crying and told them to go fuck themselves. They haven't talked to me since that day.

As of right now, Zayn and I where cuddled up on the couch, watching a random movie that we found on the TV. It was Harry Potter, and Zayn was murmuring all the lines to the movie next to me. I rolled my eyes at him, then started giggling.

"Wot?" He asked, his Bradford becoming thick.

"You're cute." I said, and he went pink.

I chuckled at him, when Liam came into the room, with a note and a worried face.

"Left for the weekend, should be back on Monday. -Lou and Haz." Liam said, worrying lacing his words, as he let out a sigh.

"Where could they have gone?" I ask.

"No idea mate." Liam said, taking a seat on the sofa, which was next to the loveseat at that occupied by Zayn and I.

"Well at least they are together right? That's what matters. They will be okay." Zayn assured us.

"How do you know?" Liam asked.

"Because this is Harry and Louis we are talking about." Zayn said, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, they have each other backs."


I walked around the small little campsite that Harry and I set up, and smiled softly. I felt his strong arms wrap around me, and I felt the butterflies take flight in my stomach. I was going to propose tonight, to the love of my life. I had already talked to Anne, and got her blessing along with Robin's okay. My mother was on board with it, and I could have not been any happier.

I have only told Niall out of the boys right now, and he swore over the life of his child that he wouldn't tell a soul. If that lil bitch told someone, I'm going to flip.

"Whatcha thinking about boo?" Harry asked softly, his warm breath ticking my ear.

"Our wondering weekend that we are going to have babe." I whisper back, turning around to face him.

He smiles down at me, his glance trailing down to my lips and snapping back up to my eyes. I smiled at the goofball I would soon call my fiancé. I leaned into him, and he met my half way, our lips molding to make one. He slowly slipped his tongue over my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth just a little bit for his tongue to slip in.

Our tongue's dance, not fighting for dominance. We slowly pulled away, both out of breath. He rested his forehead on mine, and I thought that this was the right time to ask him.

"Harry," I said softly, before dropping on one knee in front of him, "I love you with all my heart. I know we have had our ups and down, but there are only more to come right? You make me whole, you make me happy, you make me, me. I'm asking for your hand in marriage. Please Harry, please."

I pulled out the red velvet box, opening it to reveal a gold band, engraved with, forever in cursive, with a small infinity sign around it. Harry gasped, and tears pooled in his eyes. I rose slowly, moving closer to him.

"What do you say for forever babe?" I ask softly.


And in that moment, I swear we where Infinite.

A/N; Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy c: larry wedding! Oh and I have the trailer! If you go back to the prologue, it's on the side, and it's also in my bio.  Yes I put the perks quote in there. Any of you read The Fault in Our Stars? Can I please get a boyfriend Like Augustus Waters??





P.s, check out my instagram for edits, and video edits; HoransHeronie

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