| Chapter Thirty |

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This time, don't need a another perfect lie.


I woke up in the morning, naked and tangled up with my lover, a cold sliver band on my fourth finger, where my finger meets my knuckle. I felt him cuddle deeper into me, even though I am the smaller spoon. I felt him smile into my neck, as I moved to face him. I felt his arms wrap around me tight, as I snuggled into his perfectly toned bare chest. I don't even know how he fell for me, when he could have had any girl in the entire world; He is Zayn Malik.

"Whatcha thinking about babe?" He asked me softly.

"How I ended up with such a perfect person." I muttered, and I saw him blush heavily.

"Someone up there," He said, and motioned to the ceiling above us, "Thought you needed someone to save you from your living hell."

I nodded, and snuggled in closer to him, when I heard a knock at the door.

"Look, I know you guys got it on last night, and are going to get married but we need help with your kids, please." Louis said, and we chuckled, slowly getting up and putting on a pair of boxers.

"We are dressed Lou, bring in the babies!" Zayn said, and the door opened, and we saw Louis with Aaliya and Harry with Davin.

I giggled softly, taking Davin, cuddling him close to my chest, while Zayn took Aaliya. I could tell that Aaliya would grow up, being rather close to Zayn while Davin would most likely be closer to me.

"How where they?" Zayn asked, moving over to the dresser to get out some money for Lou and Haz.

"No payment Zee, but they where perfect little angels. I cannot wait till we adopt." Harry said, looking over at Louis with a huge smile, his dimples poking out.

"Are you guys looking around?" I asked.

"Yes, but we aren't going to do anything till we are married." Louis said, opening his arms for Harry, who gracefully slide into them.

"Well thank you both, it means a lot for us." Zayn said, moving over to me.

"It's fine, take good care of your children." Louis said, before tugging Harry out of the room.


It's funny how fast time passes right? How days quickly turn into weeks, weeks quickly turn into months and watching your kids grow and watching your husband age slowly, but still find yourself falling even more in love with him every single day?

Today, the twins are one and we are prepping for Louis and Harry's wedding. After being engaged for a year, they where finally ready to say their vows and get on with their lives. Aaliya slowly moved up the isle, following Lottie who was guiding her. Davin was getting guided by Theo, five, and knew what he was doing.

Since Louis was very...hmmm...what's the nice word I want to use......Different, when it came to his own wedding, and Harry just went along with it, he didn't want any brides maids. Weird right? But this is Louis Tomlinson (Stylinson) we are talking about right?

So, he paired everyone up with someone; Zayn and I, Liam and Josh, Calum and Michael, Ashton and Luke. But Anne wanted to hand Harry off to Louis, which made Louis almost start crying, and I just walked out of the room at that time.

The wedding was next week, July 23rd, when Louis and Harry met six years ago, and Louis got his pee on Harry's hand. It was love at first sight for the pair, and they quickly hit it off. I swear to you, we are not normal band.

When Zayn and I get the motion to start walking to the alter, he whispered ever so lightly,

"It's funny to think that we're next."


It was the day of the wedding, and the twins looked adorable. Aaliya was dressed in a light pink dress, with her raven brown hair curled. Davin had his light brown hair styled up into a baby quiff, much like his fathers.

"Papa," Davin said, smiling.

"Yes Champ?"

"I love you, papa." He said, and I could see the tears filling in his eyes.

Zayn bent down and was on Davin's level, "I love you too Davin." He said softly.

I smiled at them, and watched as Aaliya spun around, her dress turning with her. She jumped onto my lap, and I squeezed her sides lighting, making her giggle loudly.

"Let's go lads!" Louis called, looking smashing.

His hair was light and feather-like, across his forehead, in a wind swept motion. His eyes looked bright, crystal clear and bright blue. His suit hugged him nicely, topped off with his black TOMS. I chuckled softly at his shoes, before getting the kids in line, and making my way back to Zayn. We linked arms, and waited for the wedding to get started.

Zayn looks perfect as always; his black raven hair styled up into a quiff, his honey-brown orbs taking in every last detail, his suit hugging him in all the right places. It made him look very fit, but it would look better on our bedroom floor tonight. Him, being Mr. Responsible, wasn't going to drink tonight, so he could get us home safely, and get in kids into bed. His parents offered to take them, he told them maybe.

As the note's to Macklemore's Same Love started, we watched Aaliya walked down the isle, throwing little rose petals every where. Some people cooed at her, which made her smile bigger and throw them ridiculous cute everywhere. People where snapping pictures of her, knowing she would want to see them when she's older.

Then went little Davin, Theo standing next to him, both of them walking down the isle, and up to alter to stand next to Louis, who was taking deep breathes. Zayn and I started down the isle, earning whistles from people in the church. When we got up to the alter, Zayn and I stopped, and shared a peck, before splitting from each other, Zayn walking to the left next to Aaliya and Myself going to the right, next to Davin.

Liam and Josh walked down next, Liam taking his side next to Zayn, Josh taking his spot next to me. Michael and Calum was after, Michael's hair white and black for the wedding, and Calum trying not to break out into giggles at Mike's hair. Ashton and Luke where next, slowly taking their time, trying to stall for a reason.

We waited, looking at where Harry was supposed to be with Anne. We all shared looks with each other, as Louis got visibly nervous. I saw Liam lean over to Zayn, and whisper something in his ear, that made Zayn's eyebrows nearly meet his hair line. Zayn slowly got down from the alter, and jogging back up the isle, into the back, towards Harry.

Zayn came back in, "We can't find him."







But I'm starting a new fic called, Just in case.

Which I will be writing after I finish Save me.

Check it out?

I'm afraid you all are going to hate me for this chapter. I'm afraid.

*runs and hides under a rock with wifi*





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