| Chapter Fifteen |

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Amnesia, went from everything to nothing. No we anymore, she's a stranger that I used to know.


I looked at the doctor in pure fear and shock. He took notice and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Deep breaths Mr.Horan." The doctor said softly, as I started wheezing, trying to get air through my tight throat.

Once I was breathing some what regularly, he led me down the hallway towards his hospital room, where both Liam and Josh where waiting outside of, looking impatient. I felt sick to my stomach, as the doctor opened the door, and we followed behind him. Zayn looked rather confused, and I felt my heart jump into my throat, keeping me from swallowing correctly. The doctor stood next to Zayn's bedside, along with a nurse that stood in the room before we entered.

"Zayn?" he asked softly, "We have some old friends, and some band mates for you."

Liam forced a smile, and moved across the room, holding out a hand for Zayn to shake.

"Liam, Liam Payne."

Zayn just gave him a blank stare, but shook his hand anyways.

"Zayn, what year are we in?" The doctor asked.

"2009?" Zayn questioned, and I almost broke into a round of sobs.

He doesn't remember trying out for x-factor, getting put in a band, losing X-factor but winning the world. The doctor nodded, and Liam looked back at me. I walked up slowly, watching as Zayn's golden orbs landed on me. His eyes danced over me, making my skin burn slightly.

"Niall Horan, your best mate." I said, my voice cracking, but holding my hand out.

He stuck his hand out, giving me a smile. He motioned Liam over, and whispered in his ear, making him smile softly. Liam just laughed, and shook his head.

"Mate, that's for you to find out."


It was later in the week, and Harry was aloud out of his room, with the help of Louis and we all just kind of hung out with Zayn in his room. We told him about everything, expect for the part about where we happened. We showed him the tours, the video diary's, the photo shoots and any other memories we could think of.

Most of the time, Zayn just sat there in shock, and would say 'I so did not do that.' It was quite funny. He has to 'meet' us again, but it didn't take long for him to catch on, and become almost like Zayn again, but not exactly.

There where sometimes when we would catch him staring blankly down at his hands, or he would just stop half way through a sentence, just dropping the thought. The doctor warned us about it, but it was scary when he did it. He would just stop talking and become really quiet, and he would get a far away look in his eyes and just leave us.

We worked through it, he would go see a doctor every week, once a week. I would sneak away to go see Leah, and talk about everything that was happening. She would sit and listen, wait till I was done before tossing in her thoughts. I would come in when ever, and just walk back to her office, and start talking to her. She was a big help through everything.

Josh and I where slowly fading, we where both getting caught up in stuff; Me with Zayn and Him with learning the new beats to the songs. We had a whole day, where the boys and I sat around with Zayn, and went over /all/ the lyrics. It was long, listening to the songs over and over again, but he was picking up the tunes and the words. I can hear him humming the tunes, when he's in the shower.

Oh yeah, one of us have to be standing outside the door when he shower's incase he was to fall and hit his head again, we would be able to help assist him quickly. He's slowly starting to remember something's but the doctor says it could take months, maybe a year for him to really remember everything.

Now we sat around the dinner table, eating fast food, talking about everything. Zayn looked confused about something, and I asked him about it.

"Whatcha thinking about boi?" I ask, and he looks up at me.

"What happened to Josh?" he asked, his brow knitting together.

I shared a look with Liam, who looked worried and confused.

"What about him Zayn?" I pressed, wondering what on earth was he talking about.

 "Aren't you two dating?" He asked, and Harry and Louis shared a look.

I smiled softly, "No Zayn we aren't. He's just a really close friend."

"So when you leave sometimes out of the blue, you aren't going to him?" He asked again, and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"No Zayn, I'm going somewhere else..." I say, trailing off.

"Where?" He presses again, and I swallow thickly.

I sit quietly, trying to come up with a lie. I don't want to lie to Zayn, but I will have to, they just can't know...

"I've been meeting up with an old friend."

"Do you like them?" Zayn presses.

"Like a crush..?" I ask.


"No, actually I like someone, but they can't know." I confess, and the boys look between Zayn and I.


"It just wouldn't work out." I murmur, and he drops it.

We go back to eating in silence, a rather awkward one to, only the scraping of forks across the plates to be heard. I finished my food quickly, and put my plate in the sink, and bolted up to my room. I close the door, and flop on my bed. I feel like my dinner was about to come back up. I heard my bedroom door open and close, the sound of muffled footsteps come closer to me, and I fill the bed dip next to me.

"Niall Look at me." Zayn said softly.

I did as he told, sitting up and facing him. I don't know which one of us started leaning in, but we met in the middle, our lips molding as one.

A/N; I rewrote this chapter so many times, it's not even funny.

Any suggest to who's POV I should do it in next chapter? The one with the most votes wins!





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