| Chapter Twenty-Six |

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You're having my baby, what a lovely way of saying how much you love me...


Niall has been acting rather out of character, and it was scaring me. He would have rather weird cravings, he would get sick in the morning, rushing out of bed to puck up his insides and he was gaining weight.

It took me a while before it all pieced together in my head.

Niall might be pregnant with my child.

I remember my mom being a lot like this when she was with child with my younger sisters. But my mom is a woman with a vagina, Niall is a dude with a penis, and he can't be hiding anything; I've already seen all it.

We where sitting in bed, when I finally blurted it out;

"Do you think you're pregnant?" I blurted out, and I wish I didn't.

Niall went pale, "I need to get down to the gas station and get tests."

We scurried out of bed, and around our bedroom trying to get ready, nerves running high. We put on beanies and sunglasses, before walking from the flat and to the gas station down on the corner. We rushed in and found the test, throwing money at the guy before running back home.

We flew threw the house, me in the kitchen finding a cup for Niall to pee in, Niall pacing in the bathroom waiting for me. When I appeared in the bathroom, he took the cup from me, dropped his pants and peed in the cup.

After he was done, he took the sticks and put them in the cup of pee. I could tell he was a worried mess on the inside, so I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest.

"Ten minutes on the clock now." He murmured, and I nodded.

We stood in the bathroom, holding each other and praying for only one line to be on the stick. Ten long agonising minutes passed, and Niall check the test.

He stood ridge, and looked at me in the mirror, tears in his eyes.

"We are having a baby." he said softly.

I took a deep breath, trying to believe that we where having a child. I took a deep breath, before moving over to Niall and wrapping my arms around his waist, and putting my chin on his shoulder.

"We'll make it through it alright?" I promised.

"Okay." he whisper, afraid for the next nine months.


We had to tell the boys, before they caught on. They sat on the couch in front of us, while Niall and I where standing in front of them, butterflies having a mosh party in our stomachs.

"I'm with child." Niall murmured.

"And I'm the father." I tack on there.

The three of them fall silent, before Louis jumps up, a huge shit eating grin on his face.

"We have so much to do! We have to have a baby shower and a nursery and and.." Louis said, his eyes lighting up.

"We need to go the doctor first." Liam spoke up, standing up.

"Liam go get that set up, I'll start thinking of names with Niall. Harry and Zayn will start to set up the design of the nursery." Louis said, falling into the leader roll.

"So you guys aren't mad?" Niall asked, not believing what's happening in front of his eyes.

"Mad? No way Niall." Louis said shaking his head.

"Confused on how it happened, yes." Harry threw it, earning a nod from both boys.

"Yes, that's quite interesting how that happened..." Louis murmured to himself, before perking back up, "We have work to do people!"

I sighed and looked over at Niall who wore a small smile.


Next it was our parents who we where going to tell, and it scared me shitless. We had flew them in, and now we all sat around the dinner table, My parents, Niall's parents and the other boys.

"Mum, I have news.." Niall said, fear evident in his voice.

"Same here mum." I said, knowing we got both of their undivided attention.

"I'm with child," Niall started.

"And I'm the father." I finished.

Both women wore shock expressions on their face, and I felt Niall hold onto my hand with a death grip. Soon their faces broke out into huge smiles.

"Oh my goodness! I'm going to be a grandmum!" Niall's mum cried out.

"Oh my goodness, Zaynie." My mum said, with tears in her eyes.

"I didn't think I would get another one so quickly, but things happen for a reason, right?" Mara said, and I looked over at Niall.

He had happy tears in his eyes, and I was thanking The Lord that our parents where okay with it. He looked over at me, and we smiled at each other while our mothers started planning everything out. He squeezed my hand, and I squeezed his back in return.

I hope I will be a good father for child.

A/N; The quote above is from Glee, for anyone who picked up on that.. Sorry for the late update, but you guys are going to hate me for the next few chapters..

I have to thank both Josh and Rebecca for giving me ideas for the next few chapters because my mojo was just out.

I posted a new Ziam fan fiction called 'Just Another Love Song' Check it out?

Oh (I think) I entered this fan fiction in the January one direction watty awards for best boyxboy? I will post an author note when I get it confirmed, and you lil shits better vote because I will write like five chapters and post them all at once.

So yeah c:

Happy new years, oh and let's pray for Niall?

*we all Join hands*

*hem, hem* "Lord, please keep Niall safe during his knee surgery in the states. He's a big idol to a lot of us, and my feature husband. Please make sure the surgery works, and help him through rehab. Okay God? thank you God? in Lord Jesus' name we trust you.


Okay sorry about those who don't go to church, so you all know my religion.

Oh and comment some baby names?





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