| Chapter Eight |

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Only know when your high, when you've been feeling low.

~ N i a l l ' s P O V~

When I awoke in the morning, Zayn was not by my side, but a small note was. My name was written on it, and I picked it up carefully, afraid to read it.

Boo,                                                                                                                                              11/18
I left you this, because I knew you where not going to be awake when I left, and you looked so peaceful sleeping there. My grandfather died late last night, early this morning, and my family needed me back home. I'm sorry I could wake up in your arms again, like I would have died for, but family was calling.

I miss you,
                  Zayn Jawaad Malik

I frown slightly, as I read the note, feeling my heart go out to him. He was most likely back in Bradford, while I was here, in a cold empty bed. I sighed softly, putting the note back on my night stand, and pulling the covers back up around my face, willing sleep to take over.


It must have been late in the afternoon, when Harry /and/ Louis came and woke me up. They read the note and understood, and told me we where going clubbing tonight, and that I /had/ to come.

I was now picking out something to wear, getting frustrated with everything. Usually I had Zayn to help me, but he wasn't here now. I settled on some lose, but tight jeans -Not Harry's jeggings-, but regular skinny jeans, a muscle tank, that showed off my muscles, my Jordan's, and my dyed blonde hair, pulled back into a quiff.

When I walked out of my room, Louis wolf whistled, and I could have shot him.

When we got to the club, their was a long line outside, and some paps wanting to get a good shot of anyone famous. The boys and I, put on some brave faces, and made our way up to the bouncer, who let us in, while the other people groaned. The paps took crazy amounts of pictures, that would be on twitter within minutes.

We got inside, and went straight to the bar. I ordered a beer, while Liam order water -that kid I swear-, and Louis and Harry ordered shots. /Great, that's going to turn out perfect/ I thought sarcastically. I slowly drowned my first beer, then ordered more, and after that I kind of lost count.

I blame it on the irish in me.

As I stubbled out on the dance floor, a beautiful lassy made her way over to me, her eyes a clear blue color, her golden hair tied back into a bun.

"Fancy a dance?" She asked sweetly, and I couldn't say no, because that's the type of guy I am.

She turned around, and put her butt on my crotch area, and started shaking what her mamma gave her, which wasn't a lot, but I could feel my body getting arosed. After about four songs, and some more drinks, she was leading me back towards the rooms near the back of the club, smirking slightly.

"Let's go somewhere more private?" She asked, and I followed her, not really knowing what I was getting myself into.


I woke up in the morning, the sheets tightly around my body, with thin arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes, and turned slightly, to see a random girl from last night, who I couldn't rememeber the name of. My eyes widen in shock, that fact that I /cheated on Zayn/ and /hooked up with a girl I couldn't remember/. And just on cue, my head started pounding, and I slowly started to remember somethings.

I still couldn't remember the girls name, but I untangled my limbs from her, and went around picking up my clothes, getting dressed quickly, making sure I had my iPhone, and walked out of the bar. I waved at a bar tender, and made my way outside, putting my hand over my eyes, as the sun blinded me for a moment.

I called a cab, and gave them directions on how to get to my house, and they sped off. When we pulled up outside of my flat, I paid the guy my dues, and hauled ass up to the front door, opening it, not expecting anyone to be up, but to my surprise, Liam was standing in the kitchen looking rather crossed.

"Niall, how nice of you to finally get home." Liam said sarcasam dripping from his words.

I hung my head, and walked through the kitchen, passing a guilty Harry and Louis.

"We are all in deep shit. The media got picutes of Harry and Louis switching spit, and got you walking off with a random girl!" Liam said, his face turning red.

"Shit...Za-" I said, just as my phone started blarring his ring tone.


"How dare you Horan! I thought we had something, then you go shag a random whore!" He screamed into the voice, and I whinced, my head pounding even more.

"Zayn, let me explain-"

"There's nothign to explain Niall. I'm done." He says, and the line cuts out.

I take my phone away from my ear, my heart slowly cracking.

"I'm going to need to get on to the next flight to bradford, now."

A/N; Cheaters, cheaters, cheaters. Thanks for the almost 1k reads guys :) Leave comments below, I might not respond, but I read every single comment!

Oh and make sure to check out Diana, my new Liam Fan Fic! It will have a simialr plot line to this.

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