| Chapter Thirty-Two |

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❝Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary.❞ -Oscar Wilde


It wasn't another six months until Zayn and I were officially wed. That was wild, but we got through it, like we did everything. Our honeymoon was spectacular, and the sex...just perfect. He always knew what to say, and when to say it, and I think that's why I really feel for him. Or maybe it's because he gave me the time of day...

The pink lines all over my skin, slowly turned white and are slowly fading. I don't want our children to see that at a point of my life, I was ready to end it. I don't want them to see that it's okay for them to do it, to themselves. If I ever see a single mark on their body, I'm pulling them from school and taking away their social media. I never want my children to skip a meal, or purposely make themselves sick, to they can lose weight because some kid at school called them fat.

I never want my children to go through what I have went through in my life, and I will never stop looking out for them. I hope they get their cockiness from Zayn, but are still good hearted people.


Louis and Harry ended up adopting a little girl, named Darcy. She had long dark chestnut hair, with the biggest brown eyes I think I have ever seen. She's a little sassy thing, taking after Lou, but long and lanky like Harry. Davin and Aalyia love her to pieces, and they are always asking for her to come over.

She's about six months older then the twins, who are almost two. Crazy how time flies right? It seems just like yesterday that I was going to have kiddies. It just doesn't seem realistic to me. We've worked so hard to finally get where we are now, and it doesn't seem possible.


The band ended up slowly coming to a stop, we are still very close, and it's just nice. Everyone thought that we would have had a major fall out, but really, if we found sitter's for our kids, we could go back on tour and keep living our life; Our come back tour already being planned out.

It was hard to tell the fans that we were taking a break, but not to give up on us. We still do interviews time to time, and if fans ever run into us, we always stop and take pictures with them, it's just the right thing to do. They had given us so much time and money, so it's only right that we stop and give them a few minutes of our time.


"Daddy?" Davin called for me while Z and I cuddled up in bed.

"Yes champ?" I said groggily.

"I can't sleep.." He said, pulling gently on the covers.

Zayn sat up slightly, and pulled four year old Davin into bed, and in between us. He snuggled into my chest, as Zayn put his arm over us, and snuggled into us. I chuckled softly, and pecked Davin's forehead. A little while later, when Davin was sound asleep we heard light footsteps.

"Papa?" Little Aaliya whispered, nudging the door open a little bit.

"Yes baby girl?" Zayn murmured.

She ran over to the side of Zayn's bed, and jumped into his arms. She started crying, which brought me out of my sleep state.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked, worry floating in his words.

"I heard noises under my bed." She murmured, holding onto her blanket tightly.

"I'll take a look at it." I murmured, nudging a sleeping Davin off my chest.

I tip toed through the house, over to Aaliya's bedroom, when I heard it. It sounded like a soft scratching sound, as I got closer to the front door. I slowly opened the front door, to see a little gray tabby kitchen sitting there. I opened the door a little more, and picked up him up, him meowing a soft noise.

"Aww! Zayn, Come here!" I called out to him, petting the little kitten's head.

"A cat....?" He asked, slowly moving towards it.

"Yeah, c'mon it will be fun!" I protested, as little Aaylia came running out.

She walked up to me, and did grabby hands at the little kitchen. I bent down at her level, and let her pet the kitten.

"Lets name him Oreo." She said, giggling softly.

"But he doesn't look like an Oreo." Zayn murmured, and I shot him a look.

"His name is Oreo, let's get him some milk?" I offered, putting him down gently.

I walked into the kitchen, Zayn in toe. I looked over at the clock, and saw that it was three o'clock in the morning, and I groaned softly, but opened up the fridge and pulled out the carton of milk. I got a small dish from the cabinet and poured it half way up, and stuck it in the fridge.

"You are serious about this?" Zayn asked softly.

"Yes I am. The kids need to learn some responsibility." I replied with, getting the semi-warm milk and walking back out to the front door area.

I bent down and the bowl on the floor. Oreo ran over, and started lapping up the milk. I smile down at the little kid, before picking up Aaylia and walking her to her bedroom. I laid her down I her bed, and turned to Zayn.

"Can you put Davin his in bed? I'll be in a few minutes." I said, before he nodded and padded down to our bedroom to get our little man.

I laid down with Aaylia for a little bit, before her eyes slammed shut, and she fell into a deep sleep. I pecked her forehead, before tip toeing out, and walking down to my bedroom, where Zayn was waiting. I walked over to our bed, and straddled his hips. He let out a surprised moan when I ran my hand over his semi-hard on.

"You have to keep quiet babe." I murmured, pulling his boxers down.

His semi-hard on, was leaking pre-cum, as I sent a quick lick over the tip. I smirked to myself, as I looked up at him biting down on his bottom lip, trying to hold his moans in. I took him in all at once, bobbing my head up and down at a fast rate. His hips bucked forcing his member father down my throat, making me nearly gag. Tears filled my tear ducts, and I had to blink a few times, not wanting to show that I was having a hard time taking him.

His fingers wove themselves into my hair, tugging softly as he came. I swallowed it all, and smirked up at him. He pulled me up to him, and captured our lips as one.

I smiled softly, as I pulled away;

I hope our family stays together as one, and never falls apart.

A/N: It's over...it's over.

Thank you to all who have stayed with me through this journey, thank you for all the reads and votes and comments and everything else that you have done for me, It means so so so much to me c:





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