| Chapter Seventeen |

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Baby when they look up at the sky, we'll be shooting stars just passin' by.


I was caught off guard by that statement, but I played it off; like nothing had happened. I got a look from the boys around the table, and thank the lord the camera wasn't on any of their faces at this time. I'm shooting a glare at Nick, and he can tell he hit a sore spot. Zayn looked even more confused, and let it show. Nick started to ask Zayn about the amnesia.

"How did it feel to wake up and not know who you are?" Nick asked softly.

"It was quite weird to be honest, I could only remember from 2009. I couldn't tell you that we where in 2013, and in a boy band. When I woke up, Doctors and Nurses where around, and I asked them what the date was, and whe they told me I was like 'Whaaaat?' and then they caught on. I was later explained that I was in One Direction, and that I was in a terrible car wreck, then they brought Niall and Liam in and I had to 'meet' the boys again, and learn the songs again, and it sucked." Zayn said, earning a laugh from everyone on the last part.

The interview went on like that, Nick never brought up anything about the shrink and I was thankful about that.


Louis and I are not on the best of terms, we got in a huge fight, over something stupid. It was over Eleanor, and that Louis should maybe think about dropping her, since he is really unhappy with her. He flips out on me, telling me I shouldn't be worried about his relation between them, and I just got up and left, not wanting to deal with the bullshit anymore.

We haven't been on a good page since I had gotten out of the hospital, and it was really starting to bug me, but I didn't want Louis to know it. We where supposed to be HarryandLouis not Harry  and  LouisandEleanor. It shouldn't bother be as much, but some reason it did, and I didn't know why.

The interview went well, and as soon as we signed off, Liam pulled Niall out of the room to go talk about the whole shrink deal, which I would hear both sides of the story later, for being the peace maker. I flirted with Nick the whole interview, and I knew Louis was getting mad, and I would be blamed for it, later.

Paul was able to round us up into one group, and get us into the car, driving us away from the fans and back to our flat. We sat quietly, my phone lighting up from text's from Grimmy, making me smile softly.

From Grimmy (12:30)

Fancy going out tonight?

To Grimmy (12:31)

Hm.....where to?"

From Grimmy (12:32)

A bar, a Movie? Isn't there a new movie you want to go see?

To Grimmy (12:33)

Hm, surprise me Grimshaw.

From Grimmy (12:34)

So that's a yes?

To Grimmy (12:35)

It's a yes from meh ;)

I put my phone down, with a huge smile on my face, happy that I'm going to go out with an old friend tonight and caught up; Lou, out hair dresser, is becoming rather bored of me, I believe. So she'll be happy that I got a new friend. I look over at the rest of the boys, to see Louis rather pissed off, and I know it's because of what happened during the interview.

I roll my eyes, and look down at my phone which had just lighted up again.

From Grimmy (12:38)

See you at Eight love xxxxx

I smile, lock my phone, and lean back in my chair, smiling like a dork.

A/N; Fluff, I know but I got an update in right? OOOO Looks like Styles got himself a date- and a hot one too!

Any of you notice a pun I put in there?

Comment if you did, first one to find it gets a dedication!





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