| Chapter Twenty One |

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Don't wanna have to force you to smile, I'm here to help you notice the rainbow 'cause I know what's in you is out there.


Louis and I where slowly fading away, and it hurt.

Ever since we got in trouble for what happened last week, we just having been the same. He was sent off with Eleanor all the time, and I was sent off with Taylor swift in NYC.

Taylor and I where walking around a zoo with Lux when my phone started to ring. When I pulled out my iPhone, the caller ID said Eleanor. With a small frown etched into my face, I hit the answer button.

"Harry- Its Louis." Eleanor sobbed, and I felt my heart stop.

"El what's wrong?" I said, already thinking the worst.

"The car we where riding in flipped. He's- he's in surgery right now." Eleanor explained, snuffling.

"What about you El? Are you okay?" I asked, worring about the pair.

"Just a small cut on the head, and a broken arm. Harry is there anyway you can get over here now?" She asked, worry seeping into her words.

"I'm in New York with Taylor...I'll see what I can do. Is Johanna there?"

"Not yet, but she was called."

"She must have had the night shift, I'm going to make my way over to the closest airport." I say, and hang up.

I make my way back over to Taylor and Lux and scoop Lux up onto my hip.

"Taylor, I'm sorry we have to cut this short but Louis got hurt and Eleanor wants me there." I explain, and Taylor just shrugs.

"See you later Harry." She said sweetly, and I nod back, before turning and speed walking towards my car.

I get Lux into the back seat and we take off to the airport.


Lux was a very good girl on the plane and I promised to get her ice cream the next time we hang out. When we landed it was Ten pm, and Lux was asleep in the back seat.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot, found a spot and unbuckled Lux for her car seat. She stayed asleep as I moved towards the waiting room where I saw Lottie sitting. She looked up at me, and tears sprung into her eyes.

"He's still not out. Eleanor is in her room waiting for you," Her voice breaking, "So is mum."

The lady in the front pushed the button that let us into the back, Lottie led us down the hallway towards Eleanor's room. When we open the door, Johanna gets up and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm scared.." she whispers.

"You have the right to be." I answer softly.

It seems like hours before a doctor came in.

"I have bad news...."

A/N; cliff hanger ;) Christmas is in three days holy shit. I should have another update on Christmas, or the night before, so keep your eyes pealed c:

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