| Chapter Nine |

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I'm staring at the mess I made. As you turn, you take your heart and walk away.

~ Z a y n ' s  P O V~ ((PLOT TWIST))

I threw my phone across the room, not even whining at the sickening crack of my iPhone against my wall. I squatted down, and tugged slightly at my hair, my thoughts flying through my mind.

I was cheated on for a second time.

That was not okay in my book. It didn't hurt /that/ bad when I found Perrie with another man, but my Niall with a whore? No not okay. I felt sick to my stomach, having a strong feeling that Niall and the boys in toe would be showing up at my parents house within hours. I stood up, and walked over to where my phone was now seriously screw up. I picked it up, and flipped it in my hands, looking at the damage. It wasn't that bad, I could still see through my cracked screen, and type with out my fingers getting cut to pieces, but my phone was cracked. I sigh, angry. I walk out of my room, and down into the common room, where my parents are sitting and sipping tea.

"Mum, Dad, I have to go." I say, and it hurts when they frown slightly.

"We knew you would leave soon, but the boys need you. I love you Zaynie." My mum said, standing up, and hugging me tightly.

"I love you too mum." I say quietly, into her shoulder.

She pulls away slowly, and my father stands, and hugs me.

"Be a good boy, Zayn." He says, and I nod.

I turn and go back upstairs, passing my sister's room, but popping my head in.

"Come give me a hug you two." I say, forcing my voice to be light.

Safaa and Waliyha get up off the floor, and tackle me into a tight hug, both of them knowing that I was leave, once again.

"We'll miss you Zayn." They both say, and I felt my heart break.

"But I'll be home soon okay? We'll go out for ice cream, and maybe shopping?" I ask, and smile when they both nod. "Thank you both for understanding." I say, and get some more hugs, and kisses from them.

I grab my stuff, and walk out of the house, and call a cab. I wave back to my family one last time, before telling the man to take me to the airport.


I have to go back to London, I know that, but not back to the boys flat. I couldn't go back to Perrie's knowing she has a new boyfriend. The only place I knew that was home to me, was the flat with the boys, or back in Bradford. I sighed slightly, knowing the boys would be half way through the flight right now, and I bought a plane ticketed for London, hoping for the best.

I waited, not being seen, until my flight was called, which I hauled ass to. I boarded and sat in the front, in first class, with no one else sitting next to me. I pulled out ear buds, and tuned out the world.


I woke up, just before we landed. We landed shortly after, and I got my stuff, and help an older lady get her stuff down. She smiles softly, and pats my arm, as to say Thank you dear. I smiled back at her, and move off the plane, and I haul yet another taxi. I tell him my directions and off we go.


When I got back to the flat, no one is there, and I walk back to my room, hauling my stuff. I turn on the TV, which was a wrong idea.

"Horan, Payne, Tomlinson and Styles where all just seen in the London air port, just half an hour ago, missing Malik-"

I turn off the telly, just as the front door swings open, and I just can't seem to move fast enough, to get up off the couch, before they know I'm home.


 A/N; I told you it would get.....DRAMATIC! Thanks for the 1k reads guys, it makes my heart swell! Maybe 2k by my birthday? -11/30-

That would be wicked, thanks again!

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