| Chapter Eighteen |

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Don't waste your time on me; you're already the voice inside my head.


The conversation with Liam did not go as planned. After the interview, he dragged me into nearest closet, locking the door, and demanding an answer.

"Liam I needed help." I said, and he grabbed my arm, yanking my sleeve up to my elbow.

I looked away as he gasped, seeing the fresh red marks, and the fading pink and white lines. I looked at over at him, and saw tears pooling in his eyes. He took a deep breath, while running the pad of his thumb over the new ones.

"These must have been since Zayn had amnesia right? Or when you guys where fighting..." He said softly, and I nodded, not trusting my words.

He sighed softly, before pulling me into a hug, crying softly. I held onto his shirt, and just felt numb but hurt everywhere at the same time. He slowly pulled away and wiped his tears away, taking deep breaths before pulling me from the room and back to the other boys. We where lead towards the car and back to our flat where I could maybe get some sleep, and feel better.

We pulled into the drive way, and I quickly made my way out of the car, and up to the house running towards my bedroom wanting some peace and quiet. I race up the stairs, and lock myself in my bedroom, finding ear buds and plugging them into my phone, flopping on my bed, and pulling the covers up around me.

I selected a song with a slow beat, and something that would help me fall asleep. I picked the 5SOS cover of, I miss you cover, originally done by Blink 182. I listen as the soft /thumps/ and the guitar cords start, as sleep slowly pulls me under.

I woke up a few hours later, by someone pounding on my locked bedroom door; I pulled the ear buds out of my ears, and kicked my warm covers off, forcing myself out of bed and over to the door. I opened the door, and nearly got a fist in the face.

"Oi!" I screamed, pulling back quickly, giving myself head rush.

"I'm sorry Niall, I didn't know you opened the door." Zayn said, and moved inside my bedroom.

I looked down at what he was wearing; black tight boxers, and a huge t-shirts. He smiled softly at me, and motioned towards my bed, which I nodded to. He climbed into my bed, and held his arms open for me, which I gladly climbed into. I snuggled into his chest, and he pulled the covers up around us, kissing my temple gently.

"What are we Niall?" he asked softly.

"Whatever you want us to be." I replied back.

"So will you be my boyfriend?" He whispered softly in my ear, sending shrivers up and down my spine.

"Of course silly." I replied, and kissed his lips gently.

He kissed back with force, holding my hips so I sat in place. My fingers found his hair, as I kissed back with just as much force. He pulled away slowly, but I followed him, and he kissed me again. When we both where running out of air, we pulled away. He leaned his forehead on mine, our warm breaths mingling as one.


I must have forgotten how sweet Nick is. He took me to an old fashion drive in movie, seeing The Polar Express, since it was December 20th. We snuggled up, sitting on the roof of his car, wrapped up in blankets with Starbucks White Hot Chocolate in our hands. We where about half way through the movie, when Nick started to make a move on me.

He started leaning in, "Nick I can't do this."

"Why?" he questioned.

Because I'm in love with someone else.

"Harry, we can make this work-"

"He said no." Louis said, coming out of no where.

"It's him isn't it?" Nick asked, and I looked away.

"Nick don't do this-" I started, but Nick cut me off, by putting his lips on mine.

All of a sudden, his lips where ripped off of mine.

"You fucking dick! he said no!" Louis screamed, and I quickly got off the roof of the car, pulling Louis off of Nick.

Nick just smirked, "I'll get him Tomlinson, you can bet on it."

That just seemed to set Louis off even more; He started thrashing in my arms, and it took a lot to hold him back.

"Louis he isn't worth it." I whispered in his ear.

"But he fucking kissed you! that's my job!" Louis yelled, and I was afraid that paps would appear out of no where and capture this.

"Louis, calm the fuck down, or I'm never going to talk to you again." I hissed in his ear, and that got him to calm down.

I pulled him away from Nick's car, trying to get hims far away as possible from him.

"Take a left." he said, and I did as he said.

We walked left till I found my ranger rover sitting there. I eyed him and he just huffed, handing me my keys and getting into the passenger side, while I climbed into driver side, putting the key in the ignition and turned it towards the dash board, the engine roaring to life.

I quickly pulled out of the place, and sped towards our flat, while Louis grumbled about something.

"Speak up, I can't understand mumbling." I said, getting slightly mad.

"You're mine and only mine." Louis said, like I was a toy.

I snorted, "try again."

"But it's true." Louis said, I hit the breaks, thankful we where on a back road.

"No Louis, see here; I'm not yours. Last time I check, you where still going out with Eleanor, and you screamed at me the one time I bring up that maybe you should call it off. And you freakin' flip on me! so if anything I'm my own person." I rant, turning back to the road, and flooring the car.

We sat in dead silence, and I pulled into the flat driveway. I turned off the car, and got out of it, stalking up to the door.

"Harry, wait." Louis said, grabbing my wrist.

I turn towards him with my mouth opened, ready to say something to him, as he pushes me into the door, and attached our lips together.

A/N; I started writing on my computer and finished on my phone, so I'm sorry for how short it is, and how long it took me to update.

Chapter dedicated to; Yeahoran because she seems to love my writing, and was the only commenter on the last chapter.

Favorite comment gets dedication next chapter!





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