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Um. Hi. This is awkward to write, seeing that I haven't updated in at least solid year. I know a lot of people are waiting for an update (or they don't care), or they'll just not read this. But I'm putting this story up for "adoption". I've lost inspiration to write, and I honestly don't think I'll ever get it back. Thank you to people who still vote and comment on this fic; I genuinely appreciate it. But every time I see that someone's read/voted/commented on my fic, it breaks my heart knowing that it's just another person I'm disappointing. Because I've been there before, where I've really enjoyed a fic only to see it never getting an update. So that's why I'm trying to compromise. If any of you guys are willing to finish/revise this story DM me. I'm on here, I'm on Instagram @awesum_gurl, and I'm also on kik @awsum_gurl. I will happily give this story to you. Sorry it took so long for me to write this. Sorry for not updating, but I hope you'll understand.

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