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Chapter 7- Favors

Lucy's POV

I guess the yearbook staff members are sort of my friends, so I guess I should tell them about the favors. It's one free favor for each friend. You can ask me for one favor, and I can make it happen, no matter how impossible it seems. I'm loaded, so money isn't a problem. After you use that one free favor, you don't get another. The favor also can't have two parts, like,"I want to be rich and famous". It's one or the other, not both.

So at the cafe, I tell them about my policy of favors.

"What if we need more than one favor?" Erza asks.

"Good question. If you use that one free favor and need another, you're going to have to strip in front of the whole school without saying anything along the lines of 'Guys, this is something I have to do, so don't look at me!' Instead, you have to say,'Guys, if you can't already tell what my part time job is, it's being a stripper!' And you have to say it with a straight face. Isn't that right guys?" I say, looking at Juvia and Levy. They nod their heads up and down.

"Yep," Levy says, "The rules still haven't changed."

I smirk and say, "Anymore questions?" Everyone shakes their head. "Ok then, I have to go now! See you tomorrow!"

"Awwwww! Do you have to go?" Everyone says.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say, walking away. "And use your favor wisely!"

Erza's POV

Lucy is more interesting than she seems. I wonder what I'll use my favor for. Oh, well. I don't have decide right now. But whenever I think about Lucy and her favors, I think of using my favor to get Jellal.

Gray's POV

I think I already know what to use my favor for. I have a crush on Juvia, and I don't know how to tell her. I think Lucy can help me out.

Levy's POV

I don't want to use my favor just yet, but I think it'll be funny to see what other people ask for.

Gajeel's POV

I already know what I'm going to ask for. I've always wanted to date Shrimp, but there's only one thing I'm scared of, and that's being rejected. And since Lucy is Shrimp's friend, she's able to help me.

Lisanna's POV

I don't know what I'm going to ask Lucy for, but it'll be exciting to see what everyone eles is going to ask for!

-----Next day, in front of the school----

Lucy's POV

I still have to act like I can't talk, and as I walk up to the entrence, someone sticks their foot into my path. I act like I don't see it, and I trip over it. I brace for the impact of me hitting the ground. When I don't feel an impact, I open me eyes, and I'm in the arms of a pink haired guy.

There's only one guy I know with pink hair. And that's Natsu.

"Be more careful next time, Luce," Natsu says with a goofy grin.

I look around to see if anyone's noticed us, and everyone is staring at us. The girls are staring at me with a jealous/hating gaze, while the guys just look surprised.

I take a step back, hang my head so I'm looking at the ground, and I walk past him.

"Hey, wait up, Luce!"

That's when the whispers start.

"Are they dating or something?"

"No way! Mute Girl with a boyfriend?"

"Then why are they acting so friendly?"

I don't stay to hear the rest of it. All I want is a calm, well as calm as it can get, school year without people spreading rumors about me.

Normally, I'm one of the people who get picked on in the hall, nothing major, just enough to give me scratches and bruises. I'm never the girl people are spreading rumors about. Thank God for that.

I walk towards my locker, and I see 'LOSER' written on my locker with lipstick. Whatever. I open my locker and get the textbooks I need. I sigh. Do I really have to go to class? Nope. I don't have to. I decide not to, and with that, I find the door that says 'roof access'. I look around to make sure no one was looking. No one. I open the door and slip in. I see a short set of stairs; only six or seven stairs. I set my textbooks down, and grab my phone and put my headphones on. I start to sing one of my favorite songs, Burn by Ellie Goulding.

"When the lights turned it down, they don't know what they heard. Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world~" It feels good to sing while no one hears me. I walk to the edge of the roof and look down. It's a pretty view. The sun is rising, but not completely up, and it's not too hot or cold. I turn back around, and for the second time in two days, my jaw drops.

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