Gettting Ready

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Chapter 22- Getting Ready

Lucy's POV

As soon as Jellal leaves, Erza, Mira, and Levy pop out of the bushes.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best, Lucy!" Erza exclaims, throwing her arms around me.

"Yeah, no problem. Now, let's get you ready for your date."

"The boys are at a shop. We're meeting them there," Erza says.

"Why?" I ask. What good would it be to have the boys go along?

"Well, they were complaining their asses off, so we just told them to go," Mira explains.

"Ohhhh. I see now."

We start heading over to the shop, which turns out to be a coffee shop. It's a nice shop with couches and a few people.

The boys are waiting a table in the back. They wave us over, and we start heading towards them.

"How was it? Did you get the date?" Gray asks Erza.

"Y-yes," she stammers, blushing really hard.

"Well, congrats! But I still think it's weird how a monster like her can get a guy like him," Natsu says.

"Care to repeat that?" Erza says, her demon mode activated.

"N-no. I'm good," Natsu says, terrified.

"That's what I thought," Erza replies.

"Well, what are you gonna plan for us?" Erza asks me.

"I was thinking something like a walk in the park. I'll prepare a picnic thing. Sound good?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Sounds like a good first good date to me!" Mira squeals.

Erza sighs a happy sigh. "It feels so nice to go out with someone you've had a crush on for the longest time."

"Well, enough talking, time for shopping!" Mira exclaims.

Ugh. When it comes down to girly stuff like I hate it. Like shopping, painting nails, dressing up, just ugh.

But with that in mind, just because I don't like dressing up doesn't mean I have a bad taste in fashion. I have a great fashion sense.

"You said you'll help me, right?" Erza asks me.

"Yeah. I did say that."

"Come on now, let's go!" Mira exclaims as she drags me and Erza out of the store with Levy trailing behind. The boys just gaped at us.

First stop is the mall, according to Mira. Since we're looking for clothes to go walking in, we decide to get a crop top and jean shorts with sandals.

We went in store after store and I was so tired. But after seeing how Erza looked in her new clothes that I helped pick out, it was worth it.

It was simple but pretty. It was a camouflage crop top that brought out Erza's eyes. The jean shorts are short shorts, but they were matching with the crop top (what doesn't match with jeans/ jean shorts?), and the sandals were open-toed with gold designs.

"Make up time!" Mira exclaims. We hop into her car, and we get back to the hotel.

Mira leads the way back to her room. There, she pulls out a giant backpack stuffed with make up. She had what looked like thirty lipstick colors, tons of nail polish, and countless tubes of mascara and eyeliner. Mira grabs a lot of different eyeshadows, blush, and foundation.

After all that, she pulls out a million hair accessories. Ok, maybe not that many, but more than I had expected.

"Since Erza asked Lucy for help, I think she should do all the hair and make up stuff," Levy announces.

"Sure. No complains here," Mira says.

"We'll go in another person's room. Show us what she looks like with all the stuff on when you finish. Ok?" Levy says.

"What's going on?" Juvia and Evergreen ask, poking their heads into the room.

"We were trying to find you two before we left. Where were you guys?" Mira asks them.

"At the pool," Juvia replies.

"Well, Lucy asked out Jellal for Erza and he said yes. We went shopping and got a new outfit for Erza, and now, Lucy's gonna so her hair and make up." Wendy explains.

"Well, I hope everything goes great on the date!" Evergreen says, and smiles.

Everyone files out of the room except for me, Erza, and Wendy.

"Why don't you go with everyone else?" I ask Wendy.

"I want to stay by Nee-san. Is that ok?" she replies, looking up at me cutely.

"Yeah. Sure," I say and sit down to work on Erza's hair and make up.

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