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Chapter 24- Home

Lucy's POV

I wake with no air in my lungs. It's terrifying, really.

I gasp really loudly to try to regain my breath. "Get up, get up, get up!" someone shouts in my ear. Which puts me in an even worse mood. It's bad enough to be woken up with no air.

I open my eyes to see Wendy jumping up and down on me. Well, that explains why I had no air. Yeah, I like Wendy but in the mornings, I fucking hate her. But to be honest, I hate everyone in the morning.

"Get. Off," I mutter.

Wendy gives me a giant smile. "You're awake!"

"Yeah, who wouldn't wake up when someone is jumping on them? Now, get off so I can get changed and eat."

She pouts. "Fine. But hurry! Ok?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

I slip off my pajamas and put on some decent looking, matching pants and t-shirt. I grab a cookie from a pack of cookies that happened to magically appear.

"Hey Wendy, did you buy cookies?"

"No," I hear her reply.

"You sure? 'Cause there's a pack of cookies here."

"Yeah, I'm sure I didn't buy anything."

Now I'm getting really suspicious. I mean, how is there just a pack of cookies just sitting there? What if they were poisoned? Oh, god I just ate poisoned cookies. Well, at least now I know what poisoned cookies taste like.

"Just kidding I bought them earlier with Bisca nee-san."

"You little fucker. I thought I ate poisoned cookies!"

Wendy just giggles. Well, she is just a little girl, so I'll let her off the hook. For now.

"Well? Why'd you want me to get ready so quickly?"

"Oh yeah! Bisca nee-san said we should go back home today because school and stuff."

"And why did you want me to get up so early?"

"She said we would need to leave early, and she also said to give these to you," Wendy says, and holds out two tickets to none other than Japan.

"Did Bisca buy these?!" I ask, shocked. Plane tickets are expensive, not to mention that she also payed for the wedding and is going to pay for her honeymoon.

"Yeah. She said it was a gift for coming to the wedding."

"Did she tell you how much they cost?" I ask.

"No, why would she tell me?"

Shit. She knows I'm loaded, yet she gives me the tickets. Fine. I'll pay her back later.

"Well, are you packed up, Wendy?"

"Yup! I packed all your stuff to, Lucy nee-san."

"Good. Now, say good bye to Hawaii 'cause we're going home!"


Wendy's POV

Traveling always makes me tired. I always try to stay up so I can see all the clouds through the window, but I always fall asleep.

Another fact- when I'm tired, I'm tired and I won't get up until I naturally wake up. I just can't wake up when someone tries to.

Lucy's POV

"We will soon be landing in Japan. Please be ready to leave the airplane shortly," the stewardess/pilot/who ever says that shit says.

I shake Wendy to tell her that we've gotten home. "Wendy," I whisper. "Wendy, wake up. It's time to get up, we're home."

Wendy makes no indication of hearing me. Shit. Normally I would yell at her to get up, but since I don't want to disturb anyone, I just sigh. I'll figure it out when we land.

A couple minutes later, I hear the person who did the first announcement say something again.

"We have now landed in Japan. Be sure to check the overheads, so as not to leave any carry-ons behind. Thank you for flying with us, and we hope to see you again."

"Wendy!" I say more urgently. "Wendy, wake up!"

So it's going to have to come to this. I unbuckle her, then grab the bag we brought onto the plane. I pick up Wendy with one arm, and swing her into my back, piggy-back style.

Luckily we only brought one bag of stuff, so it wasn't too hard to carry Wendy and the bag.

I get off the plane and start walking towards the parking garage, where I had parked the car before we left.


After the long, hard journey to the baggage claim, I set Wendy down on a bench. I'm tired after walking across the airport carrying her. I keep her in my eyesight as I walk over to the carousel where the luggage was circling around. It was going to take a while since we had just arrived, and the workers had to unload it from another plane.

Five minutes have passed and I still don't see our luggage. I'm getting bored so I start texting a friend, and while I'm waiting for his reply, I look up.

I must have the world's best timing because right when I look up, one of our bags passes by. I immediately grab it and set it down next to me.

The other bag comes soon after. Now if Wendy's not awake, I have three bags and Wendy to carry. Which I probably won't be able to do. So I walk back over to where Wendy was sleeping. She needs to either wake up now, or I'm going to call someone to help me with all this stuff.

"Hey Blondie! Long time, no see!" someone yells out.

I turn my head to see who would be dumb enough to yell that out. Only to find one of my friends waving and running towards me.

"Hey Blondie! I can't believe it's you, you've changed so much!"

"Yeah, you too Flare, but you don't see me yelling at you from across the airport."

"Sorry. But still!"

"It's ok, but what are you doing at the airport?"

"To see you!"

"Bull shit."

"You're right, I'm lying. My cousin invited me, so I decided to take up on the offer."

"Which cousin?" I ask, curiously.

"I don't think you know her, but she's Erza."

What are the odds?! My friends know my classmates! The world must be really small.

"Yeah, I actually know her. She goes to the same school as me. But does she know about your... problem?"

Flare has a drinking problem. Well, not really problem, more like habit. She's almost like Cana.

"Nope. But it's all good."

"Oh. Well, do you need a ride? I can take you."

"Yeah. Could you do that?"

"Only if you help me with my stuff. I have a lot."

"Sure. I just need to get my bag real quick."

"You know where to find me," I say, and with that, Flare left.

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