Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you'll be okay Stiles?" His father asked him over the phone. Stiles was away at his family's vacation home in the woods. It was a relatively large log cabin, two bedrooms, a single bath, living room, and kitchen; it wasn't small. That was all his little family needed, and they loved it.

"I'll be fine, dad; I'll call if I need anything. I'll make sure I update you guys every couple of days. Okay?" Stiles laughed as he carried his last bag into the cabin. Making sure to lock his Jeep, he settled down on the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table — time to relax.

"You just let us know sweetie, don't work too hard okay?" His mother Claudia says, taking the phone from her husband.

"I won't, mom, please don't worry. I'm a big boy, now you know." Stiles grumbled over the phone. He hated when his mother babied him; he was almost twenty of God's sake; he could handle himself for a few weeks. "Scott was going to come by in a week or so to check on me and make sure I'm not overworking myself, please don't worry about me."

"Okay sweetie, be careful, okay? One of the neighbors up there said they saw a wolf the other day. Just keep the doors locked." His mother worried.

"I promise I will, mom. I'm going to get writing. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay sweetie, love you."

"I love you too, mom." Stiles smiled, ending the phone call with his parents. He groaned, throwing his head back against the couch. Finally, time alone, he could write in peace, maybe actually get some work done. Now that he doesn't have his mother standing over his shoulder constantly.

He felt his phone buzz in his hand half expecting it to be his mother again though finding it was a text message from his best friend.

From Scott:

Hey man, just checking to make sure you made it to the cabin. See you in a few days.

To Scott:

Yeah just got here. See you in a few.

Stiles grabbed his backpack from the ground pulling out his laptop and opening a fresh new document. All of his other ideas have seemed to crash and burn so maybe starting something new in a new place; he might come up with something and stick with up.

Stiles sat on the couch with the blank document in front of him for well over half an hour before groaning in frustration, sliding the computer from his lap to the space next to him on the couch. There was nothing, nothing at all floating around in his mind. His publicist was going to kill him if he didn't have something on her desk in the next month. She was already annoyed that he hadn't given her something, he was supposed to turn in a demo last week. He had nothing for her, they planned out this trip, "Get out of town and away from everything, take a breather. You'll be fine after that. You might come up with something while you're out there." She told him. Yeah well, that wasn't going so hot yet.

He had turned works in, but she never liked any of them, well not enough for her to believe that Stiles could turn them into the best selling novel that she knew he could write. She had faith in him, she did, but Stiles knew she was tired of waiting for him to find his style. She always tells him, "Write from your heart." And Stiles tired that, but it's almost like he doesn't have anything there, it all just comes out the same. A story that sounds like another author already wrote it. He needed something new, something fresh.

"Maybe a walk around the lake will do me some good." Stiles sighs, grabbing his phone and water bottle from the coffee table. He reaches into his backpack once again pulling out his camera and his headphones. Might as well take a few pictures while he's out there.

He made sure to lock the door behind him, shoving the keys into his pocket before following the small trail that leads to the lakefront. His family's cabin was in northern California along the Oregon-California border; he only had to drive a few miles north to be in the state of Oregon. They used to come here a lot when he was younger, but his mom was sick for a few years, and his dad was busy with work, so they stopped coming. Stiles smiled at a few of the nearby homes, some of them were just vacation houses like his own and others were people who lived here year round. It was one of the only places in California that got snow, and it was amazing when it did. Stiles smiled, knowing he was here at the right time for the snow to come, they were supposed to get a dusting of snow in the coming days and Stiles couldn't wait. Beacon Hills being in southern California they didn't get snow, so it was a nice change.

Stiles remembers when he first met his publicist, she picked him up after finding the short stories that he wrote online, she flew him up to Seattle, he loved it there all of the snow and the constantly changing weather. It was so different from Beacon Hills.

Now all Stiles needed was some inspiration and maybe he could get out of Beacon Hills.

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