Chapter 9

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"So what are we calling this new venture you're on?" Stiles publicist, Hanna asks him. It was the next day, Stiles had spent all yesterday writing his novel, and he was starting to have a hard time putting it down. His new wolf friend was like a tsunami of ideas that Stiles couldn't stop writing. He had written ten chapters yesterday sending them to Hanna late last night for her to read.

"Teen Wolf." Stiles grinned to himself, petting the wolfs head.

"Teen Wolf... I like it. I think this is your big break Stiles." He knew she was smiling just by the tone of her voice. "I told you this vacation away from Beacon Hills was going to be just what you needed. Let me know when you have more; I can't wait to read it."

"Thank you again, Hanna, it means a lot to me. I'll send you more soon, Scott is going to be here in a few hours so I'll take a small break for the day." Stiles was over the moon with joy.

"You have fun, Stiles." She ended the call before Stiles could reply.

"I've done it, bud! I'm going to be an author!" Stiles jumped around the living room with the wolf who happily jumped around with him. Stiles stopped the gears turning in his head once again. "What am I going to tell Scott?" Stiles was now panicking, how was he going to explain a wolf in the cabin?

"Do you think we can play you off as a stray I got from a pound?" The wolf cocked its head at Stiles in confusion. "I need to give you a name, what about Alpha?" Stiles asked, and the wolf gave a small growl in return.

"Okay, not Alpha. How does Omega sound?" Stiles asked the wolf whimpered, and he frowned. "You've gotta give me something here bud. Last try, Beta." He got a happy bark and tail wag with that one.

I would prefer you to call me by my name, but Beta is better than the other two.

"Finally you like something. I seriously don't think you're a wolf sometimes. You know when I look into your eyes, it's like someone is looking back at me, like a human. I think this new book is just making me a little paranoid." Stiles chuckled looking into the wolves eyes.

That's because there is you idiot.

Be kind to our mate, you idiot.

Shut up, Beta.

Not cool.

"Come on, let's fix us something to eat. We have to meet Scott in town in a couple of hours." Stiles grinned standing to his feet and making his way to the kitchen.

You know you'll have to turn back at some point. You can't just be a wolf-dog forever.

I know that. But, right now I think more than anything, it'll scare him.

It will scare him later on Derek.

Just give me time. He's writing a damn book about werewolves when there is one sitting right next to him; I don't think it's going to be smart.

Yeah, and he's getting a lot of it wrong. You could show him.

That would expose us.

"Beta? You okay?" Stiles asks from the kitchen, the wolf barks in response, bounding over to him; Stiles scratch in between his ears, smiling. "You're possibly the best things that happened to me lately. I don't know what I would do without you."

You're going to end up breaking our mate's heart, you know.

Maybe, it's not like when I turn back I won't be there anymore.

You'll still hurt him.

Let's worry about that later.

"Here you go Beta bacon and eggs. We'll pick up something different today in town. I have a feeling that you won't eat dog food, so we'll get you some hamburger or something." Stile set a plate down on the floor, and the wolf happily dug in.

Derek turning back into a human was going to be hard, not just on Stiles, but on him as well. He's been in this shape for a very long time; he's almost forgotten how to be human. 

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