Chapter 10

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"Come on, boy, we gotta get to town," Stiles said walking out of the cabin door with Derek hot on his heels. Stiles opened the passenger door of his Jeep, letting his wolf jump in before closing it and running around to the other side and starting the jeep.

"I know you're going to hate this, but we have to get you a collar and leash, it's just for around town and when you go outside of the cabin. I don't want someone freaking out." Stiles said to his wolf as he drove down the road. Derek gave a defeated huff to Stiles' words. Maybe he should change back now and save himself the humiliation of having to wear a collar. His skin crawled at the thought. He couldn't turn back yet, not yet.

"We'll go to the pet store and then head to the grocery store, Scott will be meeting us there." Derek wasn't sure what to think about Scott, he was Stiles best friend, he didn't care about that. It was really about what was Scott going to say when Stiles introduced the wolf to him. "Don't worry bud, he already knows. I told him earlier when he called. He's excited to meet you." Derek could only imagine how this was going to end, not well.


It was a short drive into a small town called Hood Cascade, a weird name for a city that was nowhere near a cascade range, Stiles never looked into it. He pulled into a small pet store hoping out of the Jeep with Derek following behind him. "Alright, Beta stay by my side, okay? We'll get you a nameplate and everything. Just show me what you want." Stiles said holding the door opened the wolf quickly walked past him waiting for Stiles to follow. They aimlessly walked the store while Derek examined the shelves and Stiles holding things out to him to see if he was interested in them. He stuck his nose up at the toys that Stiles tried to give him.

"You're no fun." Stiles pouted walking to the collar and leash section. Stiles looked through the many collars before finding a deep red leather collar and leash that he seemed to like. Derek looked at them when Stiles held them out, giving the nod and short snort as an answer. He liked them, classy but not flashy. Stiles made his way to the counter where they put nameplates on collars and gave his information for them to engrave it.

"While they work on that, would you please pick out some toy so you can blend in like a normal dog?" Stiles whispered, scratching behind Derek's ears. He gave an annoyed sounding growl before making his way to the toy section they had just been. Derek sniffed at the Chuck-It toys if he was going to play with something he might as well get something that made Stiles play with him, plus with how Stiles feeds him, he's going to need the exercise.

"So you want to play fetch. Alright, anything else?" Stiles sighed, grabbing the toy from the shelf. Derek sniffed around a little more, finding a stuffed wolf that looked a little like him; it even had blue eyes. He grinned to himself, pulling the toy from the shelf. "You're so full of yourself." Stiles chuckled taking the toy from Derek. What can he say? It's cute.

"Here you go, sir. All set for you. Will this be everything?" The girl at the counter asked, looking at Derek while she spoke to Stiles, she gave off a weird vibe that Derek wasn't sure about.

"Nope that's everything." Stiles grinned looking down at his wolf.

"What kind of dog his he?" The girl asked while ringing Stiles up.

"He's half King Shepard and half Wolf, the mom, was a wolf dad was a King Shepard. I was told that his dad had a little wolf in him too," Stiles rubbed the top of Derek's head, giving a small scratch as his ears again. He knew how much the wolf liked it already. Derek was shocked at Stiles description of him, or his bloodline, it was accurate. His mother was an Alpha, and his father was a human born from a wolf couple. When they met his father begged his mother for the bite so they could have a closer bond. History was made that night.

"Oh, wow, that's cool. Well, have a good day. I'm Kira if you ever need anything again." The girl smiled, handing Stiles a small bag.

"Thank you, Kira. I'm sure we'll be in again." Stiles opened the shop door, letting Derek walk out first before following behind. "Let's put your collar on bud; it's just while we're in town." Derek huffed sitting down on the sidewalk while Stiles pulled the tags off of the collar.


Stiles Stilinski

Derek caught a glance at the plate on the leather collar seeing the name that Stiles gave him as well as Stiles and his phone number. It wasn't the worst thing to ever happen to him, Derek could be getting chased by hunters right now with arrows and bullets flying from every direction. "Alright Beta, all set. Let's walk over to the grocery store. I know they let animals in I used to see them there all of the time." Stiles said, breaking Derek from his thoughts. Stiles clipped the leash onto Derek's collar, and they walked down the sidewalk. Derek was on high alert; something felt off after the girl in the pet store; everything felt well, supernatural. Maybe just now was he starting to realize how many supernatural beings were in this small town.

Derek sniffed at the ground as they walked, trying to figure out what all was in this town. Many wolves all of the same pack seeing as they smell alike. There was a few Kitsunes, a coyote or two, but it was all wolves. Derek now worried about running into one and them coming after him for being on their land. It wasn't like he hadn't run into packs before on his journey, but never when he was posing as a pet. Not that he had ever hidden as a pet previously, but this might throw a pack into a fit if he wasn't careful.

"Come on, boy, this way," Stiles said, pulling on the leash. Derek hadn't realized that he was pulling against Stiles trying to follow a scent that smelt familiar to him. It was faint, but he knew the smell.

"Stiles!" Derek's head snapped up at the shout of his mates' name, making sure that he was okay. He noticed a boy who stood around Stiles hight just taller with dark brown hair, a crooked jaw, a double lined tattoo around his left arm, this much be Stiles friend Scott.

"Scotty!" Stiles grinned hugging his best friend. Derek could feel how the two felt about each other; they gave off a very brotherly love vibe; they cared very much for each other.

"Is this him?" Scott asked, crouching down in front of Derek. There was something about this boy now that Derek was looking into his eyes, something different.

"This is Beta." Stiles smiled, petting the top of Derek's head.

"He looks more like an Alpha to me." Scott chuckled, reaching out to pet Derek's head. As his hand neared, he caught the familiar scent that he had before. Sniffing at Scott's hand, he realized who's scent it was, Deaton. They knew Deaton. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers Stiles saying something about Scott working with a man named Deaton; he didn't know about it being his Deaton. He had to go back to Beacon Hills with Stiles now, even if it meant staying as a wolf for longer.

"He didn't like that one. I've got to do some shopping come on." Stiles said, dragging Derek and Scott behind him into a store. Derek sniffed around as he followed Stiles through the store as he threw items into the cart. They walked down the candy aisle, and Derek's mouth watered a little, it had been so long since he had candy, he forgot how much he missed sugar at times.

"Don't get too much candy Sti, your mom will kill you," Scott said, throwing a couple of bags of candy into the cart himself.

"My mom isn't here now, is she?" Stiles grinned as they made it to the end of the aisle. Scott laughed, shaking his head at his best friend.

"So what have you been feeding, Beta?" Scott asked, looking down at the wolf. Derek was still trying to piece everything together.

"He's been eating meals with me, I just make double, I do know what wolves can eat Scott," Stiles said as they made it to the meat department. They both grabbed packages of meat reading them and bickering between each other, which would be best to feed to the wolf and which wouldn't.

At least they care to feed me something good.

Derek chuckled to himself as the two finally found some meat items that they could agree on filling most of the cart with them. They were finally done and walking to the check out when Derek caught a scent that worried him. It was familiar, but he hadn't smelt it in years. It must be a coincidence, right?

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