Chapter 16

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"Mrs. Stilinski?" Scott asked, walking into the household one day. He knew Stiles wasn't home; he was at the station with his father to take your kid to work day. Not that Stiles wasn't there almost every day as it was.

"Scott? Stiles isn't home." She said coming out of the kitchen, drying her hands with a towel. She must have been doing the dishes, Scott could smell the cookies she had just made.

"I know. I'm here to talk to you." Scott said, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the counter.

"What about dear? Is everything alright with your mother? Your father hasn't come back again, right?" There she goes being Scott's second mom. He loved her for that, too; she was always there when Scott's mom had to work doubles at the hospital. He lived in the Stilinski household more than his own sometimes.

"No, everything is okay." Scott weakly smiled. "I wanted to talk about Stiles. I, uh, finally saw it a few days ago and we never finished our conversation that day." Her smile faded a little but came right back when she joined him with a plate of Gingersnaps, one of Scott's favorites.

"What do you want to know exactly? How has your job with Deaton been going by the way?" Deaton, that was another topic that he needed to speak with her about.

"He's part of the reason why I came. Along with Laura Hale." Mrs. Stilinski took in a sharp breath, holding her coffee mug a little tighter.

"So you know then." She wasn't made, Scott knew that she was just shocked.

"I know enough about them at this point. Deaton meant to tell me something important for the last couple of months; Laura pushed that into perspective faster." Scott sighed, looking at the cookie in his hand. "I didn't realize how many of our friends were like them as well," Scott remembers what Laura told him, how her mother had been helping some of his friends who were having trouble at home or in life.

"Talia liked to help the helpless; she's always been that way. Always wanting to make the world a better place." Mrs. Stilinski smiled; she remembered when she first met Talia, a girl who was always brave and never let anyone push another around. Mrs. Stilinski envied that about her sometimes.

"That's what Laura said. But Stiles, I wanted the answer from you before I asked Mrs. Hale or Deaton about it." Scott looked at his second mother with a smile. It was the time that he knew what exactly happened to his best friend, to his brother.

"I went to Laura's mother Talia a couple of years after the attack, once the shape of it changed. I knew that I should have gone to her when it first happened, as it was her jurisdiction." She paused for a second, looking to the door. She knew it would be hours until her husband and son would be home, but she's never even told Stiles the truth, what would he think of her telling his best friend before her son? "Talia took one look at Stiles birthmark and knew what happened."

"What do you mean?" Scott was even more confused than he already was.

"On Laura's left shoulder, she has a tattoo, have you ever seen it?" Scott thinks about it, that night at the clinic, he remembers seeing it, it looked like Stiles birthmark. Scott nodded slowly trying to figure out where this was going. "That tattoo, the Triskelion, is the Hale Pack symbol. They use it as a warning, as a way to mark their territory, they use it for just about anything. Everyone in the pack has that tattoo somewhere on their body."

"Are you saying that a Hale attacked Stiles?" Scott gasped. All of the Hale's he knew, where all kind and wouldn't dream of hurting anyone. Well, unless their pack is being threatened, Scott's only seen that once.

"Yes. Talia told me a story when I saw her, around the time that Stiles was attacked, she had a family member go rouge. They were trying their hardest to hunt him down; he ran state to state, avoiding them for almost a year. His family mark was on his hand, that's why when he attacked Stiles and left his print there, it became what it is today." Mrs. Stilinski hung her head for a second, looking away from Scott. This story was so much harder to tell; then it was to keep to herself.

"How does that work? Most, werewolves, well the ones that Deaton and Laura have told me about, don't have powers like that." Scott's head and heart were racing.

"Talia also explained that. From the second she saw Stiles, even before he got his birthmark, she knew he was special to her family. Call it mother's intuition. That wolf, he went after Stiles, because he was important to the family he left behind. When he stepped on Stiles back, it was like he marked out Stiles destiny. Stiles is well; he's meant to be a part of the Hale pack."

"This all makes no sense." Scott groaned. This was all so backward from everything that he was learning.

"Let me give you a little more detail. Stiles love of wolves most likely comes from the want to be close to the Hale's. He needs the feeling of a pack; he wants the love and safety. That's why those wolves at the sanctuary loved him and wouldn't have even thought about hurting him. Because even though they weren't werewolves, they knew that he belonged to someone."

"What do you mean belonged to someone?"

"The reason why Stiles is so important to Talia's family is that he's the mate of one of her children. An Alpha can tell just by looking at someone; she doesn't know which one of her children, but she knows that one day they'll end up together."

"I feel like I read something like that in one of Deaton's books. Alpha's know everything that happens with a pack before it even happens with most things like mates. I still don't understand why Stiles birthmark did what it did." Scott was running through solutions in his head; it was almost impossible to think of one that sounded remotely, not insane.

"Well, that was a little harder, we went to Deaton for that answer. He had me remember how the attack when, what exactly the wolf did. When I thought about it, I remember the wolf grabbing Stiles from the blanket that he was napping on; I remember only being a couple of feet away and watching as a wild animal grabs my baby. What the wolf did surprise me, he shook Stiles a little leaving a few gashes in him before dropping the screaming child to the ground and started jumping on it. There were scratches and muddy paw prints everywhere on Stiles body." Her eyes watered, remembering those horrifying moments.

"Deaton explained that though the wolves paws hit Stiles in many places, the print ended up on his back because it would be in the same location as his mates."

"Doesn't-" Scott was cut off by Mrs. Stilinski jumping to her feet.

"They're home. Don't say anything to Stiles. He needs to find out on his own." She smiled at Scott, giving him a big smile as the front door opened.

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