Chapter 7

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I have to hide; they'll find me if I don't. I don't know how long I can stay like this if I'm bleeding. I'm not healing. There's no way a few 13-year-old kids would have wolfsbane bullets right? Anything is possible anymore, I've been running for, I don't know how long anymore, there is snow on the ground and it's getting colder, I want to say I've been running for a good four months now.

I'll hide on this porch for a couple of hours and build my strength up. I have to make it to Beacon Hills; I need to see Deaton if he's still alive. He's the only person left who I can trust. I can last until then. I have too.

Someone is moving inside of the cabin, shit. Please don't come out here, please don't come out here. Come on, Derek, run, you have enough in you to get out of here before they walk through the door and come this way. Too late, they've stepped out here. Do not attack, do not attack until they attack first.


Okay Derek, maybe he won't say anything. He might leave you alone.

"I don't want to hurt you. I know that other people do, so please, let me help you."

Does he? The bleeding is getting worse, he can see it, Derek, you have to let him help you. You don't have a choice anymore. He's moving out of your way, you can run now, or you can trust him to help you.

I know I can run, but I don't want too. He's different.

How different?

I don't know yet, dammit.

Well, follow him and find out.

Okay, calm down.

"Okay big guy, do you trust me enough to get on the island and let me look at your leg?"

Get on the island you idiot, now.

This is going to hurt. I can't do it; I can't use my leg. He's helping me. Fuck, it's starting to hurt more, kid please get this bullet out of my leg.

"Now I'm not much of a vet, that's my best friend Scott, but I'll give it my best shot okay? Shit. Okay, let's see, I'm going to have to try and dig the bullet out of your leg. I need you to stay still and please don't bite me."

Trust me; I'm trying not too. Oh, don't do that, that makes the pain worse. I know you said you aren't a vet, but please be a little easier. Oh, fuck! Yep there it is.

"Okay, I'm going to pull it out now. After that, I'll sew you up, and you can leave if you want."

I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to walk after this. Oh, that's much better, stupid kids. Who lets a kid have a gun at this time of night? Who lets their kids out at this time of night? My mother would have killed me! Okay, that stings.

"You can stay here as long as you need. My best friend is coming in two days; he wouldn't hurt you. Don't let any of the neighbors see you; they'll probably freak out. I'll leave a blanket on the floor in the living room for you to sleep. I'm going to close the door, just so the neighbors don't freak out and think someone broke in. I'll be upstairs if you need to leave."

We need to leave Derek.

Shut up. We aren't leaving.; there is something about him, and I have to know what it is.

Well, figure it out fast because we need to get moving.

This feeling, what is this feeling?

Do you mean our heart racing?

No, the feeling when I get looking at him.

I swear we did not, I repeat, we did not, imprint on this kid.

You're the wolf. You tell me.

I- Okay, fine. We can stay, but we have to see Deaton soon.

So we did?

Yes, dammit, Derek! We finally found our mate! Now figure your shit out. Wait, where are we going?

To keep him safe.

In his bed?

Yes, in his bed. I'm sick of sleeping on the ground; it's time to sleep like a king again.

I wish you would turn back, so I didn't have to listen to your shit anymore.

Not until I know for sure we can trust him.

You've got to be kidding me — someone help.


Stiles had just fallen back to sleep after his strange morning when the bed moved next to him. He froze, holding his breath as a large body curled up at the foot of the bed. Slowly Stiles turned and sat up in the bed finding the wolf now sleeping the bed. "You are not a normal wolf." Stiles sighed, shaking his head; he was too tired to care at the second. Turning back over, Stiles pulled the blankets as far over his head as possible ready to fall back to sleep.

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